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The Spanish.

Who are the present inhabitants?



What insect is found on a species of the cactus in Mexico and Central America, from which a beauti

Descendants of Spaniards and ful red color is made? Indians.

What of the northern part?

Most of it is barren and unfit for cultivation.

The cochineal.

For what is the city of Mexico celebrated? The number and wealth of its churches and convents.



Central America is noted for what?

The number of its volcanoes.

What can you say of them?

What of the travel on this river and lake?

Many persons going to and from California cross the Isthmus here.

What remarkable antiquities are found in Central America?

The ruins of cities, temples, and

Many of them are in a state of palaces.

continual activity.

What are of frequent occurrence?

When and by whom were these built?

They were built many hundred

Earthquakes, which sometimes de- years ago, by the people who inhab

stroy whole cities.

What are earthquakes?

Violent shakings of the earth.

What of the inhabitants of Central America?

They are similar to those of Mex

ico-Spanish and Indian.

ited the country before it was discovered by Europeans



What English colony in the northern part of Gua- The West Indies were supposed to be a part of


[blocks in formation]

what country when first discovered?

A part of India.

Why were they afterwards called the West Indies?

To distinguish them from India, in the Eastern Hemisphere.

What are the names of the principal West India Islands?

Cuba, Hayti, Jamaica, and Porto Rico.

What others belong to this group? The Bahama and Caribbee islands, and those along the north coast of South America.

What is the climate of these islands?

Delightful in winter, but hot, and often sickly, in



What violent storms of wind and rain are frequent in summer?

Hurricanes, which are sometimes very destructive.

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DIVISIONS.-What countries border on the Caribbe'an Sea? V-a, N. G-a.

Which of these countries borders on the Pacific? N. G-a.

What country south of New Grana'da (grah-nah'dah)? E-r (ek-wah-dore').

What country south of Ecuador'? P-u.
What country southeast of Peru'? B-a.

What country borders on the Pacific south of Bolivia? C-e.

What country east of Chile (e)? A-e R-c.
What country south of the Ar'gentine Republic? P-a.
What two small divisions east of the Ar'gentine Re-
public? U-y, P-y.

What large country occupies the eastern portion of
South America? B-1.

What European possessions north of Brazil'? G-a. How is Guiana (ghe-ah'na) divided? Into British, Dutch, and French Guia'na.

ISLANDS.-What island north of Venezuela (ven-ezwee'la)? T-d.

What island at the mouth of the Amazon? J-s.
What, at the southern extremity of South America?

T-a del F-o (te-er'rah del fwa'go).

GULFS.-What gulf north of New Grana'da? D-n.
What gulf north of Venezue ́la? V-a.
What gulf on the west coast of Ecuador'? G-1.
What gulf south of the Isthmus of Panama'? P-a.

RIVERS.-What large river, rising in the An'des, flows across the continent and empties into the Atlantic, under the equator? A-n.

Let the pupil read from the map the tributaries to the Amazon, giving the pronunciations as they are indicated on the next page.

What river flows north through New Grana'da? M-a. What river flows east through Venezuela, and empties into the Atlantic? 0-0.

What river is formed by the junction of the Uruguay' and Parana' (par-ah-nah')? R-o de la P-a (reo dā lah plah'tah).

What tributary has the Parana'? P-y.
What tributary has the Paraguay'? P-o.

CITIES AND TOWNS.-What is the capital of Venezuela? C-s

What is the capital of New Grana'da? B-a.
What is the capital of Ecuador'? Q-o (kee'to).
Nearly under what line is Qui'to situated? The

What is the capital of Peru'? L-a (lee'mah).
What is the capital of Bolivia? S-e.

What town west of Su'cre (soo'ker) which was

What strait separates this island from the main- formerly noted for its silver mines? P-i (po-to'see). land? M-n (ma-jeľ ́lan).

What islands northeast of Tierra del Fuego? F-d.
What island, belonging to Chi'le, west of Patagonia?

What islands west of Chi'le? J-n F-z.
What islands west of Ecuador'?


CAPES.-Which is the most eastern cape of South
America? St. R-e.

Which is the most southern cape? H-n.
Which is the most western cape? B-o.

MOUNTAINS.-What mountains extend along the western coast of South America? A-s.

What is the capital of Chile? S-o.

Is Santiago (san-te-ah'go) situated inland, or on the coast? Inland.

What flourishing sea-port on the coast of Chile? V-o (vahl-pah-ri'so).

What is the capital of the Ar'gentine Republic?
B-s A-s (bwa'nos i'res).

On what river is it situated? Rio de la P-a.
What is the capital of Uruguay'? M-e V-o.
What is the capital of Paraguay'? A-n.
On what river is Asuncion (ah-soon-the-one')? P-y.
What is the capital of Brazil'? Rio J-o.

What noted places of trade and commerce on the coast north of Rio Janeiro (re'o zhah-nero)? B-a

What lofty peak in this range, near the equator? (bah-ee'ah), P-o, and P-a. (pah-rah'). C-o (chim-bo-rahʼzo).

What lofty peak in Bolivia? S-o (so-rah'to).

fre a mountain in Chi'le, the highest volcano in the wh? A-a (ah-kon-kah’gwah).

What is the capital of French Guiana (ghe-ah'na) ?
Cayenne (ki-enn').

What is the capital of Dutch Guia'na? P-o.
What is the capital of British Guiana? G-n.

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