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By Avoirdupois Weight is weighed all manner of things that have waste; as all Physical Drugs and Grocery, Resin, Wax, Pitch, Tar, Tallow, Soap, Hemp, Flax, Hay, Wool, &c.; all base Metals and Minerals, as Iron, Steel, Lead, Tin, Copper, Alum, Copperas, &c. Also Bread, Butter, Cheese, Salt, Butchers' Meat, &c.

The Denominations in some of which are as follow, viz.

8 Pounds

14 Pounds

19 Hundreds

7 Pounds


Stone of Butchers' Meat.

make one Stone of Horseman's Weight.
Fother of Lead.

2 Cloves make one 2 Stones


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56 Pounds of Old Hay,


Peck Loaf


60 Pounds of New ditto

Half ditto

36 Trusses

make 1 Load. Quartern ditto

weighed by

Note. There are some Sorts of Silk which are

a great Pound of 24 oz.


8110 4584

(9) In 1 Ton, or 20 Cut. how many Quarters, Pounds,

Ounces, and Drams?

(10) Reduce 573440 drs. to Hundreds, &c.

(11) Reduce 27 lb. 12 oz. 11 drs. to Drams.

(12) How many Pounds in 7115 drs. ?

(13) In 12 Tons, 10 Cwt. 14 lb. 11 oz. 15 drs. how many drs. ?

(14) How many Tons are there in 7171775 drs. ?

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Scotch and Irish linens are bought and sold by the Yard;

but Dutch linens are bought by the Ell Flemish, and sold by the Ell English.


(15) In a Piece of Cloth containing 24 Yards, how many

Quarters and Nails?

(16) Reduce 384 Nails to Yards.

(17) How many Nails are there in 72 Ells Eng. 4 qrs. 2 na.?

(18) Reduce 1458 Nails to Ells English.

(19) In 121 Ells Flemish how many Nails?

(20) Reduce 1452 Nails to Ells Flemish.

(21) How many Nails in 42 Ells Fr. 5 qrs.?

(22) Reduce 1028 Nails to Ells French.

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360 Degrees are the circumference of the Globe.

5 Feet are a Geometrical Pace.

164 Feet are a Pole.

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By this Measure, distances of places, or any thing else that

has Length only, are measured.


(23) In 176 m. 30 p. how many Poles?

(24) Reduce 56350 Poles to Miles.

(25) How many Yards, Feet, and Inches, are there in 200


(26) In 12672000 Inches, how many Miles?

(27) Reduce 12 Leag. 1 M. 6 Fur. 29 P. 4 Yds. to Barley


(28) In 7193178 b. c. how many Leagues, &c.?

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The best way of measuring Land is by a Chain of 4 Poles, or 66 Feet in length, which is divided into 100 equal parts, called Links.

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(29) In 42 Acres, how many Roods and Poles?

(30) Reduce 6720 Poles to Acres.

(31) In 12 A. 3 R. 29 P. how many Poles?

(32) How many Acres in 2069 Perches?

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Note. A Tun of Wine is 18 Cwt. Avoirdupois.

A Gallon is 231 solid Inches.

By Wine Measure, all Spirits, Mead, Perry, Cider, Vinegar, Oil, and Honey, &c. are measured; as also Milk, not by law, but custom only.


(33) In 4 Ankers of Brandy, how many Gallons and Quarts? (34) In 160 Quarts, how many Ankers?

(35) Reduce 4 Hhds. of Wine to Gallons and Pints.

(36) How many Hogsheads of Wine are there in 2016 Pints?

(37) Reduce 42 Tierces and 24 Gallons to Pints.

(38) How many Tierces in 14304 Pints?

(39) In 4 Tuns, 1 P. 1 Hhd. 42 Gal. 6 Pts. how many Pints?

(40) Reduce 9918 Pints to Tuns, &c.


Called also Ale and Beer Measure.

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Note-8 Gallons is a Firkin of Beer or Ale, in all parts of

England, except London.

A Gallon of Ale or Beer is 282 solid Inches.

A Firkin of Soap or Herrings is the same with that of Ale.


(41) In 12 Barrels of Ale, how many Gallons and Quarts? (42) Reduce 1536 Quarts of Ale to Barrels.

(43) In 42 Barrels of Beer, how many Pints?

(44) Reduce 12096 Pints of Beer to Barrels.

(45) In 6 Hhds. 27 Gal. 6 Pts. of Ale, how many Pts.?

(46) How many Hhds. of Ale in 2526 Pts.?

(47) How many Gal. and Pts. in 14 Hhds. 47 Gal. of Beer? (48) Reduce 6424 Pints of Beer to Hogsheads. (49) Reduce 6 Tuns, 1 Butt, 42 Gallons of Beer to Quarts. (50) How many Tuns, &c. in 5784 Quarts of Beer?

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of Corn.




A Load of Corn is 5 Bushels.

A Cart-load of ditto is 40 Bushels.

2 Quarts are one Pottle, both in Liquid and Dry Measure.

A Gallon contains 2684 solid Inches.

In measuring Sea Coal.

5 Pecks make one Bushel, Water Measure.

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By Dry Measure, Corn, Salt, Coals, and all other Dry

Goods, are measured.

The standard Bushel is 18 Inches wide, and 8 Inches deep.


(51) In 24 Quarters of Corn, how many Bushels, Pecks,

Gallons, and Quarts?

(52) How many Quarters of Corn in 6144 Quarts?

(53) Reduce 36 chs. 26 bu. of Coals to Pecks.

(54) How many Chaldrons of Coals in 5288 Pecks?

(55) In 64 Lasts of Corn, how many Weys, Bu. and Pecks?

(56) How many Lasts in 20480 Pecks?


Time of itself is nothing, but from Thought
Receives its Rise, by labouring Fancy wrought;
From Things consider'd, whilst we think on some
As present, some as past, or yet to come;

No Thought can think on Time, that's still confess'd,
But thinks on Things in Motion or at Rest.


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