Fig. XIV. The Parallels to the Equinoctial, are Leffer Circles, dividing XXV. the Sphere into Two unequal Parts: They are Two Tropicks, which the Sun describeth, the one in the Longest Day, the other in the Shortest Day. Their Name Tropicks, fignifieth a returning, viz. of the Sun. And Two other Leffer Circles are defcribed by the Diurnal Revolution of the Poles of the Ecliptick; the one called Artick, the other Antartick. "XV. The Two Tropicks, together with the Two Polar Circles, diftinguisheth the whole Surface of the Earth into Five Zones; the Hot or Torrid Zone is between the Two Tropicks, but from the Tropick of Cancer to the Artick Circle is the North Temperate Zone, and from the Tropick of Capricorn vs to the Antartick, is the South Temperate Zone. What lyeth within the Artick Circle, is called the North Cold or Frigid Zone; and that which lyeth within the Antartick, the South Frigid Zone. XVI. The Inhabitants of the Torrid Zone are called Amphifcii, because their Mid-days Shadow falleth now towards the South, and then towards the North: But the Inhabitants of the Two Temperate Zones are called Heterofcii, because their Mid-days Shadow falleth only towards the North in our Hemisphere, and only towards the South in the other Hemisphere: And lastly, the Inhabitants of the Two Frigid Zones are called Perifcii, because their Shadow goeth round about them in 24 Hours. XVII. There are Parallels also which distinguish the Climates; which Climates are, as it were, Little Zones: They are greatest near the Equinoctial, and from thence they grow smaller and smaller towards both the Poles. Their Distance and Largeness is determined by the length of the Longest Day; for as often as the Longest Day gaineth half an Hour above 12 Hours, there is produced a new Climate: So the first natural Climate ought to have its midst where the Longest Day is 12 Hours and a half long: But the Ancients (perhaps knowing nothing of those Parts of the World so near to the Equinoctial) left out this first natural Climate, and made their first Climate, where indeed the Second should have been, viz. where the Longest Day was 13 Hours; and because the midst of this did país by the the Island which the Nilus maketh, and is called Meroe, they Fig. named their first Climate Dia Meries, the second Dia Syenes, XXV. Syene being a Town lying under the Tropick of Cancer; the third they called Dia Alexandria, this being a Town situated upon the Month Nilus; the fourth, Dia Rhodia, the fifth, Dia Romes; the fixth, Dia Ponta; the seventh, Dia Boristhenis, where the Longest Day was 16 Hours; and here the Ancients left it: But the Modern have continued their Climates to the Artick Circle, where the Longest Day is 24 Hours, because the Sun doth not set there in the beginning of Cancer, but only toucheth the Horizon with his Circle. And now, there are as many Climates on the other Side of the Equinoctial. The Circle of Perpetual Apparition is described by a Point touching the North Cardinal, being carried about by the daily Motion; and all the Stars that are within this Circle of Perpetual Apparition are always seen above our Horizon. Another Circle of Perpetual Occultation there is described by a Point touching the South Cardinal, and being carried about by the daily Motion; so all the Stars that are within this, do never Rife with us. XVIII. The Secondaries of the Ecliptick, are called Circles of Latitude; there are Six of them upon the Calestial Globe, dividing the Signs of the Ecliptick, and also the whole Sphere into Twelve equal Parts; by which Division all Stars are referred to that Sign which is between the Two next Circles of Latitude. Now Six Signs of the Ecliptick are always above the Horizon, and Six are beneath. 1 XIX. The Poles of the Horizon, are the Zenith and the Nadir; the Secondary Circles are called Vertical or Aximuth, or Circles of Altitude, amongst which, the chiefeft are, (1.) The Meridian. (2.) The Circle of the 90th Degree of the Ecliptick, paffing by the Poles of the Ecliptick, the Zenith, and the 90th Degree of the Ecliptick, being counted from the Horizon, either from the East or West. (3.) The Vertical, paffing by the East and Weft Cardinals; where the Interfection is of the Æquinottial and the Horizon; which Sections also, be Poles of the Meridian: And the Poles of this Vertical passing by East and West, are in the South and North Cardinals, where the Meridian doth divide the Horizon in the Ortive and Occidental ; Semicircles. Now the Secondaries of this faid Vertical, which passeth Ee Fig. XXV. passeth by the true East and West, are the Circles of Position, passing by every 30th Degree of the Equinoldial, reckoning from the Meridian or Horizon, and dividing the whole Sphere into Twelve Houses. The first House is called Horoscope, and is that which is next under the Ortive Horizon; from thence the other Houses do succeed under the Earth after the Succeffion of the Signs. Where every Arch of Position cutteth the Ecliptick, there is the Cuspides of the Houses. There are befides these Circles of Pofition, an infinite Number pafling by every Point of the Sphere. XX. The Parallels of the Horizon are called Almacantarath, and are described upon the Aftrolabe, to shew the Altitude of the Sun, or of the Stars above the Horizon. XXI. The Meridian is the Original of Winds; there are Four Car. dinals, and Four Mean: The North is known by the Flowerde-Luce, and the East by the Cross: The Mean do compound their Names from the next adjacent Cardinals; being NorthEast, North-West, South-Eaft, South-West: Now every one of the Cardinals and Means hath Two Laterals, bearing the fame Name with their Principals, so they are called North by East; North by West; North East by East; North East by North, &c. Now these Laterals being 16, make, together with the & Principals, 24; and just in the midft, between every Two Principals, there are the Eight Residual Winds, bearing the same Name with the Means they are next unto; but taking a fore Name from the next Cardinal, so they are called North-North East, Eaft North-Eaft, &c. XXII. These 32 Winds being continued upon the Surface of the Earth, do make as many Rumbs; that Rumb which passeth by the South or North, is always a Meridian; and that which paffeth by East and Weft, is always either the Equinoctial, or a Parallel unto it. The other Rumbs are crooked Lines, neither Circular nor Elliptical, and are Seven in every Quadrant, to be numbred both Ways from the Meridian. The general Propriety of all Rumbs is to cut all the Meridians they pass by into equal Angles. There may also, befides the faid 32 Rumbs, passone by every Point of the Horizon. XXIII. The XXIII. The Effects of all the foresaid Circles, both Principal and Fig. Secondary, are Angles and Arks. The Angles which they XXV. make are Right, when a Secondary meeteth with its own Principal, and the other Angles are altogether Oblique: So the Angle which the Equinoctial maketh with the Ecliptick is always 23 Deg. 30 Min. as much as the greatest Declination of the Sun. XXIV. The general Way of Measuring Angles upon the Sphere, is to set one Foot of a Pair of Callipers in the Point where the Angle is made, and extend the other 90 Deg. from thence, and fo describe an Ark between the Two Legs, (or Circles which make the Angle) for as many Degrees as that Ark containeth, fo many Degrees also is the Angle. So the Measure of the Angle made by the Equinoctial and Ecliptick is taken in the Solfticial Colure, between the beginning of, and the 90th Degree of the Equinoctial. Likewise the Angle which the Æquinoltial makes with the Horizon, is measured 90 Deg. from thence in the Meridian, between the Horizon and Equinoctial; and that which is farther in the Meridian, from the Equinoctial to the Zenith, is the Latitude of one Place; into which is, always, equal to the Poles Height, to be reckoned from the North Cardinal to the Pole. Sailing streight towards South or North One Mile, the Equinoctial is raised or fallen One Minute; going 60 Miles, it riseth or falleth One Degree: So at length, coming to the middle Line of the World, the Equinoctial will be raised to the very Zenith, both Poles lying in the Horizon, and all the Parallels to the Equinoctial cut the Horizon at Right Angles; whence this Position of the Sphere is called Sphara Retta; where all the Stars do rise, and abide as long above the Horizon as beneath; so there is a perpetual ÆquinoRial all the Year: But as foon as one of the Poles doth rise above the Horizon, and the other cometh to be under the Æquinoctial, and all its Parallels make Oblique Angles with the Horizon: And for this Reafon, fuch a Position of the Sphere is called Sphera Obliqua; where, not all the Stars do rise, but fome are always above, and fome always below, the Horizon. When the Pole cometh to unite with the Zenith, then the AquinoRial falleth wholly in the Horizon, and the Parallels of it, are also parallel to the Horizon; and this Position of the Spbere is Ee2 Fig. XXV. is called Sphæra Parallela. The Sun moving in that part of the Ecliptick, which is above the Horizon, that is on one fide of the Equinottial, doth never fet, but is turned continually round about, and maketh a Day of Six Months: So likewife, running through the other Six Signs that are under the Horizon, it doth never rife, but maketh a Night of Six Months also. XXV. The Angle which any Degree of the Ecliptick maketh with the Right Horizon, (that is, in Sphæra Retta) is equal to that Angle which the fame. Degree of the Ecliptick, maketh with the Meridian: But whether the Ecliptick make such an Argle with the Right or Oblique Horizon, the farne Angle is always called the angle Orient, that is, of the rifing Degree of the Ecliptick; and its Measure is in the Circle of the 90th Degree, between the faid goth Degree and the Horizon.. XXVI. The Angle which the Meridian maketh in the Pole of the World with any Circle of Declination, taketh its Measure in the Aquinoßial, between the Meridian and the faid Circle of Declinatial, and this they call, The Distance of the Star from the Meridian. So likewise the Angle which the Meridian maketh with the Vertical Circle at the Zenith, taketh its Measure in the Horizon, between the Meridian and the faid Vertical; and this they call, The Azimuth of the Sun or Star.. XXVII. The Arks to be measured in every Principal Great Cir. cle, or its Secondaries, have also their proper Appellations: So the Ark of the Equinoctial, which is comprehended between the beginning of r, and the Circle of Declination pafling by any Star, is called the Right Afcenfion of that Star: And the Ark which in the faid Circle of Declination, is between the EquinoGial and the Star, is called, The Declination of that Star. But the Oblique Afcenfion of a Star, is an Ark of the Equinoctial, rec koned from the beginning of r, to the Point of the Æquinotial Rifing with that Star: So likewise, the Oblique Descenton of a Star is, the Ark of the Equinodial reckoned from the beginning of r, to that Point of the Equinoctial, which is a setting together with the Star. Now the Difference that is between the Right and Oblique Afcenfion of the Sun, or any Star, is called, The Ascensional Difference. Moreover, the Ark of the Ecliptick, which is between the beginning of 'r, and |