| Izaak Walton, Sir John Hawkins - 1775 - 620 pages
...made by Kit Marlowt how at leaft fifty years ago : and the milk-maid's mother fung an anfwer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger days. They were old-fafhioned poetry, but choicely good, I think much better than the ftrong lines that are now in... | |
 | George Burnett - 1807 - 548 pages
...made by Kit Marlow, wow at least fifty years ago ; and the milk-maid's mother sung an answer to it, which was made by sir Walter Raleigh, in his younger...critical age. Look yonder ! on my word, yonder they beth be a-milking again. I will give her .the chub, and persuade them to sing those two songs to us.... | |
 | George Burnett - 1807 - 556 pages
...Marlow, now at least fifty years ago ; and the milk-maid's mother sung an answer to it, which wağ made by sir Walter Raleigh, in his younger days. They...age. Look yonder ? on my word, yonder they both be a-milking again. I will give her the chub, and persuade them t6 sing those two songs to us. God speed... | |
 | George Burnett - 1807 - 1152 pages
...made by Kit Marlow, now at least fifty years ago ; and the milk-maid's mother sung an answer to it, which was made by sir Walter Raleigh, in his younger...They were old-fashioned poetry, but choicely good; 1 think much better than llir. strong lines that are HYDE (EDW4RD.) EARL of Clarendon and lord high... | |
 | John Dryden, Walter Scott - 1808 - 564 pages
...Kit Marlow, now at least fifty years ago." " The milkmaid's mother," he adds, " sung an answer to it, which was made by Sir Walter Raleigh in his younger...I think much better than the strong lines that are in fashion in this critical age." The Complete Angler, Edit. vi. p. 65. VOL. I. B as melody will be... | |
 | Sir Egerton Brydges, Joseph Haslewood - 1812 - 316 pages
...Walton, in his " Compleat Angler," first published i6<;3 ; in which they are called " old fashioned poetry, "but choicely good; I think much better than...lines that are now in fashion in this critical " age." f To this poem of Raleigh, the signature of Ignoto has been pasted over the initials VV. R. as it has... | |
 | Sir Egerton Brydges - 1812 - 502 pages
...Walton, in his " Compleat Angler," first published 1653 ; in which they are called " old fashioned poetry, " but choicely good; I think much better than...strong lines that are now in fashion in this critical " a^e." -j- To this poem of Raleigh, the signature of Ignoto has been pasted over the initials WR as... | |
 | John Bodenham - 1812 - 318 pages
...published i6<;3 j in which they arc called " old fashioned poetry, "out choicely good; I think much belter than the " strong lines that are now in fashion in this critical " age." f To this poem of Raleigh, the signature of Ignoto has been pasted over the initials WR as it has been... | |
 | Sir Egerton Brydges - 1812 - 502 pages
...Walton, in his " Compleat Angler," first published, 1653 ; in which they are called " old fashioned poetry, " but choicely good; I think much better than the. " strong lines tlm are now; hi fashion in this critical " age." •}- To this poem of Raleigh, the signature of Ignoto... | |
 | George Burnett - 1813 - 546 pages
...made by Kit Marlow, now at least fifty years ago ; and the milk-maid's mother sung an answer to it, which was made by sir Walter Raleigh, in his younger...choicely good; I think much better than the strong lines th*t are now m fashion in this critical age. Look yonder ! on my word, yonder they both be ağmilking... | |
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