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II. Of Parallel Position.


The Globe may be so placed in the Frame, that one of the Poles XXV. shall be in the Zenith, and the other in the Nadir Points; the Poles having go Deg. of Elevation above the Horizon: And in this Situation, the Equinoctial Circle will be in the Horizon. This Position is called Parallel Position.

III. Of Oblique Position.

The third Position of the Globe is more General; for it hath
relation to all People living between the Equinoctial and either
Pole: And according as the Poles are Elevated or Depreffed, ac-
cordingly are the People faid to be fituate: That is, if the Globe
be placed in the Horizontal Frame; so that the Pole be elevated
above the Horizon 10 Deg. then is the Globe elevated, or fixed,
to refolve such Questions Geographical or Astronomical, as relate
to such Places and People, who have the Pole elevated (or who
live in the Latitude of) 10Deg. And this Position of the Globe
is called Oblique, because the Axis of the World, the Equinoctial,
and all the Parallels of the Sun's Declination, are cut by the Ho-
rizon at Oblique Angles; whereas in the Two former Pofitions,
they cut one the other Right Angles.

III. How to Rectifie the Globes, fitting them for Use in any Lati-
tude or Part of the World.

Being provided of a Pair of Globes, the Meridian, Horizon,
and Hour-Circle, truly turned and divided; also the Balls truly
hung or poized upon the Axis, and the Meridian and Horizon
(in all Positions) cutting each other at Right Angles; the Papers
truly joined in their pafting upon the Bodies, &c. All which are
to be performed by the Workman, (yet the Buyer ought also to
have Inspection thereunto) you may proceed to Rellifie them for
Use in this manner.

1. Put the Brass Meridian into the Two Notches that are cut in the North and South Parts of the Horizon; the Graduated, or Divided, Part thereof, towards the East Part of the Horizon; and the plain, or undivided Side thereof, towards the West, and let the Meridian also rest in the Notch which is in the Foot, or bottom, of the Frame of the Horizon.


2. Place

Fig. 2. Place the Brass Hour-Circle, or Wheel, about the Pole; fo XXV. that the Hour-Lines of 12 and 12 do lye directly over the East, or Graduated, Side of the Meridian; and that the Point of the Axis of the Globe do pass directly through the Centre of the Hour-Wheel; then shall the Two Twelves reprefent the Two Hours of 12 and 12: That towards the South Part of the Meridian 12 at Noon, and the other towards the North Part, 12 at Midnight: And the Two Sixes shall represent the Two Hours of Six a Clock: That towards the East, 6 in the Morning, and the other 6 at Night. Then put the Index (or Pointer) upon the end of the Axis; so that as the Globe being turned, which way foever, the Pointer may move with it; and so is your Hour-Circle recti fied.

3. Elevate the Pole of your Globe (whether North or South) according to the Latitude of the Place of that what part of the World you are in: As suppose London, which hath 51 Deg. 30 Min. of North Latitude: The Meridian being in the Notches of the Horizon, and also in the Notch at the bottom of the Frame, as is before directed. Move the Meridian upwards or downwards in the Notches, till you find 51 Deg. 30 Min. of the Meridian, justly to touch the upper part of the Horizon, on the North part thereof: And so is your Globe rectified to the Latitude of 51 Deg. 30 Min.

4. The next thing to be rectified is the Quadrant of Altitude; which must be done, by having respect to the Latitude alfo : Wherefore, the Latitude being 51 Deg. 30 Min. Count 51 Deg. 30 Min. North, upon the South part of the Meridian, from the Equinoctial Circle, towards the North (or elevated) Pole, and there put on the Nut, which is at the end of the Quadrant; fo that the edge of the Divisions of the Quadrant, may be directly under the Degrees of the Latitude, viz. 51 Deg. 30 Min. and there screw the Nut faft. And thus is your Globe Rectified for the Solution of all fuch Questions Cofmographical, as are to be wrought thereby in that Latitude of 51 Deg. 30 Min.



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Cosmographical ELEMENTS,

Necessary to be known.

Here are Two kind of Motions in the Heavens; the first

is called the Common Motion of the fixed Stars and Pla- Fig. nets together; by which they go all about in 24 Hours from XXV. East to West. The fecond Motion is called the proper Morion; by which they go about, every one in his own Time or Period, from West to Eaft.

II. These Two Motions are the Original of Two Circles, the Aquinoctial and the Ecliptick; for the Diurnal Motion is done about the Pole of the Equinoctial either in the Equinoctial it self, or in a Leffer Circle, parallel unto it: But the proper Motion, is about the Poles of the Ecliptick, either in the Ecliptick it self, or in a Leffer Circle, parallel unto it..


III. The Sun's Center keepeth always upon the Ecliptick Line, but
the other Planets do go from the Ecliptick on both Sides 8 Deg.
Hence the broad Circle, whose Middle is the Ecliptick, doth
arife, and is called the Zodiack..

IV. The Equinoctial is in the Heavens about that Streak, which
the Sun doth make by his Diurnal Motion on the Days of the
Two Equinoxes, viz. the 10th of March, and the 12th of

V. The Zodiack is known by the Twelve Asterisms of fixed
Stars, called, The Twelve Signs.

VI. The Two Luminaries are the Sun, and the Moon (, the
Moon cometh round by her proper Motion, in a Month, the
Sun in a Tear.

VII. The other Planets are either the Superior, as Saturn,
coming about in his proper Motion, once in 30 Years. Fupi-


Fig. XXV.

ter 4 in 12, Mars & in 2 Years. The Inferior Planets are Venus & and Mercury; Venus is 9 Months Morning Star, and other 9 Months Evening Star. These Two Planets keep always near to the Sun, so that Mercury is for the most part covered with its Beams.

VIII. The fixed Stars move also from West to East, either in the Ecliptick, or in a Parallel to the Ecliptick, but very flowly, viz. One Degree in 70 Years. Hence the Signs are diftinguished in Starred and Un-starred. The Starred Signs are the Twelve Afterisms of the Zodiack; but the Un-starred are every one a Twelfth part of the Ecliptick. Now the Starred Signs left their former Places, and are preceded in some 1800 Years almost One whole Sign; so the Starred Aries r, stands now in the Place of the Un-starred Taurus 8; and the Starred Taurus 8, in the Place of the Un-starred Gemini 11, &c.

IX. The Equinoctial and Ecliptick are immutable, for there is never but One Equinoctial, and One Ecliptick: But the Horizon and Meridian are mutable: For every Body walking upon the Superficies of the Earth, doth carry along with him his Horizon; So this Circle is as manifold as there are divers Points upon the Surface of the Earth. The Horizon is determined by the Eye of the Man turning about in an even open Field, where the Heaven seemeth to join with the Earth; and its Office is to shew the Rifing and Setting of all Heavenly Bodies.

X. The Meridian is not alter'd by, going on streight towards South or North, but only when you walk never so little towards the Eaft or West, you have presently another Meridian. It is obfervable in the Heaven, by letting fall a Plummet or Perpendicular from the Vertex, by the Sun (or any Star) being at its highest.

XI. Every one of these Four Circles hath its Poles, which the Circle is just between, and every way equally diftant from it, exactly dividing the Sphere into Two equal Hemispheres, and they divide each other into Two equal Semicircles: And by the Poles of each, there are described Secondary Circles (the Meridian only excepted) which Secondary Circles do cut their Principal Circle into Two Equal Parts, and at Right Angles.

XII. The

XII. The Poles of the Equinoctial are the fame with the Poles of Fig. the World; the one of which is called the Artick Pole, because XXV. it is near to the Two Arktos or Bears: The other oppofite to it, is called Antartick: And the streight Line, which paffeth between, through the Centre of the Sphere (from one Pole to the other) is called the Axis of the World. The Equinoctial divideth the Ecliptick into Six North, and Six South, Signs: The Secondary Circles of the Equinoctial, are called in the Heavenly Sphere Circles of Declination. Amongst thefe is one of chiefeft Note, the Meridian; and befides it, Eleven Hour-Circles, paffing by every 15th Degree of the Equinoctial, to be reckoned from the Meridian, and fo they divide the whole Æquinodial into 24 equal Hours. There are alfo Two chief Secondary Circles of the Equinoctial, which are called Colures; the one paffing by the Vernal and Autumnal Setion, is called the Colure of the Equinoxes; the other paffing by the Two Soliticial Points, viz. the beginning of Cancer and Capricorn ve, is called the Colure of the Solftice. This latter, divideth the Ecliptick in Afcending and Descending Signs; because in the first the Sun doth ascend to our Zenith in Capricorn, viz. in wr8II, which are also called the Signs of Short Afcenfion, because they rise in a short time equal to the Shortest Day of the Year: But in the Descending Signs, the Sun doth defcend every Day more and more from our Zenith, and those are m4: These are called alfo Signs of Long AScenfion, because they Rife in a time, equal to the Longest Day in the Year. Both Colures together divide the Ecliptick into Four: Quadrants; the Vernal containing Aries Y, Taurus 8, Gemini 13 The Summer Quadrant, Cancer 5, Leo, Virgo m; The Autumnal, Libra, Scorpio m, Sagittarius ; the Winter Quadrant, Capricorn ve, Aquaries, Pisces H...

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XIII. The Secondaries of the Terrestrial Equinoctial are called!
Meridians, and they are 18, paffing by every 10th Degree of
the Equinoctial, and in some Globes, through every 15th Degree
of the Equinoctial, which is equal to One Hour, in Time.
The first of these doth pass by the Islands of Azores, in fome
Globes. But by the newest, and best made English, Globes, at
St. Michael's Island in the Azores.

XIV. The

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