( may be folved by (almost) any of those Canons Thus having given the Reader a General Ac- WILL. LEYBOURN. ERRA- Figures in the Margins Omitted, or Misplaced. Page 7. Against Probl.I. put Fig.VIII. and against Prob.II. put Fig. IX. in the Margim.. Page 9. Against Probl. V. put Fig. XIII. in the Margin. Page 20. For Fig. XXXIV. put Fig. XXXVII. in the Margin. Page 50. For Fig. VI. put Fig. XII. in the Margin. Page 89, 90. 91. Fig. XXXI, in the Margin, must be Fig. XXXII. Page 274. Fig. LIII. in the Margin, is omitted Page 285, and 286. for Fig. LIX. read Fig. LVIII. in the Margin. Page 53. The three last Lines are thus to be read : One Right Angle, and Two Acute. Two Obtuse, and One Right. One Obtuse, and Two Acute.. CON- 3. The Affections of Right-lined, or Plain Triangles 38 to 43 84 to 96 (a) 10. Tri- 11. Spherical Triangles Geometrically performed, by Projecting 12. Spherical Trigonometry, Instrumentally Performed feveral Steriographical, 2 Part III. ANCILLA: Vel, Trigo- ALTIMETRIA, Or the Taking of Heights, (as of Towers, Trees, Steeples, &c. Whether Accessible or Inac- 2. LONGIMETRIA; Or the Measuring of Diftances: As of Remarkable Places upon the Earth, Ships upon the Sea, &c. Ei- ther Acceffible, or Inacceffible 3. PLANOMETRIA; Or the Measuring of Plains: As 5. STERIOMETRIA; Or the Mensuration of Solids : As Timber, Stone, &c. And of Regulars: As Cubes, Globes, SECT. II. OF COSMOGRAPH Υ. And therein of 4 : The Use of the Terrestrial Globe, and thereupon to find the Situati- 1 SECT. IV. Of ASTRONOΜΥ. And therein of SECT. V. OF SCIOGGRAPHIA, or DIALLING.. And therein of 1. DIALLING in General; with the Situation of all Plains on which Dials may be made : And to find out any fuch Situation. 2. The Making of all forts of Dials, by finding out the places of Sub- stile, Stile and Hour-Distances, by the Globe: And also, to find Parall. of the Days length, Suns Rifing, Setting, &c. Almicanters, or Circles of the Suns Altitude. Jewish, Italian, and Babylonish Hours |