FRONTISPIECE : Ancient Samaria-Sebaste. VIGNETTE-Ancient Cedars of Lebanon. Tyrian, from the Tomb of Rameses Miamun at Thebes, The Cedar Tree, South-east Angle of Wall at Jerusalem, PAGE 24 28 46 Figure of the god Amun in Silver, overlaid with Gold, 62 Winged Human Figures from Babylon, Nineveh, etc. Winged Portrait of Cyrus, and Sculpture from Nineveh, Winged Lion from Nineveh, Human-headed Bird from Egypt, and Eagle-headed and Winged Human Figure, . 79, 80 81 81 82 83 T the commencement of the period upon which we now enter, we behold that man of blood, Joab, when he saw cause to be apprehensive of his safety, fleeing to the tabernacle of God, and placing himself in sanctuary there by taking hold of the horns of the altar. This step, taken by him when there lay, in his judgment, but a step between him and death, raises some profitable suggestions in the mind. That altar was sanctified by the victims offered and the blood sprinkled upon it, typifying the atonement made for the sins of the world by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, in the extremity of our spiritual distresses, as our only means of safety, pardon, and hope, what is there for us to do but that which Joab did?—what but to repair to this altar, grasp it with the strong hand of faith, and declare ourselves at length in refuge-that at length we have found the ransom of our souls, and that we have entered the sacred precincts within which the enemy, the accuser, has no power to enter, and whence his hand has no power to rend us? Christ is that refuge; and, beyond all men upon whom the sun shines, happy are they who have taken sanctuary in Him. Nothing from without can harm, nothing affright them more. They rest secure in Him; and, enfolded in his protecting VOL. IV. A |