Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, Volume 1J.W. Parker, 1854 |
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Page 256
... scherreve was thennes but a fyve myle , And al was y - told him in a litel while , How Gamelyn and Adam had doon a sory rees , Bounden and i - wounded men agein the kinges pees ; Tho bigan sone strif for to wake , And the scherref ...
... scherreve was thennes but a fyve myle , And al was y - told him in a litel while , How Gamelyn and Adam had doon a sory rees , Bounden and i - wounded men agein the kinges pees ; Tho bigan sone strif for to wake , And the scherref ...
Page 258
... scherreve come with a gret route . ' Adam , ' sayde Gamelyn , ' my reed is now this , Abide we no lenger , lest we ... scherreve nest , but non ay . The scherreve lighte adoun , and went into the halle , And fond the lord y ...
... scherreve come with a gret route . ' Adam , ' sayde Gamelyn , ' my reed is now this , Abide we no lenger , lest we ... scherreve nest , but non ay . The scherreve lighte adoun , and went into the halle , And fond the lord y ...
Page 260
... scherreve and sire , And leet his brother endite for hate and for ire . Tho were his bonde - men sory and nothing glade , Whan Gamelyn her lord wolves heed1 was cryed and made ; And sente out of his men wher they might him fynde , For ...
... scherreve and sire , And leet his brother endite for hate and for ire . Tho were his bonde - men sory and nothing glade , Whan Gamelyn her lord wolves heed1 was cryed and made ; And sente out of his men wher they might him fynde , For ...
Page 261
... scherreve , and hath the baillye , And he hath endited the , and wolves - heed doth the 3 crie . ' ' Allas ! ' seyde Gamelyn , ' that ever I was so slak That I ne hadde broke his nekke , tho his rigge brak ! Goth , greteth hem wel , myn ...
... scherreve , and hath the baillye , And he hath endited the , and wolves - heed doth the 3 crie . ' ' Allas ! ' seyde Gamelyn , ' that ever I was so slak That I ne hadde broke his nekke , tho his rigge brak ! Goth , greteth hem wel , myn ...
Page 262
... scherreve tho , ' We ben but thre bretheren , schul we never be mo , And thou hast y - prisoned the best of us alle ; Swich another brother yvel mot him bifalle ! ' ' Sire Ote , ' seide the fals knight , ' lat be thi curs ; By God , for ...
... scherreve tho , ' We ben but thre bretheren , schul we never be mo , And thou hast y - prisoned the best of us alle ; Swich another brother yvel mot him bifalle ! ' ' Sire Ote , ' seide the fals knight , ' lat be thi curs ; By God , for ...
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Common terms and phrases
Absolon Adam adoun agayn Allas anon anoon answerde Arcite atte bigan brother byforn cæsura Canterbury Canterbury Tales champioun Chaucer Cheaper Edition church clerk couthe cowde Cristes deth doon dore doun Emelye felawe GEOFFREY CHAUCER Goddes goon goth gret grete Harl hath heed heere heih herte hire hond Johan John of Gaunt knight kyng lady leet litel loked lond lord lyve means mediæval meller metre moche Nicholas noon nought Palamon Petrarch poems poet prisoun quod ryde saugh Saxon sayde schal sche schortly schulde seyde Gamelyn seye seynt Sir Harris Nicolas sone sorwe soth spak Speght speke sterte syllables tale temple Thanne Thebes ther therfore therto Theseus thou schalt thurgh toun trewe tyme Tyrwhitt unto watir weren whan wher whil withouten wolde woot word wyde yeer yonge
Popular passages
Page 79 - Somtyme with the lord of Palatye, Ageyn another hethen in Turkye : And evermore he hadde a sovereyn prys. And though that he were worthy, he was wys, And of his port as meke as is a mayde. He never yet no vileinye ne sayde 70 In al his lyf, un-to no maner wight. He was a verray parfit gentil knight.
Page 178 - What is this world? what asketh men to have? Now with his love, now in his colde grave Allone, withouten any compaignye.
Page 80 - Embrouded was he, as it were a mede Al ful of fresshe floures, whyte and rede.
Page 107 - For this ye knowen al so wel as I, Whoso shal telle a tale after a man, He moot reherce as ny as evere he kan Everich a word, if it be in his charge, Al speke he never so rudeliche and large, Or ellis he moot telle his tale untrewe, Or feyne thyng, or fynde wordes newe.
Page 75 - The holy blisful martir for to seeke, That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.
Page 77 - But natheles, whyl I have tyme and space, Er that I ferther in this tale pace, Me thinketh it acordaunt to resoun, To telle yow al the condicioun Of ech of hem, so as it semed...
Page 115 - WHILOM, as olde stories tellen us, Ther was a duk that highte Theseus; Of Athenes he was lord and governour, And in his tyme swich a conquerour, That gretter was ther non under the sonne. Ful many a riche contre...
Page 2 - BECKER'S CHARICLES; a Tale illustrative of Private Life among the Ancient Greeks : with Notes and Excursuses. New Edition. Post Svo.
Page 92 - So chaunged he his mete and his soper. Ful many a fat partrich hadde he in mewe, And many a breem and many a luce in stewe.
Page 86 - Of prikyng and of huntyng for the hare Was al his lust, for no cost wolde he spare.