110 (2); see also L'Archer and Ardagh, Colonel Sir John C., K.C.I.E., Armada Invincible, La, by C. F. Duro, Arnold, Lucy, 100; Thomas, 100; Dr. Arowsmyth, Sir Adam, 308. Arragon, Catherine of, her Badge, 192; Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury, Arundell, Ricardo, Comiti, 172. Ascherste, 300. Ash, 237 (3), 255. Ash by Sandwich, 35. Ashe, 267, 305. Ashe next Sandwiche, 279. Ashford, lviii, 89, 90, 207, 209. Ashtell, Mr. John, lii. Asshe, 307. Asten, Nicholas, 29. At Crouch, Thomas, 314. At Mere, Thomas, 298. At Thane, John, 314. Athena Cant., reference to, 89. Athena Oxon., by A. A. Wood, 91, 92. Augmentation of Livings, reference to, Robert, 297; Rev. Robertus, 294 (2) ; Balfe, Robert, 33. Balfer, Robert, Mayor of Maydeston, Bamborowe, 298. Banke, Rev. He'ricus, 305. Bar., by Dugdale, 238, 241. Bargraue, Rev. Johannis, Canon of Bargrave, Frances, 91, 92; Isaac, 92; Barham, 95, 96 (2). Barham, his Ingoldsby Legends, 156. Bishop Ashton Oxenden, D.D., 96. Barker, Rev. Hu'frids., 309; Rev. Barlyll, Rev. Henric', 309. Barmyng, East, 298. Barnarde, Will's, 179. Barret, James, 32; -, 31, 32. Barrett, James, 33; Sir William, 302; Rev. Willms., 302; 32 (3). Barton, Rev. Charles, D.D., 94 (2); George, 103; -, 185. Basing, John, 256; see also De Basing. Beauties of England and Wales, by Beauvoir, Rev. Osmund, 219. Becket, Thomas à, Archbishop of Can- Beckwith, Arms and Crest of, 206. Bede, his Ecclesiastical History and Bedford, John, Duke of, 246. Bell, Marye, 104. Bennet, Thomas, 280. Bennett, Bartholomew, 284, 285; Bar- Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, Bere'gr, Rev. Johannes, 303. Bergavenny, Henry Neville, Lord, 270. Berham, Arms of, 231. Bernard, see Fitz-Bernard. Berry, his Kent, 92, 95; Kent Pedi- Bertha, Queen of Kent, 18, 26, 139, Beste, Thomas, 308. Betenham, Anne, 104; John, 104. Bethersden, 89 (2), 93, 158, 161, 163. Bettenham, John, 104. Bettishanger, 90. Biarritz, 96 (2), 97. Bible Educator, edited by Dean Ed- Birde, Sir John, 308. Birt, Rev. John, D.D., 290. Blackfriars Abbey, Arms of, 194. Blacus, Rev. Robertus, 306. Blagge, Rev. Richards., 309; Rev. also De Blore. Bloxam, -, 14. Bloxheme, 263. Blundel, William, 258. Blunt, Fanny E., 291; Rev. James Blythe, Ralph, 180. Boar Place, 116, 121 (3). Boarded Groin, 123, 141 (2). Boarplace, 121 (2). Bocher, Julyen, 300. Bocton, see De Bocton. Bode, Ann. 279; Anne, 284; Annie, Boghtton, Edwardo, 296. Bohun, see De Bohun. Boley Hill, lvii. Bolyngton, 237. Bolynton, 262. Bond, Richard, Mayor of Quinborow, 174 (2); Rychard, 174. Bone found at Darenth. 71. Bonham, Arms of, 198. Broughton, 313. Broughton, Anne, 279; Sir John, 279. Browne, Dame Agnes, 166; Rev. Bruer, Rev. Joh'es, 297. Brynley, Rev. Georg, 299; Rev. George, Buchar, Rev. Henric', 309. Buck, Arms of, 206. Buck, Effield, 206; Elizabeth, 206; Buckeley, Rev. Wyllms., 296. Buckingham, Edward, Duke of, 299. Buckle, Ann, 204; William, 204. Bullen, Anne, Queen of England, her Bunce, Will's. 179. Buner. Arms and Crest of, 187. Buner, Elizabeth, 187 (2); Mary, 187 Burcham, see De Burcham. Burdefield, 277. Burges, Agnes, 295; Rev. Johannes, Burgh, see De Burgh. Burghmote Records, reference to, 212. Burnlay, Rev. Thomas, 296. Byrkehed, Rev. Thomas, 309. Byshe, Sir Edwd., 112. Cadell, Roger, 258. Cader, Rev. Andreas, 303; Sir Andrew, Cadwallader, King of Britain, 193, Cadye, Sir Robert, 300; Rev. Roberts, Caistor Ware found at Darenth, 71. Calais, 140, 210 (2), 211, 215; Bar, Calendar State Papers, reference to, Calis, 164. Callett, James, 33. Calnus, Ediline, 257; Eustace, 256 (2), 257; Eustachius, 256. Calver, Rev. Nicholas, 295. Cambridge, 94, 99, 252, 297. Camden Society, 213, 215, 234, 235, Canada, 96 (2), 97 (2). Canon, John, 304, 305. Cant., Lib. Licentiatum at, reference Cant., Mar. Lic. at, reference to, 90. 87, 88. 92, 93, 103, 107, 127, 141, 188, Canterbury, Abbot of, 276. Canterbury, Archbishop of, 1, 12, 85, |