the quotient equal the effect produced in horses' power. Ex. Required the power produced by 1400 cubic feet per minute over a fall of 30 feet. Plates G and H exhibit miniature views of a ponderous overshot water-wheel, chiefly of wrought iron, and in which novelty of construction, immense diameter, and great efficiency, have rendered it an object of universal interest throughout the district in which it is situated its nominal power is that of 30 horses, but upwards of 40 of indicated resistance seems not materially to diminish its velocity; and no doubt, on account of the improved form of the buckets, the greatest amount of the water's effect is obtained. TABLE OF THE RADII OF WHEELS, FROM TEN TO THREE HUNDRED TEETH, THE PITCH* BEING TWO INCHES. BY B. DONKIN, ESQ., CIVIL ENGINEER, LONDON. 6123456789 10 3.236 11 3.549 21 3.864 16 5.126 17 5.442 20 6.710 31 9.885 41 7.027 32 10.202 42 4.179 23 7.344 33 10.520 43 4.494 24 7.661 34 8.296 36 27 8.614 37 11.474 46 14.654 11.792 47 14.972 5.759 28 8.931 38 12.110 48 15.290 58 18.471 6.076 29 9.249 39 12.428 49 15.608 59 18.789 * By the pitch is understood the distance between the centres of two contiguous teeth; and by the radius is understood the distance between the centre of the wheel and the centre of each tooth. For any other pitch, say, as two inches is to the radius in the table, so is the given pitch to the radius required. PRICES OF MILL WORK, MACHINERY, AND LABOUR, APPROXIMATELY VARYING, WITH THE PRICES OF IRON AND OF LABOUR. MILL, Bean, from 31. 13s. 6d. to... £ 8. d. each 616 6 Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Bone, for crushing bones, to crush 3 tons per day do. 105 0 do. 125 0 4 ditto 000000000 Brick, including the horse's wheel and every requisite for making large quantities in little time, about, each1200 0 0 Bruising, for corn, malt, pulse, &c. Corn, Indian, with cast iron bed and runner, machinery, &c., complete each 180 00 Corn, 4-horse power, with stones 3 feet 2 inches diameter, not including the horse wheel each 140 0 0 Corn, including the horse wheel Drug, with the machinery complete for ditto Flour, the improved family mill, with French burr stones, Kibbling, with fly wheels, with or without frames, each Lead, with cast iron bed, 7 feet 9 inches long, and 3 feet MILL, Saw, an upright saw mill, with frame and shifting do., do. do. for cutting timber 2 feet deep, about.. £ s. d. each 180 0 do. 230 0 do. 450 0 do. 570 0 Circular saw, with cast iron frame and bench, sliding each 100 0 0 do. 600 0 For cutting veneers, 12 feet diameter do. .. each 150 0 0 3 13 6 Steel, for wheat, barley, oats, peas, beans, &c. do. each 670 6 16 6 do. 560 do. 525 The machinery for connecting the engine to the mill, for working it, in addition A pair of wheels to connect the spindle of windmill do. 820 0 The machinery to connect the shaft of the water wheel, will be, in addition to the above to each mill ...... each 180 0 0 The rollers in an iron frame, 3 feet long, and 2 feet diameter, to work in a vertical position.... each 460 0 0 |