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Celtic or British period: Andrew,


Charles I. (temp.): Frazer, Phillips,
Round, Stanning.

Cheshire, Axon, Cox, Gray, Irvine.
See "Birkenhead," "Chester."
Chester: Haverfield, Taylor, Williams.
China: Gratton.
Chirburn: Hodgson.

Christian (early): Bagnall-Oakeley,

Church and State: Birchall.

Churches: André, Armstrong, Auden,

Bates, Bax, Bensley, Bilson, Birch,
Bradley, Cave-Browne, Cox, Cul-
len, Deans, Eyre, Fahey, Fane, Fish-
wick, Glynne, Hodgson, Holmes,
Hone, Hope, Hughes, Irvine,
James, Kelly, Leadman, Malmes- |
bury, Martin,
Ponting, Roper, Round, Russell-
Forbes, Savage, Seccombe, Stokes,
Waller, Watkins, Webb, Wil-

Church bells: See "bells."

Church plate: Atkinson, Betham,
Cooper, Hamp, Hopper, Jones,


Colchester: Round.

Colton: Williams.

Connaught (Old): Wakeman.
Conway: Hughes.

Cork: Woods.

Corn supply: Arnold.

Cornwall: Langdon, Lewis.
Crakeplace Hall: Nicholson.
Crannogs: Kelly, Vigors.
Cromwell (Oliver): Fraser, Haines.
Crosses: Lowe, Macalister.
Cumberland: Collingwood, Ferguson,
Haverfield, Hodgson, Whitehead,
Wilson. See "Bewcastle," "Car-
lisle," "Crakeplace."

Cup and ring markings: Coles, Fer-
guson, Frazer, Haggart, Macken-

Cwmhir: Williams.

[blocks in formation]


Abbot," "Okehampton,"

Dialect: Elworthy, Macritchie, Rhys,

Diserth: Cox, Taylor.
Dolmens: Gowland, O'Reilly.
Domesday: Domesday, Reichel, Skaife,
Taylor, Worth.

Domestic antiquities: Dugan, E, Ely,
Ferguson, Ffrench, Martindale,
Quick, Robinson.

Driffield: Cole.
Dripole: Blashill.
Dublin: Olden.
Dunvegan: Bogle.
Durham: See "Darlington," "Easing-
ton," "Hartlepool,"
Shields," "Winston," "Witton-le-

Dyes: Schunk.

Earthworks and mounds: Cole, Gann,
Hughes, Malden, Mortimer, Oшен.
Easington: Savage.

Eastbourne: Dawson, Michell-Whitley.
Eccles: Palmer.

Ecclesiastical antiquities: André, Bates,
Betham, Bower. See "Churches."
"Church plate," "Church bells."



Cowper, Cunningham, Giuseppi,
Hodgson, Hudson, Jerons, Percy,

Education: Leadman, Little, Raven,


Edward I. (temp.): Leonard, Tout.
Edward III. (temp.): E.
Edward VI. (temp.): Wilson.
Egyptian antiquities: Boscawen, Clarke,

Price, Spurrell.

Elizabeth (Queen) temp.: Beazley,
Bülow, Carrington, Finch.

Ennis: Westropp.
Essex: Essex, Waller. See "Col-


Ethnography: Browne, Phené, Rhys,
Exeter: Phear.

Farne Island: Huggup.
Farnworth: Cox.

Field names: Waller.
Flintshire: Ebblewhite.

FOLKLORE: Abercromby,


Andrews, Ashton, Barnes, Barrett,
Billson, Black, Browne, Burne,
Carmichael, Clodd, Colgan, Cook,
Craigie, Crawley, Crombie, Cuming,

Dowden, Evans, Feilberg, Ferguson,
Gerish, Godden, Green, Gregor,
Groome, Hore, Kelly, Kerry, Lang,
Lewis, Mackinlay, Maclagan,
Neilson, Newton, Nielsen, Offord,
Owen, Paton, Phené, Rhys, Rouse,
Sephton, Taylor, Thursby-Pelham,
W., Watters, Witchburning, Wood,

French antiquities: Bower.

Galway: Cooke, Kelly.

Genealogies and family history: Arm-
strong, Attree, Balfour, Berkshire,
Betham, Bulwer, Campbell, Cowper,
Crawfurd, Doe, Ebbiewhite, Essex,
F., Field, Fitzgerald-Uniacke,
Fletcher, Grave, Gray, Greenfield,
Haslewood, Hawkesbury, Hickson,
Langdon, Leighton, Maclean,
Malden, Minns, Murphy, Myddle-
ton, Phillips, Prowse, Rumbold,
Stavert, Wagner.

Glasgow: Eyre.
Glastonbury: Bradley.
Glenshee: Smith.

Gloucestershire: See "Bristol," "Glas-

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Runic: Charlton.
Welsh: Rhys.

Institutions: Browning, Cole.

| Ireland: Bagnall-Oakeley, Browne,
Buick, Coffey, Knowles, MacNeill,
Pflugk Harttung, Rhys, Stokes.
See "Aran," "Athenry," "Barren,"
"Castledermot," "Connaught
(Old)," "Cork," "Dublin, "Ennis,"
"Galway," "Kilkenny,"
macduagh," "Kilmalkedar,"
"Loughcrew," "Maghery,” “Mul-
laghmast," "Navan," "Roscam,"
"Templepatrick,” “Wexford.”

Iron age (early): Curle.
Iron work: Rice.

James I. (temp.): Craigie.
James II. (temp.): Earwaker.
Jews: Leonard.



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Municipal antiquities: Boyle, Cunning-
ham, Eyre, Hope, King, Le Strange,
Russell, Taylor.

Musical antiquities: Hope, Menzies.

Navan: Moore.

Navigation: Wells.

Necton: Birch.

New Hebrides: O'Reilly.

Newcastle: Embleton, Phillips.
Newtown: Owen.

Norfolk: Beloe, Hudson, Manning.
See "Castleacre," "Castle Rising,"
"Coulton," "Eccles," "Great
Cressingham," "Lynn," "Necton,"
"Norwich," "Shelton," "Terring-

Norse remains: Acland.
Northamptonshire: Irvine.
North Perrot: Batten.

Northumberland: Hardy, Hodgson,

Northumberland, Percy.


"Amble," " Berwick," "Chirburn,"

[ocr errors]

Hauxley," "Morpeth," New

castle," Temple Thornton,"

[blocks in formation]

Pontefract: Holmes.
Pottery: Michell-Whitley.
Prehistoric antiquities: Anderson,
Barron, Bogle, Buick, Coffey,
Coles, Dawson, Ferguson, Frazer,
Gowland, Haggart, Hardy, Hudd,
Kinghorn, Knowles, Lasham,
Lewis, Newton, Rendall, Robertson,
Rotherham, Shore, Williams.

Registers: Coleman, Grave, Harper,
Lumb, Sykes.
Renfrewshire: Mackinlay.
Ringmer: Martin.
Roads: Beloe, Deans, Hooppell, Mac-
Donald, Marsh, Russell, Tatham.
Roman antiquities: Arnold, Bagnall-
Oakeley, Bates, Blair, Brock, Cal-
verley, Cox, Ellis, Ferguson, Fox,
Fryer, Goddard, Hall, Haverfield,
Hooppell, Jacob, Laidlaw, Мас-
Donald, Marsh, Page, Sheraton,
Williams. See "Inscriptions,"
"Literary antiquities.' ities." "Numis-

Rome: Lanciani, Russell-Forbes.
Roscam: Wakeman.

Rose (the): André.
Roseisle: Morrison.

Ross: Bagnall-Oakeley.
Roxburghshire: Deans.
Rutherglen: Eyre.
Rye: Inderwick.

St. Albans: Page.
St. Denys: Skelton.
St. Fillan: Mackinlay.
St. Lucia: Mackinlay.

St. Ninian: Dowden.

Salford: Mackinson.

Salisbury: Harding.
Saxby: Cox.

Saxon period: Beddoe, Cox, Goddard,
Housman, Read. See "Literary
Scorborough: Mortimer.

Acland, Bogle, Brydall,
Christison, Craigie, Cramond,

Mac Donald.


"Annandale," "Ardoch," "Both
well," "Cappuck," "Dunvegan,"
"Glasgow," "Glenshee," "Kirk-
cudbright," "Lewis," "Oban,"
"Renfrewshire," "Roseisle,"
"Roxburghshire," "Rutherglen,"
"Shetland," "Taymouth," "Tilli-
coultry," "Traquair."

Seals: Batten, Eyre, Hope, Vigors,
Ware, Warren, Wyon.

Segontium: Sheraton.
Selattyn: Bulkeley-Owen.
Shamrock (the): Bardan.
Shawell: Bates.

Shelton: Armstrong.
Shetland: Barron, Kinghorn.
Shirburn: Money.
Shrawardine: Auden.

Shrewsbury: Cunningham.
Shropshire: F., Stephenson. See "Ber-
rington," "High Ercall," "Lud-
low," "Selattyn," "Shrawardine,"
"Shrewsbury," " Whitchurch."
Silchester: Fox, Grueber, Haverfield.
Slavery: Thompson.

Sledmere: Mortimer.
Slieve-na-Caillighe: Rotherham.
Somersetshire. See "Bath," "Hinton
Charterhouse," " Mendip," "North
Perrot," "Tickenham," " Wraxall."

South Mimms: Davis.
South Shields: Blair.
Southampton: Grave.
Sports: Knighton.
Staffordshire. See "Lichfield."
Stocks: Nicholson.

Stoke Charity: Greenfield.

Stone circles: Coles, Evans.
Sudbury: Simpson.

Sudeley Castle: Brock.

Suffolk: Betham, Hamp, Hopper, Jones,

Manning, Powell.
See "Bretten-
ham," "Mildenhall," "Sudbury,"

Surrey: Ashcombe, Bar, Cooper, Crisp,
Howard, Lasham, Malden.

Sussex: André, Attree, Crake, Dunkin,
Prince, Read. See "Bexhill,"
"Eastbourne," "Hastings," " Ring-
mer," "Rye," "Towncreep."

Swallowfield: Russell.
Swedish antiquities: Curle, Simpson.

Tara: McDonald.
Tasmania: Tylor.

Taymouth: Mackenzie.
Temple Thornton: Hodgson.
Templepatrick: Latimer.
Terra del Fuego: Hodgson.
Terrington: Seccombe.
Tickenham: Pritchard.
Tillicoultry: Robertson.

Torbay: Karkeek.
Towers (round): Wakeman.
Towncreep: Napper, Tatham.

Traquair: Russell.
Travels in Britain: Bülow.
Tyttenhanger: Fowler.

Upper Upham: Brakspear.

Valle Crucis: Hughes, Owen.
Verulam: Page.
Vienne: Lewis.

Vortipore, tombstone of: Laws, Rhys.

Waldingfield: Haslewood, Stokes.

Wales: Baker, Birch, Fisher, Nevins,
Rhys, Vaughan-Williams, Williams,
Ses "Anglesey,"
"Bangor," "Caer-Hên-Eglwys,"
"Caerwent," "Carmarthenshire,"

"Conway," "Cwmhir," "Flint-
shire," "Gower," "Haverfordwest,"
"Montgomeryshire," "Newtown,"
"Pembrokeshire," "Valle Crucis."

Wallingford: Field.
Walltown: Hall.
Warrington: Irvine, Madeley.
Westley Waterless: Atkinson.
Westmorland: Ferguson, Hodgson,


Westwood Sparsholt: Jacob.

Wetwang: Cole.
Wexford: Cullen, Perceral.
Weyhill: Clutterbuck.
Whalley: Birch.
Whitchurch: Finch.

Wight (Isle of): Davis.
Willingham: James, Watkins.
Wills: Berkshire, Crisp, Hartopp.
Wiltshire: Coleman, Jackson. See

"Aldbourne," "Burbage," "Basset
Down," "Hill Deverill," " Malzes-
bury," "Marlborough,"

bury," "Upper Upham."

Winestead: Moore.
Winston: Edleston.
Wissey river: Coulton.
Witton-le-Wear: Hodgson.
Wouldham: Lang.

Wraxall: Barker, Franks.

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Yorkshire: Cartwright, Cox, Glynne,
Norcliffe, Skaife, Taylor. See
"Beverley," " Driffield," " Dripole,"
Huggate," "Hull," "Londes-
borough," "Meaux," "Nicholson,"
"Pocklington," "Pontefract,"
"Scorborough," "Sledmere,"
Wetwang," "Winestead."



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