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" All the irregularities of the upper part of the said pavement are to be broken off by the hammer, and all the interstices to be filled with stone chips firmly wedged or packed by hand with a light hammer, so that when the whole pavement is finished there... "
A Treatise on Surveying and Civil Engineering, Wherein Everything that is ... - Page 54
by P. O'Shaughnessy (Civil engineer) - 1848 - 98 pages
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A Treatise on Roads: Wherein the Principles on which Roads Should be Made ...

Sir Henry Parnell - 1833 - 474 pages
...and all the interstices to be filled with stone chips firmly wedged or packed by hand with a light hammer ; so that when the whole pavement is finished, there shall be a convexity of four inches in the breadth of fifteen feet from the centre. " The middle eighteen feet of pavement...
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A Treatise on Roads: Wherein the Principles on which Roads Should be Made ...

Sir Henry Parnell - 1838 - 512 pages
...and all the interstices to be filled with stone chips firmly wedged or packed by hand with a light hammer ; so that when the whole pavement is finished, there shall be a convexity of four inches in the breadth of fifteen feet from the centre. " The middle eighteen feet of pavement...
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Course of Civil Engineering: Comprising Plane Trigonometry, Surveying, and ...

John Gregory - 1843 - 352 pages
...all the interstices to be filled up with stone chips, firmly wedged or packed by hand with a light hammer, so that when the whole pavement is finished there shall be a convexity of four inches in the breadth of fifteen feet from the centre. The middle eighteen feet is to be coated...
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Rudiments of the Art of Constructing and Repairing Common Roads

Henry Law - 1850 - 150 pages
...and all the interstices to be filled with stone chips, firmly wedged or packed by hand, with a light hammer; so that when the whole pavement is finished,...convexity of 4 inches in the breadth of 15 feet from the center."* The stone which Telford employed for this purpose, was generally such as would have been...
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A Manual of the Principles and Practice of Road-making: ...and Rail-roads

William Mitchell Gillespie - 1852 - 400 pages
...and all the interstices to be filled with stone chips, firmly wedged or packed by hand with a light hammer, so that when the whole pavement is finished, there shall be a convexity of four inches in the breadth of fifteen feet from the centre. " The middle eighteen feet of pavement...
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A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Levelling, Showing Its ...

Frederick Walter Simms - 1856 - 258 pages
...firmly wedged, or packed by hand with a light hammer; so that, when the pavement is finished, there may be a convexity of 4 inches in the breadth of 15 feet from the centre. "The middle 18 feet of pavement should be coated with hard broken stones, of the form and size described under the head...
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Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, Volume 24, Part 1869

Ohio State Board of Agriculture - 1870 - 740 pages
...aud all the interstices to be filled with stone chips, firmly wedged or packed by hand, with a light hammer ; so that when the whole pavement is finished,...convexity of 4 inches in the breadth of 15 feet from the center."* The stone which Telford employed for this purpose, was generally such as would have been...
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Aide-mémoire to the military sciences, framed from contributions of officers ...

Aide-mémoire - 1862 - 506 pages
...and all the interstices to be fillerl with stone chips, firmly wedged or packed by hand, with a light hammer ; so that, when the whole pavement is finished, the breadth of 15 feet from the centre." ' The stone which Telford employed for this purpose was generally such as would have been totally unfit for...
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Aide-mémoire to the Military Sciences: Framed from Contributions ..., Volume 3

1862 - 966 pages
...and all the interstices to be filled with stone chips, firmly wedged or packed by hind, with s light hammer ; so that, when the whole pavement is finished, the breadth of 15 feet from the centre." * The stone which Telford employed for this purpose was generally such аз wonld hare been totally unfit...
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Report of the Secretary of Agriculture ...

United States. Department of Agriculture - 1867 - 752 pages
...and all the interstices to be filled with stone chios, firmly wedged, or packed by hand with a light hammer, so that, when the whole pavement is finished, there shall be a convexity of IOIIT inches !n the breadth of fifteen feet from the centre." It is claimed, for a foundation of this...
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