Quare quis tandem me reprehendat, si quantum cæteris ad festos dies ludorum celebrandos, quantum ad alias voluptates, et ad ipsam requiem animi et corporis conceditur temporis : quantum alii tempestivis conviviis, quantum aleæ, quantum pilæ, tantum mihi egomet, ad hæc studia recolenda, sumpsero. CIC. PRO ARCHIA. Le changement d'étude esť toujours un délassement pour moi. D'AGUESSEAU. TO SIR GEORGE THOMAS STAÛNTΟΝ, BART. LL.D. AND F.R.S. SIR, ONE of the earliest and most pleasing Reminiscences in my literary life, is my acquaintance with your father. When we were both young, his various learning and elegant accomplishments attracted my attention and reverence; his long political career. ever marked by honour, integrity, talent, and beneficence, was beheld by his numerous friends with delight and respect; in these feelings, and the joy of seeing all his great and good qualities revived in his Son, no one participated more than myself. It is pleasing to me to have this opportunity of recording the friendship with which he and yourself have so Jong honoured me. With the greatest regard, I have the honour to be Your obliged and obedient servant, CHARLES BUTLER, Lincoln's Inn, 28th Feb. 1822. |