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Luna, 14° die Februarii, 1853.

Ordered, THAT a SELECT COMMITTEE be appointed to Inquire into the Operation of the Laws under which Dues or Taxes are levied on the introduction of Coals into the Metropolis and the Neighbourhood, the Mode of Collection, and the Expenditure of such Dues or Taxes.

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Ordered, THAT the said Committee have power to send for Persons, Papers, and Records..

Ordered, THAT Five be the Quorum of the Committee.

Veneris, 18° die Februarii, 1853.

Ordered, THAT Mr. Alderman Cubitt be added to the Committee.

Lunæ, 25° die Aprilis, 1853.

Ordered, THAT Mr. Deedes be discharged from further attendance on the Committee, and that Sir Joshua Walmsley be added thereto.

Veneris, 12° die Augusti, 1853.

Ordered, THAT the Committee have power to Report their Opinion, together with the Minutes of Evidence taken before them, to The House.

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THE SELECT COMMITTEE appointed to Inquire into the Operation of the Laws under which DUES or TAXES are levied on the Introduction of COALS into the METROPOLIS and the Neighbourhood, the Mode of Collection and the Expenditure of such Dues or Taxes; and who were empowered to Report their Opinion and the Minutes of Evidence taken before them to The House: HAVE considered the Matters to them referred, and have come to the following Resolution, which they agreed to Report to The House, together with the MINUTES OF EVIDENCE taken before them :


THAT it is the opinion of this Committee that the Inquiry should be proceeded with in the next Session of Parliament.

12 August 1853.

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Mr. B. Scott, Mr. Charles Rogers, and Mr. John Dickenson, examined.

[Adjourned to Thursday, at One o'clock.

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Mr. John Dickenson further examined; Mr. Benjamin Scott, Mr. Nicholas Wood, Mr. Ilurry Inskip, and Mr. James Scott, examined.

[Adjourned to Thursday, 26th instant, at One o'clock.

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Mr. E. Tyrrell, Mr. John Marchant, Mr. J. R. Scott, Mr. J. J. Gripper, and Mr. Henry Welton, examined.

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Resolutions proposed by Sir J. Walmsley, read 1°, as follows:

1. That neither the whole nor any part of the tax on inland coals, levied by the Corporation of London, save that which is carried into the water of the Thames, is by law pledged to form a constituent part of the London Bridge Approaches Fund; inasmuch as the 10 Geo. 4, c. 136, and the 11 Geo. 4, c. 76, which specify in detail the various duties on coal comprised in that fund, allude to no coal duties so pledged by the Corporation, but on coals imported or brought into the port of London or water of Thames.

2. That any right claimed by the Corporation of London of 4 d. per ton for metage, or an equivalent duty in lieu of metage, is confined to the port of London and water of Thames ; for neither by prescription nor charter, nor by any Act of Parliament, have they ever exercised or possessed a right of metage on inland coal not so brought into the port of London. 3. That the duty of 1 d. per ton on coals brought into the port of London, granted by the 43 & 44 Geo. 3, for the express and limited purpose of constructing a free market for coals in London, under which Parliamentary grant, since perverted by various subsequent Acts of Parliament obtained by the Corporation, large sums have been levied, and continued to be levied, on inland coals, which ought no longer to be levied beyond the bounds of the metropolis, inasmuch as the proceeds of that duty are expended therein.

4. That it is adverse to the principles of free trade to obstruct the introduction of inland coals as an important necessary of consumption, and by the introduction of which the price of coals in the metropolis has been materially reduced, and the supply equalised.

5. That the complaints brought before this Committee by the inhabitants of Hertfordshire, and surrounding districts, of the injury to their trade by the recent extension of the duty on inland coals not entering the city of London or water of Thames, are well founded, and demand a prompt remedy.

The Committee deliberated, and instructed Chairman to prepare a Report.


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