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the ancients (whom Bishop Pearson follows) as the gate of the Incarnation, so S. Anne was regarded as the gate to S. Mary. Hence it would seem appropriate that the gate nearest the Lady Chapel, and which led directly into it by means of the "Lytel North dore," now closed, should be called after "S. Anne, mother to the B. V. Mary."

As then there does not seem any good reason for going further to seek for the origin of the name in this instance, it may be interesting to put on record this use of "Tan gate," as illustrating the derivation of the name, "Tan Hill," from similarity of word, and proximity of place.


I remain,

Yours' obediently,


Ancient Statutes of Heptesbury Almshouse.

Communicated by Rev. CANON JACKSON, F.S.A.

ALTER LORD HUNGERFORD and HEYTESBURY, K.G., Lord High Treasurer of England, died in A.D. 1449, and was succeeded by his son Robert Lord Hungerford, who married Margaret Lady Botreaux, and died A.D. 1459.

Sir R. C. Hoare has given a very full history of Heytesbury Hospital, but seems to be in error in saying that "this charitable establishment was begun by Robert Lord Hungerford:" for Margaret Lady Hungerford and Botreaux, in a "Writyng annexed to her will" distinctly says that the father, "Water, late Lord Hungerford, bilded an almeshous of xii poremen and a woman, and an hous for a scholemaister at Heytesbury." [Heytesbury, p. 102.] The same Walter also ordered his endowment to be carried into effect; but as this was not done in his son's days, Lady Margaret herself completed that part of the business.

The original almshouse was destroyed by fire in 1765.

In the Foundation Deed, and others of early date relating to the

hospital, a code of rules is referred to: but Sir R. C. Hoare had never seen it. He says [Heytesbury, p. 134, note], "The Ancient Statutes are not now in existence, being replaced by new ones compiled 12 Charles I." These new ones were dated 19th September, 1633,9 [not 12] Charles I: but they have been in their turn superseded by a still newer scheme of the year 1856.

I met, many years ago, with the original statutes, in a fine Chartulary of the Hungerford family in the possession of the late Right Hon. Henry Hobhouse, of Hadspen, co. Somerset. They are very curious, and the more so from being written in the English language: official documents of that period having generally been in Latin: but for the purpose of being occasionally studied by the inmates of the almshouse, the vulgar tongue was in this case necessary. The detail and stringency of the rules are also remarkable. The "Code of Laws" for the twelve poor old men and one woman could hardly have been more minute and elaborate had it been prepared for the establishments of Greenwich or Chelsea.

J. E. J.


To all y childerne of our moder the holy Church to whom thise present letters shall come, Margarete yat was ye wiff of Robard sumtyme Lord Hungerford, Knyght, John Cheyne of Pynne, and John Mervyn, Equyers, Greting in our Lorde everlasting.

Sen we, bi y Kyngis letters, wherof y date is yo xxth day of Feverer y yere of y' raigne of Kyng Edward y' Fourth after y' Conquest ye xith, of y° licence graunte and auctorite of y' saide Kyng, have reised, made, founded, create, and stablished an Almeshous of oone Chapeleyn, xii pouermen and a woman perpetuat: wherof y same Chapeleyn of ye same hous shalbe keper and wardeyn at Haytesbury in y Counte of Wilteshire, for to do and say

dyvyne service and other orisons and prayers synguler days in the parissh Church of Haitesbury beforesaide, and to do other thyngis after our ordinauncez that in this parte shall be done, as in our letters foluying shall playnly be conteyned:

Know ye now that we certayne statutes and ordynauncez for y goode state, governaunce and concervation of the saide hous, bi strenth, licence, and graunte of ye Kyngis letters patentes before saide, have made, sette, and ordeyned, by these present letters evermore to endure for all tymes to come.

I. Furste. That is to say, we wull and ordeyne that the Dean of the Cathedrale Church of Salisbury with the Chanons residens in y same for ye tyme beyng, have power for to remove y' keper of ye same hous, whatsoever he be, for his notible defaute, cryme, or excesse founde in hym, and lawfully convicte of the same fro y keping of y same hous for evermore.

II. Item. Furthermore we wull, sette and ordeyne, that if y keper of y saide hous, what so ever he be, be a waster, a riotour, or a myspender of eny of y' godes or lyvelode of y' saide hous, or be openly forsworne for not keping of such maner statutes, or and he be an open fornycatour or adoutrer, or that he wull not be corrected, or use the alehouses, taverne, or tavernes, custumably in tymes inconvenient, or and he use comen hunting, or other inhonest playes [as of the Dees, cartes, or of the hande ball] commonly excercise or haunte: or and he be a debatefull man or noted in eny cryme that shulde cause eny infamye, or desclaunder to y° Church or to ye saide hous, and may not lawfully therof make his purgation or otherwise of the same, or in eny of y' premyssez be lawfully convicte, he shall by the same, all remedies of the lawe set a side, be removed fro y said hous, and of the right, profite and title that he had therof bifure, utterly pryved.

III. And furthermore, we wull and ordeyne that neyther y keper that now is ne eny of his successors, kepers of the saide hous in eny wise absent hym selfe in tyme to come fro the saide hous over a moneth in y° yere contynuelly, or els such tymes as he shalbe proveably occupied in y° nedis of y' hous, withoute leve of y° saide Margarete while she lyveth: and after hir discesse withoute leve

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of hym to whom yo provysion and admyssion of such poremen and woman for y tyme shall perteyne, on lesse than eny lawfull cause, or straite nede, fall or happe in this partie. Nevertheles it shalbe lefeful to ye said keper for y tyme beyng for hys recreation to walke a myle or 2 for his recreation atte certayne tymes, not absentyng hymselfe from his place by nyghtys tyme.

IV. Item. We wull and ordeyne that the keper of y same hous for the tyme being, wen he shall go oute of the boundes or precinte of the saide parish into y towne or out of y° towne, that he depute and make his deputee oone of ye poremen moste discrete that may execute his office in all thyngis till he returne agayne.

V. Item. We sette and ordeyne that the keper of the same hous for the tyme beyng have y reule and governaunce of the same house of y poremen and woman there for the tyme abidyng, for evermore. And that anone after the admyssion and advauncement of the keper that shall or is to come in the forsaide house all times afterward, before that the same keper take or have eny admynystration in the same, make a playne and trewe Inventory of all the goodis of the same hous founde there in y° tyme of his admyssion and perfection, in presence of yo forsaide Margarete or hir deputee in this party, duryng her liff, and after hir death in presens of the forsaide John Mervyn duryng his liff, and after the discesse of thayme, in y presens of y' officiall of y Deane of Salisbury havyng ordynary Jurisdiction within y° parissh of Haytesbury if he be then there present, in presens of the parissh preste of Haitesbury (the forsaide Officiall beyng absent), in presens of the 2 parissh prestis of the Church of Haytesbury beforesaide, and of 2 discrete men by the saide prestis for the tyme to be chosen, and of 2 other discrete men of the same hous.

VI. Also we desire, exorte and beseche y Deane of Salisbury for y tyme beyng that hit please hym bi his own persone or bi his Officiall or Comyssary havyng ordynary jurisdiction within ye Parissh of Haitesbury, yerely atte his visitation in Haitesbury to calle before hym ye saide keper, poremen and woman. And to se and here this present ordynaunce redde afore y saide keper, poremen and woman: and in presens of 4 discrete personys of the same towne, to be

named by ye Deane, his Officiall or Comssary beyng atte the same. And if eny defautes be founde as well in ye saide keper as in y said poremen and woman for not kepyng these saide ordinaunces in parte or in all, That then all such defautes so founde be punysshed and corrected accordyng to this our present ordynaunce. For y wich we wull and ordeyne that the saide Deane his Officiall or Comyssary have and take yerely, ymmedyate atte thende of his Visitacion, of ye saide keper for ye tyme beyng, vi". viii. wherof we wull his Clerk have xii. by y' hands of the saide keper, for theire labour in this partye.

VII. Item. We wull and ordeyne that it shall not be lefefull to ye keper of y forsaide hous for y tyme being to permute by dispensation, or otherwise optayne or resceyve, eny other benefice of a yerely pension or office spirituall or temporall, with y⚫ office of y' kepyng of y same hous, but anone after that he hath eny other benefice or spirituall office with charge or withoute charge so resceyved and execute, and hit hath pesibly, he shall leve utterly in dede and in worde ye office of y' keper of the same hous withoute eny difficulte or contradiction. And then it shalbe lefefull to y⚫ saide Margarete while she lyveth and after her deth to the Chaunceler of y Cathedrall Church of Salisbury for the tyme beyng or y' Deane and Chapiter, he not residenser, to presente a nother Chapeleyn secular to the kepyng of y forsaide hous as hit more playnly appereth in our foundation.

VIII. Item. We wulle also and ordeyne that anone after that eny keper of ye hous biforesaide for y tyme beyng resceyve or execute eny other benefice spirituall or office, bicause of the which he shall not nowe duly execute y admynystracion of such a maner keper; the same keper shall utterly and oonly in word and dede leve his office of y' kepyng of y' same hous bifore optayned.

IX. Item. We wull and ordeyne that by y' same dede that y keper of y saide hous eny such benefice, office or admynystracion, gete or opteyne or assecute, by y° getyng, or opteyning, or assecution of such a benefice, office, or admynystration, be in y° dede doyng amoved and removed of his office of y' keper of ye same hous. And a nother Chapeleyn, in his place so removed as above is saide,

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