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hold of and pinch tightly the edge of the lower circle, which lies between them on the inside. The upper circle is now prevented from moving on the lower one; for, the tangent-screw, passing through hollow screws in both the clamp and the piece D, keeps them at a fixed distance apart, so that they cannot move to or from one another, nor consequently the two circles to which they are respectively made fast. But when this tangent-screw is turned by its milled-head, it gives the clamp and with it the upper plate a smooth and slow motion, backward or forward, whence it is called the "Slow motion screw," as well as "Tangent-screw," from the direction in which it acts. It is always placed at the south end of the compass-box.

A little different arrangement is employed to give a similar motion to the lower circle (which we have hitherto regarded as immovable) on the body of the instrument. Its axis is embraced by a brass ring, into which enters another tangent-screw, which also passes through a piece fastened to the plate P. The clampscrew, C, causes the ring to pinch and hold immovably the axis of the lower circle, while a turn of the Tangent-screw, T, will slowly move the clamp ring itself, and therefore with it the lower circle. When the clamp is loosened, the lower circle, and with it every thing above it, has a perfectly free motion. A recent improvement is the employment for this purpose of two tangent screws, pressing against opposite sides of a piece projecting from the clamp-ring. One is tightened as the other is loosened, and a very steady motion is thus obtained.

(337) Levels. Since the object of the instrument is to measure horizontal angles, the circular plate on which they are measured must itself be made horizontal. Whether it is so or not is known by means of two small levels placed on the plate at right angles to each other. Each consists of a glass tube, slightly curved upward in its middle and so nearly filled with alcohol, that only a small bubble of air is left in the tube. This always rises to the highest part of the tubes. They are so "adjusted" (as will be explained in chapter III) that when this bubble of air is in the middle of the tubes, or its ends equidistant from the central mark, the plate on which they are fastened shall be level, which way soever it may be turned.

The levels are represented in the figure of the Transit, on page 212, as being under the plate. They are sometimes placed above it. In that case, the Verniers are moved to one side, between the feet of the standards, and one of the levels is fixed between the standards above one of the Verniers, and the other on the plate at the south end of the compass-box.

(338) Parallel Plates. To raise or lower either side of the circle, so as to bring the bubbles into the centres of the tubes, requires more gentle and steady movements than the unaided hands can give, and is attained by the Parallel Plates P, P', (so called because they are never parallel except by accident), and their four screws Q, Q, Q, Q, which hold the plates firmly apart, and, by being turned in or out, raise or lower one side or the other of the upper plate P', and thereby of the graduated circle. The two plates are held together by a ball and socket joint. To level the instrument, loosen the lower clamp and turn the circle till each level is parallel to the vertical plane passing through a pair of opposite screws. Then take hold of two opposite screws and turn them simultaneously and equally, but in contrary directions, screw

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ing one in and the other out, as shown by the arrows in the figures. A rule easily remembered is that both thumbs must turn in, or both out. The movements represented in the first of these figures would raise the left-hand side of the circle and lower the right-hand side. The movements of the second figure would produce the reverse effect. Care is needed to turn the opposite screws equally, so that they shall not become so loose that the instrument will rock, or so tight as to be cramped. When this last occurs, one of the other pair should be loosened.

Sometimes one of each pair of the screws is replaced by a strong spring against which the remaining screws act.

The French and German instruments are usually supported by only three screws. In such cases, one level is brought parallel to one pair of screws and levelled by them, and the other level has its bubble brought to its centre by the third screw. If there is only one level on the instrument, it is first brought parallel tc one pair of screws and levelled, and is then turned one quarter around so as to be perpendicular to them and over the third screw, and the operation is repeated.

(339) Watch Telescope. A second Telescope is sometimes attached to the lower part of the instrument. When a number of angles are to be observed from any one station, direct the upper and principal Telescope to the first object, and then direct the lower one to any other well-defined point. Then make all the desired observations with the upper Telescope, and when they are finished, look again through the lower one, to see that it and therefore the divided circle has not been moved by the movements of the Vernier plate. The French call this the Witness Telescoре, (Lunette temoin).

(340) The Compass. Upon the upper plate is fixed a compass. Its use has been fully explained in Part III. It is little used in connection with the Transit or Theodolite, which are so incomparably more accurate, except as a "check," or rough test of the accuracy of the angles taken, which should about equal the difference of the magnetic bearings. Its use will be farther noticed in Chapter IV, on "Field Work."

(341) The Surveyor's Transit. In this instrument (so named by its introducers, Messrs. Gurley, and shown in Fig. 224), the Vernier-plate, which carries the standards and telescope, is under the plate which carries the graduated circle, and the compass is attached to the latter. By this arrangement, when the Vernier is set at any angle, the line of sight of the telescope will make that angle with the N. and S. lines of the compass. Consequently, this instrument can be used precisely like the Vernier compass

Fig. 224.

to allow for magnetic variation, and thus to run out a line with true bearings, as in Art. (312), or to run out old lines, allowing for the secular variation, as in Art. (321).

The instrument may also be used like the common Engineer's Transit. The compass, however, will then not

give the bearings of the

lines surveyed, but they can easily be deduced from that of any one line.


(342) Goniasmometre. A very compact instrument to which the above name has been given in France, where it is much used, is shown in the figure. The upper half of the cylinder is movable on its lower half. The observations may be taken through the slits, as in the Surveyor's Cross, or a Telescope may be added to it. Readings may be taken both from the compass, and from the divided edge of the lower half of the cylinder, by means of a Vernier on the upper half.*

* The proper care of instruments must not be overlooked. If varnished, they should be wiped gently with fine and clean linen. If polished with oil, they should be rubbed more strongly. The parts neither varnished nor oiled, should

Fig. 224.

be cleaned with Spanish white and alcohol. Varnished wood, when spotted should be wiped with very soft linen, moistened with a little olive oil or alcohol. Unpainted wood is cleaned with sand-paper. Apply olive oil where steel rubs against brass; and wax softened by tallow where brass rubs against brass.Clean the glasses with kid or buck skin. Wash them, if dirtied, with alcohol.



(343) Definition. A Vernier is a contrivance for measuring smaller portions of space than those into which a line is actually divided. It consists of a second line or scale, movable by the side of the first, and divided into equal parts, which are a very little shorter or longer than the parts into which the first line is divided. This small difference is the space which we are thus enabled to

[blocks in formation]

The Vernier scale is usually constructed by taking a length equal to any number of parts on the divided line, and then dividing this length into a number of equal parts, one more or one less than the number into which the same length on the original line is divided.

(344) Illustration. The figure represents (to twice the real size) a scale of inches divided into tenths, with a Vernier scale beside it, by which hundredths of an inch can be measured. The

[blocks in formation]

Vernier is made by setting off on it 9 tenths of an inch, and dividing that length into 10 equal parts. Each space on the Vernier is therefore equal to a tenth of nine-tenths of an inch, or to ninehundredths of an inch, and is consequently one-hundredth of an inch shorter than one of the divisions of the original scale. The

* The Vernier is so named from its inventor, in 1631. The name "Nonius," osten improperly given to it, belongs to an entirely different contrivance for a similar object.

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