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From Rev. J. B. Waterbury, D. D., Pastor of Bowdoin Street (Congregational) Church, Boston.

It is a most valuable book, suited to the wants of clergymen, and well adapted to aid Sabbath-school teachers in their responsible work. Every family that can afford it, would do well to possess themselves of so important and interesting a volume; to which they might refer in elucidating the Scriptures, and rendering their study not only profitable but delightful. J. B. Waterbury.

From Rev. Cyrus A. Bartol, Pastor of West Congregational (Unitarian) Church, Boston. It is a most useful and valuable work, containing very important information on subjects of the highest interest and well worthy of a wide circulation. C. A. Bartol.

From Rev. S. W. S. Dutton, Pastor of North Congregational Church, New Haven, Ct. The Popular Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature is admirably adapted to the use of parents, teachers of the young, and of the community generally; being a judicious abridgment of a larger and very able work, written for critical students in theology. It is, in my judgment, altogether the best book for the purpose which has been published. S. W. S. Dutton.

From Rev. Z. S. Barstow, D. D., Pastor of Congregational Church, Keene, N. H. I find it well adapted to accomplish its object. It brings into a convenient form, in a single volume, what must be sought for in many volumes without it. And it is hereby recommended to parents, Sabbath-school teachers, and others, as doing a good service in aiding them in the study of the Scriptures. Z. S. Barstow.

From Hon. Thomas S. Williams, Hartford, Ct.

It appears to me to contain a mass of information, in a condensed form, highly important to those who regard the sacred volume; and to Sabbath-school teachers it will prove a most valuable assistant. I hope it will receive an extensive circulation. Thomas S. Williams.

From Rev. Ephraim Peabody, D. D., Pastor of Stone Chapel Congregational (Unitarian) Church, Boston. It appears to contain the best results of modern scholarship, presented in a clear and condensed form, and may, without hesitation, be recommended as a valuable work to families, to Sunday-school teachers, and indeed to all readers of the sacred records. E. Peabody.

From Rev. Baron Stow, D. D., Pastor of Rowe Street Baptist Church, Boston.

I have examined it with special and unalloyed satisfaction. It has the rare merit of being all that it professes to be, and very few, I am sure, who may consult it, will deny that, in richnesss and fulness of detail, it surpasses their expectation. Many ministers will find it a valuable auxiliary; but its chief excellence is, that it furnishes just the faclities which are needed by the thousands in families and Sabbath schools, who are engaged in the important business of biblical education. It is in itself a library of reliable information. Baron Stow.

From Rev. A. L. Stone, Pastor of Park Street Congregational Church, Boston.

I have found it a time-saving and labor-saving helper in investigating the significance of the sacred writings, which I could never consent again to be without. I had occasion to commend it, a few days since, to a young man of my people, lately interested in the study of the Scriptures, who desired access to sources of knowledge in respect to biblical matters beyond what he possessed; and this work seemed to him just what he had been looking for in vain. Permit me to express the hope, that not only clergymen and Sabbath-school teachers, but every person who would be at all a student of the Bible, may avail themselves of this judicious and timely contribution to popularized sacred literature. A. LL. Stone.

From Rev. John Richards, D. D., Pastor of Congregational Church of Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. In my opinion it is a very useful book; particularly to heads of families, Sabbath-school teachers, and all others interested in the study of the Scriptures. John Richards.

From Rev. Thomas Laurie, Pastor of Congregational Church, West Roxbury.

I would heartily recommend it to all who wish a trustworthy compendium of biblical science. Not to compare it invidiously with other excellent Bible Dictionaries, there is one excellence of this work that must render it superior to all others, and that is, that while others were got up," this, if I may so express, it, was "reduced down." Other Bible Dictionaries are compilations expressly got up for Sabbath-school teachers and Bible classes. But this is a work of much higher character, the result of far greater labor and research, prepared originally for the use of the most advanced biblical scholars, condensed into its present form that the fruits of that labor and research might be brought within reach of a greater number. Still we have the largest Popular Encyclopædia of strictly Biblical Literature that exists. Some of the abbreviations also are decided improvements on the larger edition. It is another excellence of this work, that it embodies the most recent discoveries on the field of biblical science. Previous works of the kind have, to too great an extent, merely retailed the conjectures of past ages, and perpetuated their blunders in sacred geography. No one who has not travelled in the East, and consulted then on the spot, has any idea of the mass of rubbish they contain. I know of nothing better than the work before us. It fills up a gap that has long existed in our helps for the study of the Sacred Scriptures. T. Laurie.

From Rev. J. H. Kennard, Pastor of Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. No Bible student should be without this important assistant. Those who have but few books, will find in this volume the essence of many standard works; and those who have but little time for reading, will here find a rich store of knowledge for their immediate use. J. H. Kennard.

From Rev. Thomas H. Skinner, D. D., Pastor of Carmine Presbyterian Church, New York.

I think it a work of very great value; while it suits the close student, it is strictly "popular," and adapted to readers of every degree of capacity and intelligence. Most earnestly do I desire that so rich a treasure may be in the possession of all who are interested in the study of the Scriptures. The price at which you offer it is a trifle indeed, compared with what the purchaser obtains for it. Thomas H. Skinner.

From Rev. John Overton Choules, D. D., Newport, R. I.

No minister who has seen this admirable volume would willingly do without it, for if he has the various authoritres which have been used in the compilation of the volume, yet in its pages he will have a condensed result of investigation on all points of interest, and will be saved from much labor, or guided into profitable methods and avenues of research. To heads of families and Sunday-school teachers, this work has claims of high interest. John O. Choules


From Rev. Thomas Starr King, Pastor of Hollis Street Congregational (Unitarian) Church, Bostor. A constant use of the whole work, for several years, has led me to believe that it is the best Biblical Dictionary in the English language. The abridgments made in your edition do not, so far as I can judge, lessen its value to the majority of those who need such a volume; and I cordially wish you success in your enterprise. T. S. King.

From Rev. Albert Barnes, D. D., Author of "Notes on the Scriptures," and Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church,


I feel greatly obliged to you for the volume of Kitto abridged. I have not had time to examine it as an abridg
ment. I am free, however, to speak of the original, which I have had in use for several years, and which I regard
as an exceedingly valuable work. In my own studies it has superseded all other works of a similar nature, as I
think it will wherever it is known.
Albert Barnes.

From Rev. Samuel M. Worcester, D. D., Pastor of the Tabernacle (Congregational) Church, Salem.
I have a copy of "the larger work," which I am disposed to think is really less valuable, and therefore less wor-
thy to be recommended to almost any class of readers, than the edition which you now offer for the patronage and
the benefit of the Christian public. From the examination which I have been able to make of some important arti-
cles, I shall not be surprised if your edition shall have a decided preference with those who desire to have as much
wheat, with as little as possible both of chaff or tares.
Samuel M. Worcester.

From John Dowling, D. D., Author of "History of Romanism," etc., ond Pastor of the Broadway Baptist Church,
New York.

It is incomparably the most valuable work of its kind that has ever been published in this country, inasmuch as it
embodies, besides all that was valuable in the older Cyclopædies, the most recent researches in biblical literature of
the ablest scholars, both in the old world and the new. It is just such a work as every minister, Sabbath-school
teacher, and Christian father of a family ought to have constantly at hand, side by side with his Bible, to answer a
thousand questions which will constantly occur to all who desire to furnish their own minds for the work of instruc-
tion in the truths of God's word, and who study to show themselves workmen that need not to be ashamed. I do
most cordially thank the enterprising publi hers for presenting this valuable work to the American public in so at-
tractive a form, and sincerely hope they will be rewarded by a sale commensurate with its merits. John Dowling.

From Rev. W. T. Dwight, D. D., Pastor of Third Parish Congregational Church, Portland, Me. I regard it as far the most valuable work of the kind which has been published in this country. The price of the work, which is three dollars, is very reasonable for a book which contains so many engravings, and an amount of letter-press sufficient for four octavo volumes. W. T. Dwight.

From Rev. Gardner Spring, D. D., Pastor of the Brick Church Chapel Presbyterian Church, New York. I am gratified to express the opinion, that for the variety, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of its articles, It is a most valuable volume. The biblical student, while he may not dispense with other sources of information, will find in Kitto that which will save him no little time and labor. Gardner Spring.

From Rev. J. M. Wainwright, D. D., Trinity (Episcopal) Church, New York.

As it is designed to be a book of reference, I have turned, on various occasions, to articles in all parts of the book,
and have been uniformly satisfied with the fulness and accuracy of the information contained in them. I do not
hesitate, therefore, to recommend the work as being well adapted to the purpose for which it was compiled, and I
trust that your enterprise in publishing it will be rewarded.
J. M. Wainwright.

From R. E. Pattison, D. D., Professor of Christian Theology in Newton Theological Institution.
It is more valuable, in my opinion, than any other work of the kind in reach of the American student of the
Bible. While it is an aid to all, it seems to me indispensable to the minister. It meets the wants of the age in this
department of knowledge.
R. E. Pattison.

From Howard Malcom, D. D., Author of "Bible Dictionary," etc., and President of University at Lewisburg, Pa.
I regard Kitto's Cyclopædia as vastly superior to any similar work. The author has evidently, availed himself of
the latest publications, whether critical, historical, geographical, scientific, or antiquarian; and so selected, arranged,
and expressed his topics, as to make his work perfectly available to the unlearned, while it is a most welcome aid to
the scholar. No one who buys the book will regret his purchase.
Howard Malcom.

From Rev. R. C. Waterston, Pastor of Church of the Savior, Congregational (Unitarian) Church, Boston.
I consider it a most desirable work for Sunday-school teachers, and for all students and readers of the Scriptures
It contains a vast amount of important information, thoroughly condensed and admirably stated, while its numerous
engravings (which are unusually good) often convey at a glance a more vivid and true idea than could have been
given by pages of description. Both for the family and the Sunday school, this volume is invaluable. I shall cer-
tainly recommend it to others, as a work of uncommon merit, and hope it will be widely read, and pass through
many editions.
R. C. Waterston.

From Rev. R. H. Neale, D. D., Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Boston.

Your "Epitome," if epitome it may be called, is a decided improvement on the larger work, inasmuch as, without materially lessening its value as a source of information, it is brought, by its diminished price, within the reach of the many who, in these days of Sabbath schools and Bible classes, are, or ought to be, diligent students of the word Rollin H. Neale.

of God.

From Prof. George Bush, Author of "Notes on the Scriptures," New York.

It is made up of the contributions of eminent biblical scholars in Europe and America, each one of whom fur
nished such articles as his peculiar tastes or studies enabled him to execute with most ability. The result has been
an immense accumulation of materials, drawn from the most recent sources on the antiquities, languages, geogra-
phy, natural history, &c., of the sacred volume, the substance of which is very skilfully condensed in the present
volume, and amply illustrated by pictorial designs.
George Bush.

From Rev. Horace Bushnell, D. D., Pastor of Third Congregational Church, Hartford, Ct.
I am very glad to see issued from your press an abridgment, for popular use, of Kitto's Cyclopædia. It cannot be
less than a very important contribution to the popular literature of the Bible.
Horace Bushnell.

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From Prof. N. Porter, Yale College, New Haven, Ct.

I do not hesitate to express my belief that the Popular Cyclopædia is the best work of the kind in the language,
and is particularly well adapted to the wants of Sabbath-school teachers and all the readers of the Scriptures who
wish to be acquainted with the results of the older and more recent investigation in respect to the history, antiqui-
ties, and criticism of the Sacred Scriptures.
N. Porter.

From Rev. E. N. Kirk, Pastor of Mount Vernon Congregational Church, Boston.
The work is invaluable to the student of the Bible who has not access to the standard works on biblical literature
in several languages. We have no other in this department to be compared with it, for condensing the results of
modern researches or Oriental antiquities and topography, which are so valuable in explaining the language of the
Edward N. Kirk.

From Hon. Edward Everett, L.L. D., Boston.
I have kept it on my table, and have frequently referred to it; and it has been a good deal read by different mem-
bers of my family. I unite with them in the opinion that it is a valuable work, well adapted for the above-named
purpose. It appears to embody, in a popular form, the results of much research, and will promote, I doubt not, the
intelligent reading of the Scriptures.
Edward Everett

From Jared Sparks, L.L. D., President of Harvard College.

Jared Sparks.

I am glad to possess the work; and I enclose three dollars, which I understand to be the price of it.
From Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, L.L. D., New Brunswick, N. J.

I regard it as a very valuable help to the student of the Bible. It brings to the aid of the reading community, in
an instructive and condensed form, a rich treasure of historical and biblical literature, prepared and arranged by
some of the best minds, and which could otherwise be gained only by a laborious and patient research, that very
few have the leisure to give to the subject. No family would, I think, ever regret the purchase of a book so deserv-
ing of a household place.
Theodore Frelinghuysen.

From Hon. John McLean, L.L. D., of Ohio.

It is only necessary to look through this volume to appreciate its value. Although it is an abridgment of the origi-
nal work, it includes every thing valuable to the general reader, omitting such parts only of the original as could
be of little interest, except to a theological student. There is no work I have seen which contains so much biblical
knowledge, alphabetically arranged under appropriate heads, in so condensed a form, and which is sold so cheap.
Under a leading word is to be found in this book, whether it relate to natural science or scriptural illustration,
enough to satisfy every inquirer. It has been prepared with much labor and research, and shows in the authors a
profound knowledge of the languages in which the Scriptures were composed and translated, and also of the histo-
ry, local and general, of contemporaneous customs and events. Next to the Bible, this dictionary of it contains more
interesting knowledge than any work of the same size, and it should be found in every family, in our public schools,
as well as in all our academies and colleges.
John McLean.

From Hon. Simon Greenleaf, L.L. D.

A book that will prove highly useful to all persons engaged in the study of the Bible, or in teaching its sacred
truths to the young. I hope, therefore, that it will be widely circulated.
Simon Greenleaf.

From Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, L.L. D., Boston.

I have examined with great pleasure your edition of Kitto's Popular Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature. It seems
to me a most convenient and valuable aid to the study of the Scriptures, and I am glad that you have been able to
publish it at so reasonable a price. It can hardly fail to commend itself to those who would teach, and to those
who would learn, something more than the mere letter of the inspired volume.
Robert C. Winthrop.

From Rev. John S. Stone, D. D., Rector of Christ (Episcopal) Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.
I have examined the points of most special interest to the Episcopal church, as well as several others of more
general interest, and now beg leave to say that I consider the work candid, learned, and well adapted to usefulness,
John S. Stone.

From Rev. A. Bond, D. D., Pastor of Second Congregational Church, Norwich, Cr.

I rejoice to see the abridgment out in such beautiful style. As now offered, it furnishes, in convenient form, a most valuable auxiliary to the facilities provided to aid Sabbath-school teachers and others in prosecuting the study of the Scriptures. The character of the writers whose contributions enrich this volume, is a satisfactory pledge of its literary merit and theological soundness. In this publication you have rendered important service to the cause of sacred literature, which will, I doubt not, be highly appreciated. The work, when known, will not fail to find its way into the libraries of private Christians, as a compact and beautifully executed manual for constant reference, as a thesaurus of most valuable information on the numerous articles of which it treats. It is to be hoped that many will think of it as a rich new year's present, that will be specially acceptable to all who love the literature of the Bible.

A. Bond.

From Henry J. Ripley, D. D., Author of "Notes on the Scriptures," and Professor in Newton Theological Institution.
I have no hesitation in recommending it as an excellent family book for the elucidation of the sacred volume, and
consequently for fostering an interest in the Bible. It would be invaluable to Sabbath-school teachers, and of great
utility to preachers. It every where shows evidence of research, and is particular and accurate in its details, some-
times exhibiting in a mere parenthetic remark unusual copiousness of information and discrimination of statement.
It employs appropriate authorities, both less and more modern, as to questions of sacred criticism, of history and
geography, and gives the reader the results of recent learned investigations. If the purpose of this book is gained,
for which it presents so ample an apparatus, scriptural knowledge will be increased.
H. J. Ripley.

From the Puritan Recorder.

Here we have the larger work, referred to in the title, boiled down more than one half, and made more strong and
rich by the evaporation. To that numerous and most useful class of laborers in the Lord's vineyard, the Sabbath-
school teachers, we would respectfully offer our advice to appropriate three dollars each to make themselves possess-
ors of this valuable help for the discharge of their duties. If any one of them should not have the money, we
counsel him " to sell his garment and buy one."







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