Fig. LXXVI. 5. For the Nodes of the Planets. The Afcendant Nodes of the several Planets (for the Earth hath none :) This Table will tell you to what Points in the Ecliptic they are to be drawn. For d. 22.45 5.50 The Node of Is in 17.55 ४ 14.00. II 14.15 8 Wherefore, the Node of the Planet 8 being in 17.55 de. of 8, lay a Ruler from the Centre to 17.55 de. of Taurus, and there draw an obscure Line: This Line is the common Section of plain Planets Excentric; with the Plain of the Ecliptic; and where this Line croffeth the Orbit of Mars, there write Dragons Head; at which Point, when any Planet is in its Orbit, it goes into North Latitude: And at the opposite Point, through the Centre, is the place of & the Dragons Tail, where it goes into South Latitude. Of the Inclination of the Planets. The Greatest Inclination of the Planets are such as are expref sed in this Table. The Aphelian Lines and Orbits of the Earth, and any of the Planets being drawn within the Ecliptick Circle, the next thing to be done is, to shew how to place the Earth and any Planet in their respective Orbits, for any Time proposed: And also, How to Reduce their Places fo found in their Orbits at that time, to their Fespective Places in the Ecliptick Circle. In order whereunto it will be neceffary to shew, C L. How Time is to be Accounted. Π. Το II. To Collect the Anomalies of the Earth and Planet for any III. How Degrees of Anomaly in the Orbits, are to be reduced to IME is TIM to be thus Accounted: Any Day begins upon its own Noon: So that 12 at Noon of the first Day of January, is the Common Term of the Old and New Years; it being the End of the Former, and the Beginning of the Latter. Before the Langitude or Place of a Planet in the Ecliptic can be found, the equal Motion of the Anomaly for the Time proposed must be known; and that Motion for any proposed Time may be collected out of these TABLES.. Fig. LXXVI.. : Epoches 354 Years. De. Pts. De. Pts. De. Pts. De. Pts. De. Pts. De. Pts. 32 193.95 114.72 1692 194.34 346.17 246.08 126.89 247.04 167.86 1700 194.26 83.88 128.88 218.08 248. 42 245.58 08 194 18 181.59 11.68 309.26 249.80 323.30 16 194. 11 279.30 254-48 40. 45 251.17 41.01 24 194.03 17. ΟΙ 137. 28 131. 63 252.55 118.73 20.08 222.81 253.93 196.45 40 193.87 212.43 252.88 314.00 255.31 274. 17 48 193.80 310. 14 145.68 45.18 256.68 351.89 56 193.72 47.86 28.48 136.40 258.06 69.61 64 193.64 145.57 271.28 227.58 259-43 147.33 72 193.57 243.28 154.08 318.76 260.81 225. 05 80 193.49 341.08 36.88 49.94 262.19 302.77 88 193.41 341.00 279.68 141. 12 263.57 20. 49 96 193.34 78.71 162.48 232.30 264.94 98. 21 1800 193.30 225.27 283.88 277.90 85.63 317.35 2 359.49 24. 41 30. 33 191.27 224.27 53.69 22.53 89.54 107.38 4 5 3 359.23 36.62 90.99 213.80 314. 32 161. 08 359.96 48.86 121.40 45.59 180.69 218.86 359.71 61.06 151.73 236.86 45.46 272.55 6359,45 73.27 182.06 68.13 270.23 326. 24 7359.19 85.47 212.39 259.39|135.00 19.93 Motion of the Anomaly, in Months De. Pts. De.Pts. De.Pts. De. Pts. De. Pts. De. Pts. April May June Fuly 1 208.957.09 17. 62 111. 09 339.55147.57 Months in the Leap-Year. Earth. | h | 30.55 1. 04 2. 58, 16. 24 49.67 126.86 Элниа. March 89.693.04 7.56 47.69 145.79 12.40 Fuly 209.93 7.12 17.70 111. 62 341.25 151.66 August 240. 498. 16 20.27 127.86 30.92 278.52 오 Days D. P. D. P. D. P. D. P. D. P. D. P.. 19 18..73 0.63 1.58 9.96 30.44 77-75 20 21 22 19. 71 0.67 1.66 10.48 32.04. 21.68 0.73 1.83 11.53 35.25 90.03 - 81. 85 85.94 27 26.61 0.90 2.24 14. 15 43.26 110.49 28 27.60 0.93 2.33 29 28.58 0.97 2.41 २० 29.57 J. CO 2.4.9 14.67 44.86 114.58 1. 04 2. 58116.24 49.67126.86 The |