Adesone (D., fol. 161a). On 15 March 1530 he was collated to the Free Chapel of St Laurence in Halling on the death of Richard Sharpe, "ultimi prebendarii" (D., fol. 159"). Dns EDMUNDUS LUNDE, CURAT DE HALSTOWE. Sr Edmund Lunde named to say mass in Denton Church in will of Robert Bromfelde of Milton 26 April 1531 (viii., fol. 276). Sir Edmonde Londe, curate, witness to will of Nicholas Moysse of Halgstow 18 April 1534 (ix., fol. 125"). Dns BAWDEWINUS, CURATUS DE Stoke. A Sir Baudewyn Sneth witness to will of John Canon of Snodland 25 March 1534 (ix., fol. 112). Dns JOH❜ES BYBYLL, CURATUS DE COWLING. "Sir John Bybyll my gosteley father" witness to will of Rich Longeman of Coullyng 14 October 1534 (ix., fol. 150), and of will of John Braibroke 10 April 1535 (ix., fol. 184b). Das THOMAS HAVATSON, CURATUS DE HYGHAM. A Syr Thomas Huatson witness to will of J" Fraunces of Das HE'RICUS BANKE, STYPE'DIARIUS IN HALSTOW. Syr Peter Manfyld, prest, witness to will of John Love of Dns ROBERTUS FRANCKYSSHE, VICARIUS OMN. SCANCTOR [Hoo]. Instituted 26 September 1525 on the resignation of John Bayley. Patrons, P. and C. Rochester. John Graver instituted 28 September 1541 on the death of Robert Frankyshe (D., fol. 209a). Dns ANTONINUS LEPPYNGTON, CURAT DE LUDDISDON. Syr Anthony Lyppyngton witness to will of Wm Williams of Luddesdon 2 May 1533 (ix., fol. 77). Sir Anthony Lybington witness to will of Rich Monke of West Peckham 23 January 1538 (ix., fol. 274). Das JOн'ES BYRDE, RECTOR DE COWLYNG. Instituted 11 January 1532 on the death of Rich Hewster. Patron, Sir Geo. Broke, Lord Cobham (D., fol. 164). Das GEORGIUS RYCHARDSON, CURATUS DE DENTon. A George Rychardson was one of the three chaplains at Rochester Bridge Chapel in 1549 (Chantry Certificates, Kent No. 29, art. 96). Das THOMS WEBSTER, SOCIUS COLEGII DE COBHAM. See page 302. In his will, dated 22 November 1538 (ix., fol. 271), he styles himself "lately Submaster of the College, and now Vicar and Curate of Cobham." DS THOMS LANGLEE, curatuS DE CHETHAM. Thomas Langley, Canon of Leeds, admitted to cure of souls 25 April 1531. Patrons, P. and C. of Leeds (D., fol. 161). In Valor Eccl. he is styled "gardianus et vicarius." Launcelot Hollingborne, Canon of Ledes, was admitted "ad officium gardiani ecclesie de Chetham" 11 August 1534 on the death of Thomas Langley. Das WILL MALLYNGE, CURATUS DE CHETHAM. ns Dus ROBERTUS BLACUS, VICARIUS DE ALYSFORTH. Instituted 24 October 1524 on the resignation of Henry Fleccher. Patrons, Mr and Brethren of Strood (D., fol. 114"). In Valor Eccl. his name is given as Blake. His will, dated 26 March, was proved 22 June 1535 (ix., fol. 182). Dns ALEXANDER HARISON, STIPEND IN HYGHAM. An "Alisandre Harrison, prest," witness to will of Richard Meller of Capell in 1525 (viii., fol. 20). Dns JOH❜ES JOYN', VIC. DE CHEALKE. John Joyner instituted 10 February 1518 on the death of Roger Gramestone. Patrons, Mr and Brethren of Cobham (D., fol. 78b). Dns ROBERTUS CARTAR, STIPENDARIUS DE SOUTHFLET. Sir Robert Cartar witness to will of John Moer of Southfleet 1526 (viii., fol. 68a). Administration of the goods of Sir Robert Carter, clerk, late of Sowthfleet, granted 21 May 1543 to Roger Carter alias Stable, his brother. Dns RICHARDS LAWRA'CE, STIPENDARIUS DE SOUTHFLET. Das GREGORIUS KETON, VICARIUS de Burham. Instituted 21 August 1533 on the resignation of John Pierson. Patron, W. Weston, Prior of St John of Jerusalem (D., fol. 178). [Page 80.] Dns WILLS HYRD, RECTOR De Kyngsdowne. Instituted 13 January 1533 on Anthony Middleton's preferment to another benefice (D., fol. 180). He resigned in 1542 and went to Fawkham, and his will as "parson of Fawkham" is in book xiii., fol. 423, Rochester Consistory. Dns RICHARDUS EDMO'SON, RECTOR DE FAWCHAM. Richard Edmondson instituted 10 June 1527 on the resignation of Thomas Saunderson (D., fol. 137"). His will, dated 25 October, was proved 24 November 1541 (ix., fol. 367). He was succeeded by the above William Hyrd. ns Das WYLLM WYELS, RECTOR DE ASSHE. Instituted 7 April 1533 on the resignation of Thomas Slater. Patron, Prior of St John of Jerusalem (D., fol. 1771). His will, dated 21 April, was proved 7 June 1555 (xi., fol. 342). Dns JOH❜ES SYMSON, CURAT De Stone. The will of Syr John Symson, curate of Stone, dated 11 November, was proved 11 February 1547 (xi., fol. 13). He leaves a bequest" to poore in Bisshopsgate Streytt w'out the gate to by them fuell." Dns JOH❜ES DEWE, STIPENDARIUS DNI WYLSHere in Stone. "O mercyfull Jhesu have mercy on the Dns NYCOLAUS HARYNGTON, CANTAR. IN MONASTERIO ROFF. Nicholas Haryngton, "p'sbiter, cantarie Joh'is Shepey quondam Epi. Roffen." (Valor Ecclesiasticus, 1535, vol. i., p. 108.) Dns EWINUS CARLTON, STIPENDARIUS APUD ROFF. Ewinus Carlton is Rector of Longfield in Valor Eccl., 1535, vol. i., p. 110. The will of Sir Ewan Charlton, Parson of Longfelde, was proved 1548 (xi., fol. 30"). Das WILLUS SKELTON, CURAT DE HOO. Sir William Skelton witness to will of Stephen Charles of Hoo 1520 (vii., fol. 201a), and of John Mott of Hoo 12 September 1534 (ix., fol. 142b). Das JOHANNES MYLLUS, STIPENDARIUS IN HOO. Sir John Mylles witness to will of John Larke of Hoo 2 May 1535 (ix., fol. 174"). Dus JACOBUS ALLOTT, STIPENDARIUS IN HOO. Sir James Allott witness to will of John Charles of Hoo 16 November 1531 (ix., fol. 112a). D. STEPHANS TENNAND, CAPELLANS DNI DE COBHAM. See p. 302. [Page 61.] DECATUS DE SHORAM IMMEDIAT. IURM ECCLIE XPI CANT. [Deanery of Shoreham directly under Christ Church, Canterbury.] JOHANNES BURges, vic. de Senok. EDMU'D FLATCH', VICARIUS DE EST MALLYng. The will of Edmunde Flatchere, clarke and vicar of Estmawlinge," dated 6 November 1540, was proved 16 May 1541 (P.C.C., 28 Alenger). He left books "to Exeter College in Oxenforde, because I was somtyme of the same house." Dus JOHANNES HORSSEY, VICARIUS DE SCHORHAM. Dns JOH❜ES BYRDE, VICARIUS DE MEOPHAM. Sir John Birde, vicar of Meopham, witness to will of John Bogherst of Luddisdon 1 October 1533 (ix., fol 105a), and of Richard Adene, gent., of Meopham, 3 July 1542 (P.C.C., 13 Spert). Dns XPOFOR SCHARP'ROW, RECT. DE HEYS. Sir Christ Sharperow witness to will of Wm Frenche of Seal 1519 (vii., fol. 163a), and of Thomas Beste of Seal 1531 (ix., fol. 13). He is witness to will of Henry Causton of West Wickham in 1532 (ix., fol. 52b). Dns WYLLMS STERLYNG, RECTOR DE KESTONE. He was buried 20 December 1545 (Hasted's Kent, i., p. 112). Dus JOHANNES LEU'SAGE, CURATS DE DOWNE. "Sir John Leuersege my gostly father" is left xijd by Elizabeth Brisley alias Bendon of Bromley on 15 June 1530 to pray for her (ix., fol. 244). P' ME MYLONEM THOLYNSON, VIC. DE BEXLYE. Sir Myles Tomlynson, vicar of Bexley, is named in the will of Thomas Lamendby alias Sparrowe of Bexley 24 November 1513 (P.C.C., 24 Fetiplace). He is also witness to will of Thomas Hawle of Bexley 4 July 1526 (P.C.C., 20 Porch). Das WILELMS SMYTH, VICARIUS de Greane. Sr William Smyth, vicar of Greane, is named on 28 February 1540 by Syr Richard Hyll, vicar of Stoke, as his executor (ix., fol. 336). Dns ADAM HAROSMYTH, CURATus de Hunton. Sr Adam Arowsmyth, prest, a witness to will of Thos Coveney of West Farlegh 19 April 1515 (P.C.C., 13 Maynwaryng). Dns JOн'ES MOORE, CURATS De Penshurst. Dns THOM CHYTTES, CURAT DE HEU' [HEVER]. ns Das DAVIT RACHFFORD, CURAT DE WROTGM [WROTHAM]. Das WYLLM HALLE, CURATS DE SUNDRYS [SUNDRIDGE]. A Sir Hugth Grene, curate, a witness to will of Richard Dns RICHARD HACSE (?), CURATS DE CHEDYNGSton. ns Das RICHARDS TAYLLER, VICARIUS DE ESTFARLEY. Dns JOн'ES COLYNS DE HALSTEYD. Das JOHANES GARLOND DE ORPYNGTON. A Sir John Garland witness to will of Anne Clements of [Page 62.] Dns THOMAS WODHOUS, CURATS SCE MA CRAY. Das JOн'ES WOLMER, CURAT DE CHEVENYNG. Sir John Wolmer, curate. witness to will of John Hacche alias Haccher, yoman, of Chevening, 23 November 1541 (P.C.C., 4 Spert). Dns HU'FRIDS BARKER, CURATS DE AYNFORTH. Dns HUGO WARNE, CURATS DE STANSTEDE. Dus JOн'ES LEE, CURAT DE IGHTAM. Dns WILLS CULL, CURAT DE Nokoltd. Das THOMAS BYRKEHED, STIPE'DARIUS DE OTFORTHE. Das HENRIC' BUCHAR, CURAT DE CREYFORD. Dns RICHARDS BLAGGE, VICARIUS DE ORPYNTON. Admitted 3 April 1525. Died 1541 (Arch. Cant., Vol. Dos PHELIPPUS METCALFE, CAPELLANUS DE GYLLYNGA'. In a list of pensions dated 1556, printed in Arch. Cant., 1 |