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one of a society which included Robert Tully, Bishop of St. David's; John Hunden, Rector of Tenby, and then Bishop of Llandaff, and Dr. John Smith, who succeeded him in both offices. Thomas White, as Mayor in 1457, assisted Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke, to rebuild the walls of Tenby, and in 1471, when the Earl and his nephew (subsequently King Henry VII) fled from Pembroke Castle to Tenby, it was Thomas White who conveyed them in his own ship to the Channel Islands, whence they escaped to Brittany.

No. 30. Effigy of John White, 1490 circa, St. Anne's Chapel, St. Mary's Church, Tenby.'-This figure is almost a replica of No. 29, but certain small differences are worthy of attention. His vest, or shirt, is pleated horizontally, his gypcière (from which a pocket-handkerchief peeps, a very early example) is quite plain; round his neck hangs a chain of beads, from which is suspended a Tudor rose.

John's tomb is a continuation to the westward of that commemorating his father Thomas.

On the western end of John's tomb is a plain shield, supported by two stags. The southern front is covered by a further series of the alabaster carvings noted on that of No. 29. Along the top runs a legend corresponding to that of the other monument, but this is much mutilated; it seems to read:

[Hic jacet Johannes White quond]ã [mer]ca[tor et istius] ville [major qui] obi[it] .... do .... cui's aie ppiciet' d's amē."

Which probably means:

"Here lies John White formerly merchant and mayor of this town who died Anno Domini M. on whose soul may God have mercy.

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The inscription on the bottom reads:

Hic jacet Margēta phe et cistina eyno' ux's d'c'i Joh' q'

1 For previous mention, see No. 29.

M'g obi't xviijo die Sept A° M° CCCCLXXXIJ° et d'c'a cistia obijt."


"Here lie Margareta Phelpe and Christina Eynon, wives of the aforesaid John, of whom Margareta died 18° of Sept in the year 1482 and the aforesaid Christina ...

Between the legends the tomb is divided into four panels, as on the side dedicated to Thomas.

In the panel to westward a shield sinister, side White, on the dexter an elephant; beneath, a lady and two girls adore a saint.

In the second compartment a shield with White's stag, the dexter has disappeared; beneath, a lady and two girls kneel before a figure representing St. Catherine. She tramples on the foul fiend, and stabs him with a sword held in her left hand, her right being occupied with the wheel on which she was put to death, and by right of which she became patroness of weavers, and indirectly of St. Catherine's Island. Perhaps John White was co-feoffee of the chapel thereon, an office held by prominent townsmen.

In the third panel have been two shields, one of which is gone; the other bears the stags' heads for White. Underneath, John kneels with his five


In the fourth compartment is an open coffin, with three "chrisoms.' Above them an inscription:

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"Attend thou who mayst pass by, whether thou art old, middle aged, or a youth. Reflect in your mind that you will be under such a death. For me pour out supplications, because thus I may have a hope of pardon."

No. 31.-Effigy of Margareta ap Rees, née Mercer, Tenby Church

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The various persons represented on these tombs had scrolls issuing from their mouths which probably contained prayers.

The various bosses round these monuments are beautifully worked, particularly the oak-leaves on the Thomas tomb and the stag's head on that of John.

The story of these combined tombs seems to be as follows: Joan Howell of Nevern, first wife of Thomas and mother of John, died Sept. 20, 1451. Thomas departed May 8°, 1482. Margareta Phelpe, John's first wife, Sept. 8°, 1482. Then, after a sufficient time had elapsed for John to marry Christina, the heiress of Henllan (Castlemartin), and have at least two children, he, John, ordered two tombs to be erected, one in honour of his father and mother, the other to commemorate his first wife; also his stepmother Isabella Butler, his second wife Christina Eynon, and himself, though living. John White was alive in 1498, when he served as Mayor of Tenby.'

No. 31. Effigy of Margareta ap Rees née Mercer, and Figure of her Husband, Thomas ap Rees of Scotsborough, 1610, in North-East Corner of St. Mary's Church, Tenby.-The lady lies on her side, facing the spectator; her head rests on two plump and comfortable-looking cushions, finished with cords and tassels, her right hand is under her head, her left is pressed to her bosom. The head-dress is a close-fitting cap surmounting hair rolled back from the forehead. Over the cap falls a wide veil whose ends reach the sleeves;

1 So far as the writers are aware no lay effigy was erected in Pembrokeshire during the sixteenth century. There is a fine tomb with effigy of Bishop John Morgan (1504) in St. David's Cathedral.

2 Previous mention: Fenton, p. 449; Arch. Camb., 1906, p. 81; Church Book of St. Mary's, Tenby, p. 77; Lord's Ichnography of Tenby Church in Browne Willis Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxford; Norris Etchings of Tenby, p. 45; Barnwell's Perrot Notes, p. 74; Mason's Guide to Tenby, 1882, p. 27.

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