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Trewinion, and

Droungolan, in Cornwall





Pendham, and

Cokefield, in Suffolk. The Caftles,

and Manors of


Elham Parva




Canfield Magna

Stansted Monfitchet

Bumfted upon Terrens

Earl's Calne


[blocks in formation]

Pafton, in Northamptonshire.

Market Overton, in Rutlandshire,

Flete, and

Battlefmere, in Kent. All which



were part of the estate of John de Vere Earl of Oxford, attainted. He also conftituted Richard Lord High Admiral of England, Constable of Corf caftle, and keeper of the forefts in Effex.

The fagacious Edward propofed three advantages to himself by so liberal a bequest. Though this vaft property was nominally Richard's, yet Edward would reap the profits during his minority. By parting with it, he would prevent the folicitation of others. He well knew, while a king had any thing to give, he would never want beggars, and it would be difficult to deny, even a beggar who had ferved him. He early faw in Richard a leading capacity, and a rising spirit; he wished to promote his own interest by encouraging both; but alas, he cherished a viper in his bofom;


they proved in the end, the deftruction of

his family.

Three years after, in 1464, Richard

being twelve years

of age, received a grant

of all the castles, lordships, and lands, in England and Wales, late the property of Henry de Beaufort Duke of Somerset, paternal ancetter to the present Duke of Beaufort, who having fled at the Battle of Towton, and, being tired with the life of an exile, threw himself at Edwrrd's feet, and obtained a pardon. He afterwards commanded the Lancaftrian army at Hexham, were he was taken by the Marquis of Montague, inftantly beheaded, attainted, and his eftate confifcated,

The intereft of the house of Lancaster was, by that victory, for the present annihilated,

b 4

lated, and the court of Edward enjoyed peace about five years. In 1468, Richard drawing towards fixteen, received a grant of the manor of Fareley in Somersetshire; Haighetsbury, and Cofent in Wilts, with many other lordships, late part of the eftate of Robert Lord Hungerford, attainted, likewife, the town of Bodminster, in Gloucestershire, with its dependencies, and all other lands in England, belonging to Alianore Duchefs of Somerset, widow of the late Duke, held in dower, which efcheated to the crown at her death.

The next year 1469, Richard was made Conftable of England, Juftice of North and South Wales, and, in 1470, warden of the weft marfhes of Scotland. Thus he was early taught to rife, who in a few years


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