Page images

Sycomore wood, the durable-
ness of it, ii. 212. 315
Syria, the inhabitants of, ii. 161
Symbolical learning, viz. the
symbols of Osiris, ii. 167.
of Isis, &c. ii. 169. what
branches of learning record-
ed in it, ii. 166

Syrtis, lesser, the limits and the
nature of it, i. 210


TAABNAH, i. 111
Taanach, ii. 34
Tabor, mount, ib.
Tabraca, or Thabraca, Ta.
barca, i. 30. 151. taken from
the Genoese, i. 112

Tacape, the Tritonis, i. 213.


Tacapitanæ aquæ, i. 239
Tacatua, i. 107

Tefessad, the Tipasa, i. 64
Tegæa, now Jimmel, i. 220
Tegewse, i. 234
Telepte, i. 230
Tell, or land proper for tillage,
i. 30. 245

Temendfuse, the Rusgunise
col. i. 87

Tempest, sacrifice offered to it
by Mahometans and the an,
cients, ii. 133
Tent, the pillar of it, i. 398
Terrace, how made, i. 372
Tesseilah, mountains and city,

the Astacilis, i. 70
Tezzoute, the Lambese, i. 121
Thabba, now Ebba, i. 235
Thebe, Thebestis, now Tif-
fesh, i. 136
Thaibanne, serpent, perhaps
Lucan's Thebanus ophites,
i. 326

Tackumbreet, vid. Siga, i. 46
Tadutti, i. 121

[blocks in formation]

Tafarowy, mountains, i. 70

Thaleb, or Thulby, scribes, i.

Tafna, river, i. 45


Tagadempt, Tergdent, Tige-
dent, Tignident, &c. i. 73
Taggah, the ruins of, i. 119
Tagou-zainah, the Diana, i. Thena or Thenæ, i. 212

Thaler, or dollar, i. 100. 453
Thambes Mons, i. 114

Thapsus, now Demas, i. 206

[blocks in formation]

Theneate el Gannim, i. 97
Thermæ, spaws, &c. i. 273
Thermometer, how affected
with heat and cold in Bar-
bary, i. 245
Thubuna, i. 121

Thulby, who they are, i. 96.
note. 365. note *
Thunudronum, now the Hy-
drah, i. 223
Thyte el Botum, i. 97
Tiah beni Israel, what, ii. 95
Tiara, like the modern caps of
the Arabs, i. 407

Tibeebs, or physicians, i.356
Tichasa, now Te-gewse, i. 234

Tiffesh, the Theveste, i. 136
Tigaua, or Tuckerah, i. 57
Timice, with little reason, ge-
nerally taken for Tlem-san,
i. 69

Tineh, the Pelusium, what it
denotes, i. 63. note.

Tipsa, or Tibessa, the Tipasa
or Tefessad, i. 87.137.
Tisdra, now Jemme, i. 220
Tisurus, now Tozer, i. 235

of our Saviour's transactions,
notwithstanding the great al-
terations in the very situation
of Jerusalem, ii. 38
Tragelaphus of the ancients,
what, i. 212
Trara, the mountains, i. 45
Travelling, the method of it,
Pref. in the Tingitana, i. 44
Tremesen, vid. Tlemsan.
Tres Insulæ, i. 41

Titterie, what it signifies, i. 92 Tretum Promont. i. 101

Dosh, i. 97
Gewle, i. 57.

Tlemsan, Tremesan, or Telem-
san, or western provinces, i.
34.44. the city, i. 66. the
Lanigara, i. 69. what it de-
notes, ib. note.

Tniss or Tennis, the significa-
tion of it, i. 57
Tobacco, the culture of it at
Latikea, ii. 139
To-bulba, i. 216
Toga, the same with the Ara-
bian hykes, and Scotch
plaids, i. 405

Tor, port, its distance from Sin,
ii. 119. abounds with ma-
rine plants, ii. 331. and many
other advantages from na-
ture, ii. 337

Tortoises in the river Eleuthe
rus, ii. 26. in the Kishon,
ii. 27

Tortosa, or Deir-douse, the An-
taradus, ii. 17
Toujah, Kabyles, i. 102
Towers, some shaken with
sounds, i. 140
Tozer, the Tisurus, i. 235
Trade, i. 403. the Western
Moors trade with a people
they never see, i. 430
Tradition is supposed to have
truly preserved the locality

Tribe of Issachar, Benjamin,
Judah, &c. how situated,
ii. 34, 35

Tribute, collected by the seve-
ral viceroys of the kingdoms
of Algiers, i. 100

Trieris, ii. 30
Tripoly, half a league from the
old Tripolis, ii. 29
Triton, river, і. 215, 237
Tritum Promont. i. 106
Trojan mountains, ii. 197
Truzza, mountain, i. 219
Tubna, the Thubuna, i. 121
Tuburbo, the Tuburbum minus,
i. 185

Tubornoke, the Oppidum Tu-
burnicense, i. 190, 191
Tubersoke, the Thibursicum-
bure, i. 186
Tuckereah, the ancient Tiga-
va, i. 57

Tuc-caber, the Tuccabori, i


Tuckush, village, i. 107.110.


Tuggurt, the capital of Wa-
dreag, i. 141
Tulensii, i. 83
Tumar of Procopius, i. 125
Tunis, of the kingdom in ge-
neral, i. 147. its limits and
extent, ib. not divided into
provinces like Algiers, i.



148. extent of the city, i. Warran, or Oran, i. 49

[blocks in formation]

Tusca, i. 112

Twunt, i. 44

Warral, or Quaral, i. 325. ii.

309. affected with music, ii.


Wash, what it denotes, i. 310

Water, how raised in Egypt,

ii. 267

ii. 134

Tyre, its ports, &c. ii. 30. why Water-spouts, how occasioned,

called Sur, ii. 31

Tzin, vid. Desert.

[blocks in formation]

Weather, an account of it in
Barbary, i. 245. in Syria,
ii. 127. in Arabia, ii. 319.
at Alexandria, ii. 389

Weaving, how performed in
Barbary, i. 403
Wed Adjedee, the Gir, i. 139
el Abeyde, i. 174
el Casab, or river of
Canes, i. 48

el Fuddah, or river of

Plate, i. 74

el Ham, i. 96

el Kasaab, i. 48

el Kibeer, the Ampsaga,
i. 105

el Mailah, or Flumen Sal-

sum, i.

el Shai-er, i. 98

el Thainee, i. 212

Welled, the meaning of it, Pref.

Abdenore, i. 119
Aly, i. 70
Attiyah, an inhospita-
ble clan, i. 105
Booguff, i. 241
Booker, i. 73
Eisah, i. 91
Halfa, i. 70
In-anne, i. 91
Matthie, i. 241
Omran, ib.
Seide, i. 240
Seedy Boogannim, ib.
Seedy Braham Aslem-
my, i. 97
Seedy Eesa, i. 96


Welled Seedy Hadjeras, i. 96

Spaihee, i. 73
Uxeire, i. 74

Yagoubee, i. 241
You-noose, i. 57

Zeire, i. 69

Wheat, when ripe in the Holy
Land, ii. 137. when in E-
gypt, ii. 264
Wilderness, what meant by it
in Scripture, i. 43. not.

of Sin, ii. 105, 338
Winds, which the most fre-
quent in Barbary, i. 248.
which bring rain, ib. ii. 127.
Etesian, or northern, not
the cause of the Nile's in-
undation, ii. 215

Wine, drunk to a great excess
by the Turks and Moors of
Tunis, i. 172. at Algiers
once excellent, i. 267

Wives, little regard paid to
them in Barbary, i. 432. do
all the drudgery of the fa-
mily, ib.

Worm, the eggs of the silk
worm how preserved, ii. 138
Woodcock, called by the
Moors the ass of the part-
ridges, i. 336

Women of Barbary always
veiled, i. 411. their head-
dress, ib. their eye-lids tin-
ged with lead ore, i. 412.
great beauties, i. 434. past
child-bearing at thirty, ib.
how they welcome the arri-
val of their guests, i. 435.
how punished, i. 457

Wood-riff, i. 213
Woojee-da, or Guagida, i. 43
Wool hasa, the Arabs, or Afri.
cans, i. 46
Woorgah, Arabs, i. 241
Wrestling among the Turks,

the same as in the Olympic
games, i. 391. note.

Wurglah, the inhabitants of, i.
38. part of the ancient Me-
lanogætuli, i. 142


YAM Suph, or Weedy Sea, ii.


Yarourou, i. 332
Visser, river, the Serbetis, i. 88


ZAAB, the Zebe, i. 38. 113.
the extent and situation of
it, i. 139. its villages, i.
139, 142

Zaccone, oil of it, i. 147. note.
Zaggos, the mountains and salt
pits, i. 97
Zainah, the ruins of, i. 119
Zaine, river, the ancient Tus-
ca, i. 29. 112. 150. its sig-
nification, i. 112. the same
as the Barbar, i, 29
Zakoukit, what, i. 120. note.
Zalacus, Mons, i. 74
Zammorah, the town of, i.


Zeamah, river, i. 111
Zeckar mountain, i. 97
Zeidoure, the plains of, i. 69.

whence derived, ib.
Zenati, Arabs and river, i. 135
Zermoumeah, i. 325
Zeta, now Menzil, i. 220
Zeugitana regio, now the sum-

mer circuit, i. 150. 191

Zhoora, river, i. 105
Zibeeb, promont. i. 152, 156
Ziganeah, Arabs and moun-
tains, i. 129
Zin, the desert of, ii. 111
Zoan, land of, the same with
the land of Egypt, ii. 87.
lay at a distance from the


road which Jacob took into
Egypt, ii. 88

Zour el Hamam, or pigeon's
island, i. 57

Zowan, Zow-aan, Zoow-wan,
or Zag-wan, the town, moun-
tain, and village, i. 168.190
Zowamoore, or Zimbra, the
Ægimurus, i. 156

Zucchabari, i. 76
Zung-gar, ruins and fountain,
i. 168

Zureike, serpent, or jaculus, i.


Zwowah, or Moorish soldiers,
i. 448
Zwowiah, who, i. 96. 123
Zygantes, i. 192.


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