cross the Rappahannock, and also the Cavalry-Action at Brandy
Station--Milroy at Winchester-He is surprised and surrounded-His
disastrous Retreat - Winchester captured-Hooker commences his
March-Cavalry Actions at Aldie and Middleburg-Position of the
Confederate Army-Measures of Defence taken by President Lincoln
-Hooker resigns the Command of the Army of the Potomac-Meade
appointed to succeed him-His Antecedents-Lee crosses the Potomac
-His Army-The good Conduct of the Men-Ewell threatens Har-
risburg-The Federal Army crosses the Potomac-Meade marches
towards Harrisburg-Both Armies converge on Gettysburg-Stuart's
bold March-Captain Dahlgren captures an important Despatch-Ad-
vanced Divisions of the Two Armies meet near Gettysburg--Death
of Reynolds-The First Day's Battle-Repulse of the Federals-Lee
refrains from following up their Retreat-Both Armies concentrate
near Gettysburg-Description of the Battlefield-Position of the Two
Armies Battle of the 2nd July — Confederate Attack repulsed
Pickett's Division reaches the Field-Preparations for the Battle of
the 3rd - The last Day's Battle of Gettysburg-Pickett's gallant
Assault repulsed-Lee and Longstreet rally the broken Divisions-
Criticisms on the Battle-Lee offers Battle on the 4th, but prepares for
Retreat His Retreat-Meade moves parallel with his Line of March
-Cavalry Engagements-Lee's Army reaches Williamsport-Meade
delays to attack-Lee crosses the Potomac - Improvement in the
Organisation of the Army of the Potomac - Lessons from the War –
Action in the Blue Ridge Mountains-Lee effects his Retreat-Con-