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of my report without giving an expression of my sincere thanks and gratitude to the officers and men whom I had the honor to command.

From the commencement to the termination of this most arduous campaign, the army of the Potomac always evinced the most perfect subordination, zeal, and alacrity in the performance of all the duties required of it.

The amount of severe labor accomplished by this army in the construction of intrenchments, roads, bridges, &c. was enormous; yet all the work was performed with the most gratifying cheerfulness and devotion to the interests of the service.

During the campaign ten severely contested and sanguinary battles had been fought, besides numerous smaller engagements, in which the troops exhibited the most determined enthusiasm and bravery. They submitted to exposure, sickness, and even death, without a murmur. Indeed, they had become veterans in their country's cause, and richly deserved the warm commendation of the government.

It was in view of these facts that this seemed to me an appropriate occasion for the general-in-chief to give, in general orders, some appreciative expresion of the services of the army while upon the Peninsula. Accordingly, on the 18th I sent him the following despatch:


"August 18, 1862—11 р. т.

"Please say a kind word to my army that I can repeat to them in general orders in regard to their conduct at Yorktown, Williamsburg, West Point, Hanover Court House, and on the Chickahominy, as well as in regard to the (7) seven days and the recent retreat.

"No one has ever said anything to cheer them but myself. Say nothing about me. Merely give my men and officers credit for what they have done. It will do you much good, and will strengthen you much with them if you issue a handsome order to them in regard to what they have accomplished. They deserve it.

"Major General HALLECK,

"Washington, D. C."


"Major General.

As no reply was received to this communication, and no order was issued by the general-in-chief, I conclude that suggestion did not meet with his approbation. All the personnel and material of the army had been transferred from Harrison's landing to the different points of embarcation in the very brief period of five days without the slightest loss or damage. Porter's troops sailed from Newport News on the 19th and 20th. Heintzelman's corps sailed from Yorktown on the 21st. On that day I received the following telegram from the generalin-chief:

"WASHINGTON, August 21, 1862–6 р. т.

"Leave such garrisons in Fortress Monroe, Yorktown, &c., as you may deem proper. They will be replaced by new troops as rapidly as possible.

"The forces of Burnside and Pope are hard pushed, and require aid as rapidly as you can send it. Come yourself as soon as you can.

"By all means see that the troops sent have plenty of ammunition. We have no time here to supply them. Moreover, they may have to fight as soon as they land.


"Major General, Commanding United States Army.

"General MCCLELLAN."

To which the following are replies :


"Fortress Monroe, August 21, 1862-7.30 р. т. "Your despatch of (6) six p. m. received. I have not lost an hour in sending troops, nor will I. Franklin is here, and I will try to get some of his troops on board to-night. I had already ordered all the ammunition forward.

"I will put headquarters on board ship early to-morrow morning, so that I can leave at a moment's notice. I hope that I can get off to-morrow. Shall I go in person to Aquia, or do you wish to see me first at Washington? If you wish it I can probably ship quite an amount of ammunition for other troops than this army.

"Major General HALLECK,


"Major General.

"Washington, D. C."


"Fort Monroe, August 21, 1862-10.25 p. m.

"I have ample supplies of ammunition for infantry and artillery, and will have it up in time. I can supply any deficiency that may exist in General Pope's army. Quite a number of rifled field guns are on hand here.

"The forage is the only question for you to attend to; please have that ready for me at Aquia. I want many more schooners for cavalry horses; they should have water on hand when they come here.

"If you have leisure, and there is no objection, please communicate to me fully the state of affairs, and your plans. I will then be enabled to arrange details understandingly.

"Major General HALLECK, Washington."


"Major General.

Immediately on reaching Fort Monroe, I gave directions for strengthening the defences of Yorktown, to resist any attack from the direction of Richmond, and left General Keyes, with his corps, to perform the work, and temporarily garrison the place.

I telegraphed as follows on the 22d:


"Fort Monroe, August 22, 1862—2.15 р. т.

"Despatch of to-day received. Franklin's corps is embarking as rapidly as possible. Sumner's corps is at Newport News, ready to embark as fast as transportation arrives. Keyes is still at Yorktown, putting it in a proper state of defence. I think that all of Franklin's corps will get off to-day, and hope to commence with Sumner to-morrow. I shall then push off the cavalry and wagons.

"Major General H. W. HALLECK,

"Washington, D. C."

" Major General.

"HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, "Fort Monroe, August 22, 1862-3.40 р. m. "Two (2) good ordnance sergeants are needed immediately at Yorktown and Gloucester. The new defences are arranged and commenced. "I recommend that (5,000) five thousand new troops be sent immediately to

garrison York and Gloucester. They should be commanded by an experienced general officer, who can discipline and instruct them. About (900) nine hundred should be artillery. I recommend that a new regiment, whose colonel is an artillery officer, or graduate, be designated as heavy artillery, and sent there. A similar regiment is absolutely necessary here.

"Major General H. W. HALLECK,

"G. B. MCCLELLAN, Major General.

"Commanding United States Army."

On the 23d Franklin's corps sailed. I reported this in the following despatch:


"Fort Monroe, August 23, 1862—1.30 р. т. "Franklin's corps has started. I shall start for Aquia in about half an hour. No transports yet for Sumner's corps.

"Major General H. W. HALLECK,

"Commanding United States Army."


"Major General.

On that evening I sailed with my staff for Aquia creek, where I arrived at daylight on the following morning, reporting as follows:


"Aquia Creek, August 24, 1862.

"I have reached here, and respectfully report for orders.

"Major General HALLECK,

"Commanding United States Army."

I also telegraphed as follows:


"Major General.

"HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, "Aquia Creek, August 24, 1862—2 р. т. "Your telegram received. Morell's scouts report Rappahannock station burned and abandoned by Pope, without any notice to Morell or Sykes. This was telegraphed you some hours ago. Reynolds, Reno, and Stevens are supposed to be with Pope, as nothing can be heard of them to-day. Morell and Sykes are near Morrisville Post Office, watching the lower fords of Rappahannock, with no troops between there and Rappahannock station, which is reported abandoned by Pope.

"Please inform me immediately exactly where Pope is, and what doing; until I know that I cannot regulate Porter's movements; he is much exposed now, and decided measures should be taken at once. Until I know what my command and position are to be, and whether you still intend to place me in the command indicated in your first letter to me, and orally through General Burnside, at the Chickahominy, I cannot decide where I can be of most use. your determination is unchanged, I ought to go to Alexandria at once. Please define my position and duties.


"Major General.

"Commanding United States Army."

"Major General H. W. HALLECK,


To which I received the following reply:

"WASHINGTON, August 24, 1862. "You ask me for information which I cannot give. I do not know either where General Pope is, or where the enemy in force is. These are matters which I have all day been most anxious to ascertain.

"Major General MCCLELLAN.”

On the 26th I received the following:



"WASHINGTON, August 26, 1862–11 а. т.

"There is reason to believe that the enemy is moving a large force into the Shenandoah valley. Reconnoissances will soon determine. General Heintzel. man's corps was ordered to report to General Pope, and Kearney's will probably be sent to-day against the enemy's flank. Don't draw any troops down the Rappanannock at present; we shall probably want them all in the direction of the Shenandoah. Perhaps you had better leave General Burnside in charge at Aquia creek, and come to Alexandria, as very great irregularities are reported there. General Franklin's corps will march as soon as it receives transportation. "H. W. HALLECK,

"Major General G. B. MCCLELLAN."


On receipt of this I immediately sailed for Alexandria, and reported as fol


"ALEXANDRIA, August 27, 1862–8 а. т. " I arrived here last night, and have taken measures to ascertain the state of affairs here, and that proper remedies may be applied. Just received a rumor that railway bridge over Bull run was burned last night.

"Major General H. W. HALLECK,


" Major General.

"Commanding United States Army."

"ALEXANDRIA, August 27, 1862–9.40 a. m.

"The town is quiet, although quite full of soldiers, who are said to be chiefly convalescents.

"The affairs of the quartermaster's department are reported as going on well. "It is said that the Bull's run bridge will be repaired by to-morrow. The disembarcation of Sumner's corps commenced at Aquia yesterday afternoon. I found that he could reach Rappahannock station earlier that way than from here.

"Major General H. W. HALLECK,

"Commanding United States Army."

On the same day I received the following:


" Major General.

"WASHINGTON, August 27, 1862.

"Telegrams from General Porter to General Burnside, just received, say that Banks is at Fayetteville; McDowell, Sigel, and Ricketts near Warrenton; Reno on his right. Porter is marching on Warrenton Junction, to re-enforce Pope. Nothing said of Heintzelman. Porter reports a general battle imminent. Franklin's corps should move out by forced marches, carrying three or four days' provisions, and to be supplied, as far as possible, by railroad. Perhaps you may prefer some other road than to Centreville. Colonel Haupt has just telegraphed about sending out troops. Please see him, and give him your directions. There has been some serious neglect to guard the railroad, which should be immediately remedied.

"Major General MCCLELLAN."

I replied as follows:



"ALEXANDRIA, August 27, 1862-10 a. m.

"Telegram this moment received. I have sent orders to Franklin to prepare to march with his corps at once, and to repair here in person to inform me as to his means of transportation.

"Kearney was yesterday at Rappahannock station; Porter at Bealton, Kellip, Barnells, &c. Sumner will commence reaching Falmouth to-day. Williams's Massachusetts cavalry will be mostly at Falmouth to-day.

"I loaned Burnside my personal escort (one squadron 4th regulars) to scout down Rappahannock.

As fast as I gain any in

"I have sent for Couch's division to come at once. formation I will forward it, although you may already have it.

"Major General H. W. HALLECK,

"Washington, D. C.

I also received the following telegrams:

"Major General.

"WASHINGTON, August 27, 1862. "Direct General Casey to furnish you about five thousand of the new troops under his command.

"Take entire direction of the sending out of the troops from Alexandria. "Determine questions of priority in transportation, and the places they shall occupy. Pope's headquarters are near Warrenton Junction, but I cannot ascertain the present position of his troops.

"Major General MCCLELLAN."


"WASHINGTON, August 27, 1862.

"I can get no satisfactory information from the front, either of the enemy or of our troops. There seems to have been great neglect and carelessness about Manassas. Franklin's corps should march in that direction as soon as possible. A competent officer should be sent out to take direction of affairs in that vicinity.

"Major General MCCLELLAN.”



Upon the receipt of these I immediately sent the following telegram to Generals Heintzelman and Porter:

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