| 1847 - 190 pages
...water in an aeriform state, that it becomes of such essential service in heating, boiling, drying, Sic- In the heating of buildings, its economy, efficiency,...heat being thus given to the pipes, and diffused by radiationIn boiling, its efficiency is considerably increased, if advantage be taken of sufficiently... | |
| Charles Haslett - 1855 - 482 pages
...such essential service in heating, boiling, drying, <fec. In the heating of buildings, its ee.onom}', efficiency, and simplicity of application are alike...considerably increased, if advantage be taken of sufficiently inclosing the fluid, and reducing the pressure on its surface, by means of an air-pump. Thus, water... | |
| Charles Haslett - 1855 - 532 pages
...in an aeriform state, that it becomes of such essential service in heating, boiling, drying, ¿fee. In the heating of buildings, its economy, efficiency,...considerably increased, if advantage be taken of sufficiently inclosing the fluid, and reducing the pressure on its surface, by means of an air-pump. Thus, water... | |
| Charles W. Hackley - 1856 - 530 pages
...water in an aeriforrh state, that it becomes of such essential service in heating, boiHn'g, drying, fe In the heating of buildings, its economy, efficiency, and simplicity of application ar£ alike acknowledged; the st£am i being simply 'conducted through all the dejpartitrifehts by pipes,... | |
| Charles Haslett, Charles William Hackley - 1859 - 572 pages
...essential service in heating, toiling, drying, Ac. In the heating of buildings, its economy, ofticieucy, and simplicity of application are alike acknowledged;...considerably increased, if advantage be taken of sufficiently incloe-j ing the fluid, and reducing the pressure on its surface, by means of an air-pump. Thus, water... | |
| Leonard Elliott Brookes - 1906 - 664 pages
...becomes condensed during its circulation round the building, through the pipes of the heating apparatus, the latent heat being thus given to the pipes and diffused by radiation. In boiling, its efficieney is considerably increased, if advantage be taken of sufficiently enelosing the fluid and... | |
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