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QUESTIONS ON THE MAP. BOUNDARIES.-What sea on the north of Africa? M-n What sea and ocean on the east? R-d Sea, I-n O. What ocean on the west? A-c

What isthmus connects Af'rica with A'sia? S-z.

DIVISIONS.-What division, in the northwestern part of Africa, on the Atlantic coast? M-o.

What, forming the east boundary of Maroc'co? A-a. What, in the northeastern part, bordering on the Red and Mediterra'nean seas? E-t.

Z-r, M-e C-e C-y. north of the

What large division west of Egypt? T-i (trip'o-le)? What division south of Trip'oli? F-n (fez-zahn') What, lying between Trip'oli and Algeria? T-s What two divisions south of Egypt? N-a, A-a. What two, border on the eastern coast Which is the most southern division? What division, on the Atlantic coast, Gulf of Guinea (ghin'ee)? L-r G-a. What, north of the Gulf of Guin'ea? Upper G-a What state west of Upper Guin'ea? L-a. What two states north of Libe'ria? S-a L-e, S-a. What large country in the interior of Africa? S-n. What great sandy desert north of Soudan'' S-a.

ISLANDS.-What large island in the In'dian Ocean, east of the southern part of Africa? M-r.

What two islands east of Madagas'car? M-s, B-n. What two islands belonging to Great Brit'ain, in the Atlantic, west of Lower Guin'ea? St. H-a, A-n What group, belonging to Port'ugal, west of Senegambia? Ce V-e.

What group, belonging to Spain, north of the Cape Verde Islands? C-y.

What two groups, belonging to Port'ugal, northwest of the Cana'ry Islands? M-a (mah-dee'ra), A-e.

CAPES.—Which is the most northern cape?. B-n Which is the most eastern cape? G-i (gwar-da-fwe').

What long range in the east part? Mts of the M-n.
What range in the southern part? N-t.
What range extends through Upper Guin'ea? K-g.

SEAS, GULFS, AND STRAITS.-What sea on the north separates Africa from Eu'rope? M-n.

What sea on the east between A'sia and Africa? R-d What strait connects the Red Sea with the In'dian

Ocean? B-b el M-b.

What channel separates Madagas'car from the mainland? M-e (mo-zam-beek').

What large gulf on the west coast of Africa? G-a

RIVERS AND LAKES.-What great river, in the east part of Africa, flows north into the Mediterra'nean? N-e. Name the branches of the Nile. B. N-e, W. N-e. What river flows in a southeasterly direction into the Mozambique' Channel? Z-e.

What river rising in the Nieu'veldt Mountains flows west into the Atlantic? 0-e.

What river flows into the Gulf of Guin'ea? N-r.
What branch has the Niger from the east? C-a.
What river in the north part of Senegam'bia? S-1.
What large lake in the central part of Africa? T-d.
What large lake south of the Equa'tor? N-i.
What lake farther south? N-y.

CITIES AND TOWNS.—What is the capital of Maroc'co? M-0.

What is the capital of Alge'ria? A-s.
What is the capital of Tu'nis? T-s.
What is the capital of Trip'oli? T-i.
What is the capital of Egypt? C-o (ki̇ro).
What is the capital of Fez'zan? M-k.
What town in Nu'bia on the Nile? N. D-a.
What town in the northern part of Abys'sinia? G-r.
What town, situated on an island of the same name,
east of Zanguebar'? Z-r.

What town in Mozambique', on the coast? M-e.
What is the capital of Madagas'car? T-o.
What town, on the coast, northeast of Cape Colony?

Which is the most southern cape? A-s (ah-gool'yas). | P-t N-1 (nah-tahl').
Which is the most western cape? V-e.

What cape northwest of Cape Agulhas? G-d H-e.
What cape in the southern part of Libe'ria? P-s.
What cape north of Cape Verde? B-o.

MOUNTAINS.-What range of mountains in the northwestern part of Africa? A-s.

What is the capital of Cape Colony? C-e T-n. What two towns on the coast of Lower Guin'ea? B-a (ben-galah), L-o.

What is the capital of Libeʼria? M-a.

What is the capital of Sierra Leone? F-e T-n. What town at the mouth of the Senegal'? Saint L-s. What important town on the Ni'ger? T-o





Where is it situated? With what larger body of water is it connected?

EXAMPLE. - Red?-Situated between A'sia and

Where is it situated? What bounds it Africa, and is connected with the Inʼdian Ocean.

on the north, east, south, and west?

EXAMPLE.-Maroc'co?-Situated in the northwestern part of Africa; bounded north by the Strait of Gibral'tar and the Mediterranean Sea, east by Algeria, south by the Great Desert, west by the Atlantic Ocean.

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In what country, and where is it situated? Name the river or other body of water near which it stands.

EXAMPLE.-Maroc'co?-It is situated inland, and is the capital of Maroc'co

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With what is a very large portion of the surface of these table-lands covered?

Immense sandy deserts.

Are these deserts entirely uninhabited?

Yes, except a few fertile spots called oases.

To what may these fertile spots be compared? To beautiful islands in the midst of the sea.

What very useful purpose do they serve? They furnish resting-places for travelers in their weary journeys across the deserts.

For what is the Desert of Sahara remarkable?

It is the largest in the world.

How do the rivers of Africa compare with those of

the other grand divisions?

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Name some of the principal birds of Africa. The vulture, ostrich, parrot, and flamingo.

What are the chief articles of export?

Ivory, gold dust, and palm oil.

What of the native inhabitants of Africa?

They are generally of the negro

They are fewer in number, and race, and are exceedingly ignorant generally smaller.

and degraded.

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