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" The whole numbers of the series of logarithms, as 1, y, 3, &c., are called the indices, or characteristics of the logarithm, and which must be added to the logarithm obtained by the Table, in proportion to the number of figures contained in the given... "
The operative mechanic's workshop companion, and the scientific gentleman's ... - Page 269
by William Templeton (engineer.) - 1855
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The Practical Engineer's Pocket Guide: Containing a Concise Treatise on the ...

1847 - 190 pages
...logarithms, as 1, 2, 3, &c-, are called the indices, or characteristics of the logarithm, and which must be added to the logarithm obtained by the Table, in proportion...index is 1 ; if of three figures, the index is 2; iand if of four figures, the index is 3, <5&c- ; being always a number less by unity than the numoer...
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The Mechanic's Text-book and Engineer's Pocket Guide: Containing a Concise ...

Thomas Kelt - 1849 - 424 pages
...logarithms, as 1, 2, 3, Ate., are called the indices, or characteristics of the logarithm, and which must be added to the logarithm obtained by the Table, in proportion...number of figures the given sum contains. Ex. The mdex of 8 is 0, because it is less than 10. The index of 80 is ]. because it is less than 100. The...
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The Mechanic's, Machinist's, and Engineer's Practical Book of Reference ...

Charles Haslett - 1855 - 482 pages
...logarithm obtained by the table, in proper tion to the number of figures contained in the given sum. Tims suppose the logarithm be required for a sum of only...index is 2 ; and if of four figures, the index is 3, &e. • being always a number less by unity than the number of figures the giveu sum contains. EXAMPLES....
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Mechanics and Engineers Book of Reference and Engineers Field Book

Charles W. Hackley - 1856 - 530 pages
...logarithms, as 1, 2, 3, (fee., are called the indices, or characteristics of the logarithm, and which must be added to the logarithm obtained by the table, in proportion...and if of four figures, the index is 3, &c. ; being alwa}7s a number less by unity than the number of figures the given sum contains. EXAMPLES. The index...
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The Mechanic's, Machinist's, and Engineer's Practical Book of Reference ...

Charles Haslett - 1855 - 532 pages
...logarithms, as 1, 2, 3, <fcc., are called the indices, or characteristics of the logarithm, and which must be added to the logarithm obtained by the table, in proportion...index is 1 ; if of three figures, the index is 2; und if of four figures, the index is 8, Ac.; being always a number less by unity than the number of...
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The Mechanic's Text-book and Engineer's Practical Guide ...

1855 - 420 pages
...logarithms, as 1, y, 3, &c., are called the indices, or characteristics of the logarithm, and which must be added to the logarithm obtained by the Table, in proportion...than the number of figures the given sum contains. LOGARITHMS. Ex. The index of 8 is 0, because it is less than 10 The index of 80 is 1, because it is...
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The Mechanic's, Machinist's, and Engineer's Practical Book of Reference

Charles Haslett, Charles William Hackley - 1859 - 572 pages
...logarithms, as 1, 2, 8, Ac., are called the indices, or characteristics of the logarithm, and which must be added to the logarithm obtained by the table, in proportion...index is 1 ; if of three figures, the index is 2; nnd if of foulfigures, the index is 8, Ac. ; being always a number less by unity than the number of...
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