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He found old "corners,"

Mr. D. with a course of N. 88° 30' E. and "blazes" of a former survey, on his line. They are also found on another line, South of his. Which of the preceding courses were correct, and where does the true line lie?

The question was investigated as follows. There were no old records of variation at the precise locality, but it lies between the lines of equal variation which pass through New-York and Boston, its distance from the Boston line being about twice its distance from the New-York line. The records of those two cities (referred to in Art. (317)) could therefore be used in the manner explained in Art. (318). For the later dates, observations at New-Haven could serve as a check. Combining all these, the author inferred the variation at the desired place to have been as follows: In 1715, Variation 8° 02′ West.

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We are now prepared to examine the correctness of the allowances made by the old surveyors.

The course run by Mr. B. in 1765, N. 87° 30′ E. made an allowance of 2° 30' as the decrease of variation, agreeing precisely with our calculation. The course of Mr. C. in 1789, N. 86° 18' E., allowed a change of 1° 12', which was wrong by our calculation, which gives only about 27', and was deduced from three dif ferent rècords. Mr. D. in 1845, ran a course of N. 88° 30' E, calling the increase of variation since 1789, 2° 12'. Our estimate was 2° 18', the difference being comparatively small. Our conclusion then is this: the second surveyor retraced correctly the line of the first: the third surveyor ran out a new and incorrect line: and the fourth surveyor correctly retraced the line of the third, and found his marks, but this line was wrong originally and therefore wrong now. All the surveyors ran their lines on the supposition that the original" due East and West line" meant East and West as the needle pointed at the time of the original survey.

The preponderance of the testimony as to old land marks agreed with the results of the above reasoning, and the decision of the court was in accordance therewith.


Fig. 211

C, 1789. D,1845
A,1715. B,1765


In the above figure the horizontal and vertical lines represent true East and North lines; and the two upper lines running from left to right represent the two lines set out by the surveyors and in the years, there named.


(323) Remedy for the evils of the Secular change. only complete remedy for the disputes, and the uncertainty of bounds, resulting from the continued change in the variation, is this. Let a Meridian, i. e. a true North and South line, be established in every town or county, by the authority of the State; monuments, such as stones set deep in the ground, being placed at each end of it. Let every surveyor be obliged by law to test his compass by this line, at least once in each year. This he could do as easily as in taking the Bearing of a fence, by setting his instrument on one monument, and sighting to a staff held on the other. Let the variation thus ascertained be inserted in the notes of the survey and recorded in the deed. Another surveyor, years or centuries afterwards, could test his compass by taking the Bearing of the same monuments, and the difference between this and the former Bearing would be the change of variation. He could thus determine with entire certainty the proper allowance to be made (as in Art. (321)) in order to retrace the original line, no matter how much, or how irregularly, the variation may have changed, or how badly adjusted was the compass of the original survey. Any permanent line employed in the same manner as the meridian line, would answer the same purpose, though less conveniently, and every surveyor should have such a line at least, for his own use.*

* This remedy seems to have been first suggested by Rittenhouse. It has since been recommended by T. Sopwith, in 1822; by E. F. Johnson, in 1831, and by W. Roberts, of Troy, in 1839. The errors of re-surveys, in which the change is neglected, were noticed in the "Philosophical Transactions," as long ago as 1679



By the Third Method.



(324) THE TRANSIT and THE THEODOLITE (figures of which are given on the next two pages) are Goniometers, or Angle-Measurers. Each consists, essentially, of a circular plate of metal, supported in such a manner as to be horizontal, and divided on its outer circumference into degrees, and parts of degrees. Through the centre of this plate passes an upright axis, and on it is fixed a second circuar plate, which nearly touches the first plate, and can turn freely around to the right and to the left. This second plate carries a Telescope, which rests on upright standards firmly fixed to the plate, and which can be pointed upwards and downwards. By the combination of this motion and that of the second plate around its axis, the Telescope can be directed to any object. The second plate has some mark on its edge, such as an arrow-head, which serves as a pointer or index for the divided circle, like the han'l of a clock. When the Telescope is directed to one object, and then turned to the right or to the left, to some other object, this index, which moves with it and passes around the divided edge of the other plate, points out the arc passed over by this change of direction, and thus measures the angle made by the lines imagined to pass from the centre of the instrument to the two objects.

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