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62 4715 4807 4840 4872
63 4905 4939 4972 5006
64 5040 5074 5109 5144
65 5179 5215 5251 5287
66 5324 5361 5399 5436
67 5475 551315552 5592
68 5631 5672 5712 5754
69.5795 5837 5880 5923
70 5967 6011 6056 6101
71 6147 6193 6240 6288
72 6336 6381 6432 6484
73 6535 6587 6640 6693
74 6747 6802 6857
75 6972 7030 7089 7150
76 7211 7274 7338 7403
77 7469 7536 7605 7675
78 7746 7819 7894 7970
79 8048 8127 8209 8292
80 8377 8465 8555 8547
81 8742 8839 8939 9042
829148 9258 9371 9488
83 9609 9735 9865 10000
84 10141 10288 10441 10601
85 10770 10946 11133 11330
86 11539 11761 11399 12255



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The Use of the Table of Meridional Parts.
What Meridional Parts do answer to 26 deg. of Latitude.

Latitude 26.00 Deg- 1616 Merid. Parts.
24. 25 Deg 1509 М. Р.
47.50 Deg- 3247 М. Р.

63.00 Deg- 4905 M. P. &c.

2. What Degrees and Cetesins do answer to.

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For the Refolving of the following Problems, which (in kind) Fig.. will be the fame with those in Plain Sailing as to the Trigonometri. LXIX. bal Work. But in the performance of them, I will fet the places proposed down upon a Sea-Chart, made according to the Projection of Mercator, where the Degrees of Latitude are enlarged according as they tend nearer and nearer to the Pole: And on the out-fide of fucha Chart, I have described a Plain Sea-Chart also, where the Meridians and Parallels of Latitude are every where of an equal distance; and fo wrought the Questions according to both Charts, by which the difference will more plainly appear: And the Chart which I have here made to work the following Examples upon, begins (at the bottom of it) at about 49.50 deg. of Latitude, and extends upwards to 55. 50 deg. of Latitude; and at the Top and Bottom to Six Degrees Difference of Longitude: But the Parallels of Latitude in the Plain Chart, (which are diftinguished by Pricked Lines) extend to above 59 deg. of Latitude within the fame Bounds.


The Latitudes of two Places, and their difference of Longitude being known; To find, (1) The Rumb leading from one to the other: And (2) Their Distance upon that Rumb: according to Mercators Chart.

By Trigonometrical Calculation

ET one Place be at A L in the Latitude of 50 deg. and the other at C, in the Latitude of 55 deg. but differing in Longitude Eastward from B, 6. 50 deg. which two places thus fet downin



Fig. the Chart, draw the Line A C, which is the Rumb (or Course) LXIX. from A to C: And thus have you upon your Chart conftituted

a Right-angled Plain Triangle ABC, in which you have given, (1) B C, the Difference of Longitude 6.50 deg. which you muft Reduce into Miles (or Minutes) of Longitude by multiplying them by 60, (as in Plain Sailing) and they make 330.00 Miles. — (2) АВ, the Difference of Latitude 5.00 deg. which must be Reduced into Meridional Parts thus :

The Meridional Parts for 50. 00 d. are

For 55.00

Their Difference




Which are the Meridional Parts answering to the 5.00 deg. Difference of Latitude of the two Places A and C: And by these you

may find;

(1.) 'The Rumb BAC.

(2) The Meridional Distance upon the Rumb A C.

By Trigonometrical Calculation.

(1.) For the Rumb BAC

As the Merid. Dif. of Latitude AB, 493 M. P.
Is to the Dif. of Longitude BC 330 Miles

So is the Radius, Tangent 45 deg.





To the Tangent of BAC, 33.80 degrees. Which is the Rumb, leading from A to C: whose Complement 56. 20 deg. is the Angle BCA, or the Complement of the Rumb:

(2.) For the Meridional Distance on the Rumb AC.

As the Co-fine of the Rumb: BCA, 56. 20 d.


Is to the Merid. Differ. of Latitude AB 493 M. P. 12.692847 So is Radius Sine 90 deg.



To the Merid. Distance A C, 593.27 M. P.
Now to find the Meridional Degrees answerable to these Meridi-

onal Parts, you must

Firft, Substract the MPO of AB, from the MP of A C, their Difference is ICO. 27 M.P. the half whereof is 50.13 M. P.

Secondly, Add this half Difference 50. 13, to the Meridional Parts of the Greater Latitude 55.00 deg. viz. 3968, and it makes 4018. 13, which are the Merid. Parts answering to 55.50 deg. of Latitude. Alfo, fubftratt this half Difference 50. 13, from the Merid. Parts of the Leffer Latitude 50.00 deg. viz. 3475, and the Remainder

Remainder will be_3424.87, which are the Merid. Parts answering Fig. to 49.38 deg. of Latitude.

Thirdly, The Difference of these two Latitudes last found, viza, 55. 50 de. and 49. 38 deg. is 6.12 deg. And that is the true Distance upon the Rumb between A and C, in Degrees.

And according to this Method, may all the other Problems (before wrought by the Plain Sea-Chart) be performed by Tri. Calculation; by the fame Canons: Only remember, to Reduce the Difference of Latitudes and Distance on the Rumb, into Meridional Parts, but the Difference of Longitude into Miles, as, in the


Now that you may fee the Difference between these two ways; See the Figure of the Chart, wherein the two Places are laid down by the Plain Chart; as in the Triangle AOS, which Triangle be ing refolved (as is before shewed) you will find (1) The Rumb OAS, to be 47. 73 deg. Differing from the truth 13. 93 deg..

(2) The Distance upon the Rumb AS, to be 7. 43 de. Differing from the other

1. 31.

And let thus much fuffice for Sailing according to Mercator.

There is a third way of Sailing, which differs not much from this way of Mercator's, but may be performed without Reductien or use of Meridional Parts; which is called Sailing by the Middle Latitude: of which a little.

III. Of Sailing by the Middle Latitude..

Shall exemplefie this way of Sailing by Four

of the most usual

Irablexem Navigation: And they shall be the fame as in the

foregoing: whereby the Difference will the better appear....


The Longitude and Latitude of two Places, A and C, Given
to find,

(1) The Rumb BAC.

(2.) The Distance upon the Rumb: AC.




ET one Place be in 50. 00 de. the other in 55.00 de. of North Latitude: And 6. 50 deg. difference in Longitude: Then the Middle Latitude between 50. 00 deg. and 55.00 deg. is 52. 50 de. And its Complement 37. 50 deg. Then

(1) For the Rumb: The Proportion is,

As the Difference of Lat. 300.00 Miles.


Is to the Dif. of Longit. 330. 00 Miles.


So is the Co-fine of Middle Latitude, 37. 50 de.



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THE Latitudes of two

two Places, A and C, and theRumb, BAC,

(or Course) between them Given : to Find,

(1) Their Distance AC.

(2) Their Difference of Longitude, В С.

For the Distance it may be found as in the former Problem.


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To the Difference of Longitude BC, 330.01 Μ.



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