CASTLE OF FANCY. In the region of clouds, where the whirlwinds arise, The turrets reflected the blue of the skies, The rainbow sometimes in its beautiful state, And the figures that fancy in clouds can create, I had grottos, and fountains, and orange tree groves, I had sweet shady seats for the gods and their loves, But a storm, that I felt not, had risen and rolled, And when I wak'd up in the morning, behold, It pass'd over rivers, and mountains, and groves, I thought of my friends, of their fates and their loves, At length it came over a beautiful scene, The place was but sinall, but 'twas sweetly serene, I gazed and I envied with painful good will, And grew tired of my seat in the air, When all on a sudden my castle stood still, As if some attraction were there. Like a bird in the air it came fluttering down, And plac'd me exactly in view, And whom should I meet in this charming retreat, This corner of calmness but you. Rejoiced to find you in honor and ease, The wind blowing fair, I ascended the breeze MR. COOK'S ADDRESS ON THE PHILADELPHIA STAGE. While from Erin remote, where an iufant I've play'd, And remote from the white-clifft Brittania, I roam, In this freedom-blest clime, where a stranger I've stray'd, I have found all the sweets and endearments of home. I have found truth and friendship ennobling the mind, Nor unjust let me be to the fame of the fair, Such charms have I found in sweet unison join'd, Through the land where my wandering footsteps have led, From the lofty, whose brows are with honors intwin'd, But to me here* the choicest of treasures I've found, Those plaudits hath gratitude register'd here,t As pure as a dewdrop from beauty's moist eye. R On the Philadelphia stage. + The gallery. Even when towards bright Albion I glide on the gale, But will you say?-will you, when far over sea, The friends of my youth to revisit I fly, Will you still in your breasts cherish kindness for me? Farewell; generous patrons !-I'm no actor here* Long may Hamlets, Othellos, and Richards appear, WINDSOR, Waft me, some soft and cooling breeze Where sylvan scenes, wide spreading trees, Where tufted grass and mossy beds Where woodbines hang their dewy heads, And fragrant sweets around disclose. Old oozy Thames that flows fast by, His fertile banks with herbage green, Let me, thy clear, thy yielding wave, * In my heart. In thee, my glowing bosom lave, Lay me, with damask roses crown'd, Let Clarinda too be there, With azure mantle lightly drest, haste away, fair maid, and bring SONNET FROM PETRARCH. Nor stars that roll on high their wand'ring train, THE JOY OF GRIEF. Sweet the hour of tribulation. And the tear of resignation Have you felt a kind émotion Tremble through your troubled breast, Soft as evening o'er the ocean, When she charms the waves to rest? Have you lost a friend, a brother? Till she seem'd to wake from death? view P Have you felt a spouse expiring Did not grief then grow romantic, Yes! but when you had resign'd her, But before the green moss peeping, Horror, then, your heart congealing No! there was no feeling there! From that gloomy trance of sorrow, When you woke to pangs unknown, |