Celtic or British period: Andrew,
Charles I. (temp.): Frazer, Phillips, Round, Stanning.
Cheshire, Axon, Cox, Gray, Irvine. See "Birkenhead," "Chester." Chester: Haverfield, Taylor, Williams. China: Gratton. Chirburn: Hodgson.
Christian (early): Bagnall-Oakeley, Langdon.
Church and State: Birchall.
Churches: André, Armstrong, Auden,
Bates, Bax, Bensley, Bilson, Birch, Bradley, Cave-Browne, Cox, Cul- len, Deans, Eyre, Fahey, Fane, Fish- wick, Glynne, Hodgson, Holmes, Hone, Hope, Hughes, Irvine, James, Kelly, Leadman, Malmes- | bury, Martin, Micklethwaite, Ponting, Roper, Round, Russell- Forbes, Savage, Seccombe, Stokes, Waller, Watkins, Webb, Wil- liams.
Church bells: See "bells."
Church plate: Atkinson, Betham, Cooper, Hamp, Hopper, Jones,
Colchester: Round.
Colton: Williams.
Connaught (Old): Wakeman. Conway: Hughes.
Cork: Woods.
Corn supply: Arnold.
Cornwall: Langdon, Lewis. Crakeplace Hall: Nicholson. Crannogs: Kelly, Vigors. Cromwell (Oliver): Fraser, Haines. Crosses: Lowe, Macalister. Cumberland: Collingwood, Ferguson, Haverfield, Hodgson, Whitehead, Wilson. See "Bewcastle," "Car- lisle," "Crakeplace."
Cup and ring markings: Coles, Fer- guson, Frazer, Haggart, Macken- zie.
Cwmhir: Williams.
Abbot," "Okehampton," "Torbay."
Dialect: Elworthy, Macritchie, Rhys, Russell.
Diserth: Cox, Taylor. Dolmens: Gowland, O'Reilly. Domesday: Domesday, Reichel, Skaife, Taylor, Worth.
Domestic antiquities: Dugan, E, Ely, Ferguson, Ffrench, Martindale, Quick, Robinson.
Driffield: Cole. Dripole: Blashill. Dublin: Olden. Dunvegan: Bogle. Durham: See "Darlington," "Easing- ton," "Hartlepool," "South Shields," "Winston," "Witton-le- Wear."
Earthworks and mounds: Cole, Gann, Hughes, Malden, Mortimer, Oшен. Easington: Savage.
Eastbourne: Dawson, Michell-Whitley. Eccles: Palmer.
Ecclesiastical antiquities: André, Bates, Betham, Bower. See "Churches." "Church plate," "Church bells."
Dowden, Evans, Feilberg, Ferguson, Gerish, Godden, Green, Gregor, Groome, Hore, Kelly, Kerry, Lang, Lewis, Mackinlay, Maclagan, Neilson, Newton, Nielsen, Offord, Owen, Paton, Phené, Rhys, Rouse, Sephton, Taylor, Thursby-Pelham, W., Watters, Witchburning, Wood, Woodman.
French antiquities: Bower.
Galway: Cooke, Kelly.
Genealogies and family history: Arm- strong, Attree, Balfour, Berkshire, Betham, Bulwer, Campbell, Cowper, Crawfurd, Doe, Ebbiewhite, Essex, F., Field, Fitzgerald-Uniacke, Fletcher, Grave, Gray, Greenfield, Haslewood, Hawkesbury, Hickson, Langdon, Leighton, Maclean, Malden, Minns, Murphy, Myddle- ton, Phillips, Prowse, Rumbold, Stavert, Wagner.
Glasgow: Eyre. Glastonbury: Bradley. Glenshee: Smith.
Gloucestershire: See "Bristol," "Glas-
Runic: Charlton. Welsh: Rhys.
Institutions: Browning, Cole.
| Ireland: Bagnall-Oakeley, Browne, Buick, Coffey, Knowles, MacNeill, Pflugk Harttung, Rhys, Stokes. See "Aran," "Athenry," "Barren," "Castledermot," "Connaught (Old)," "Cork," "Dublin, "Ennis," "Galway," "Kilkenny," macduagh," "Kilmalkedar," "Loughcrew," "Maghery,” “Mul- laghmast," "Navan," "Roscam," "Slieve-na-Caillighe," "Templepatrick,” “Wexford.”
Iron age (early): Curle. Iron work: Rice.
James I. (temp.): Craigie. James II. (temp.): Earwaker. Jews: Leonard.
Municipal antiquities: Boyle, Cunning- ham, Eyre, Hope, King, Le Strange, Russell, Taylor.
Musical antiquities: Hope, Menzies.
Navan: Moore.
Navigation: Wells.
Necton: Birch.
New Hebrides: O'Reilly.
Newcastle: Embleton, Phillips. Newtown: Owen.
Norfolk: Beloe, Hudson, Manning. See "Castleacre," "Castle Rising," "Coulton," "Eccles," "Great Cressingham," "Lynn," "Necton," "Norwich," "Shelton," "Terring- ton."
Norse remains: Acland. Northamptonshire: Irvine. North Perrot: Batten.
Northumberland: Hardy, Hodgson,
Northumberland, Percy.
"Amble," " Berwick," "Chirburn,"
Hauxley," "Morpeth," New
castle," Temple Thornton," "Walltown."
Pontefract: Holmes. Pottery: Michell-Whitley. Prehistoric antiquities: Anderson, Barron, Bogle, Buick, Coffey, Coles, Dawson, Ferguson, Frazer, Gowland, Haggart, Hardy, Hudd, Kinghorn, Knowles, Lasham, Lewis, Newton, Rendall, Robertson, Rotherham, Shore, Williams.
Registers: Coleman, Grave, Harper, Lumb, Sykes. Renfrewshire: Mackinlay. Ringmer: Martin. Roads: Beloe, Deans, Hooppell, Mac- Donald, Marsh, Russell, Tatham. Roman antiquities: Arnold, Bagnall- Oakeley, Bates, Blair, Brock, Cal- verley, Cox, Ellis, Ferguson, Fox, Fryer, Goddard, Hall, Haverfield, Hooppell, Jacob, Laidlaw, Мас- Donald, Marsh, Page, Sheraton, Williams. See "Inscriptions," "Literary antiquities.' ities." "Numis- matics."
Rome: Lanciani, Russell-Forbes. Roscam: Wakeman.
Rose (the): André. Roseisle: Morrison.
Ross: Bagnall-Oakeley. Roxburghshire: Deans. Rutherglen: Eyre. Rye: Inderwick.
St. Albans: Page. St. Denys: Skelton. St. Fillan: Mackinlay. St. Lucia: Mackinlay.
St. Ninian: Dowden.
Salford: Mackinson.
Salisbury: Harding. Saxby: Cox.
Saxon period: Beddoe, Cox, Goddard, Housman, Read. See "Literary antiquities." Scorborough: Mortimer. Scotland:
Acland, Bogle, Brydall, Christison, Craigie, Cramond,
"Abernethy," "Annandale," "Ardoch," "Both well," "Cappuck," "Dunvegan," "Glasgow," "Glenshee," "Kirk- cudbright," "Lewis," "Oban," "Renfrewshire," "Roseisle," "Roxburghshire," "Rutherglen," "Shetland," "Taymouth," "Tilli- coultry," "Traquair."
Seals: Batten, Eyre, Hope, Vigors, Ware, Warren, Wyon.
Segontium: Sheraton. Selattyn: Bulkeley-Owen. Shamrock (the): Bardan. Shawell: Bates.
Shelton: Armstrong. Shetland: Barron, Kinghorn. Shirburn: Money. Shrawardine: Auden.
Shrewsbury: Cunningham. Shropshire: F., Stephenson. See "Ber- rington," "High Ercall," "Lud- low," "Selattyn," "Shrawardine," "Shrewsbury," " Whitchurch." Silchester: Fox, Grueber, Haverfield. Slavery: Thompson.
Sledmere: Mortimer. Slieve-na-Caillighe: Rotherham. Somersetshire. See "Bath," "Hinton Charterhouse," " Mendip," "North Perrot," "Tickenham," " Wraxall."
South Mimms: Davis. South Shields: Blair. Southampton: Grave. Sports: Knighton. Staffordshire. See "Lichfield." Stocks: Nicholson.
Stoke Charity: Greenfield.
Stone circles: Coles, Evans. Sudbury: Simpson.
Sudeley Castle: Brock.
Suffolk: Betham, Hamp, Hopper, Jones,
Manning, Powell. See "Bretten- ham," "Mildenhall," "Sudbury," "Waldingfield.”
Surrey: Ashcombe, Bar, Cooper, Crisp, Howard, Lasham, Malden.
Sussex: André, Attree, Crake, Dunkin, Prince, Read. See "Bexhill," "Eastbourne," "Hastings," " Ring- mer," "Rye," "Towncreep."
Swallowfield: Russell. Swedish antiquities: Curle, Simpson.
Tara: McDonald. Tasmania: Tylor.
Taymouth: Mackenzie. Temple Thornton: Hodgson. Templepatrick: Latimer. Terra del Fuego: Hodgson. Terrington: Seccombe. Tickenham: Pritchard. Tillicoultry: Robertson.
Torbay: Karkeek. Towers (round): Wakeman. Towncreep: Napper, Tatham.
Traquair: Russell. Travels in Britain: Bülow. Tyttenhanger: Fowler.
Upper Upham: Brakspear.
Valle Crucis: Hughes, Owen. Verulam: Page. Vienne: Lewis.
Vortipore, tombstone of: Laws, Rhys.
Waldingfield: Haslewood, Stokes.
Wales: Baker, Birch, Fisher, Nevins, Rhys, Vaughan-Williams, Williams, Willis-Bund. Ses "Anglesey," "Bangor," "Caer-Hên-Eglwys," "Caerwent," "Carmarthenshire,"
"Conway," "Cwmhir," "Flint- shire," "Gower," "Haverfordwest," "Montgomeryshire," "Newtown," "Pembrokeshire," "Valle Crucis."
Wallingford: Field. Walltown: Hall. Warrington: Irvine, Madeley. Westley Waterless: Atkinson. Westmorland: Ferguson, Hodgson,
Westwood Sparsholt: Jacob.
Wetwang: Cole. Wexford: Cullen, Perceral. Weyhill: Clutterbuck. Whalley: Birch. Whitchurch: Finch.
Wight (Isle of): Davis. Willingham: James, Watkins. Wills: Berkshire, Crisp, Hartopp. Wiltshire: Coleman, Jackson. See
"Aldbourne," "Burbage," "Basset Down," "Hill Deverill," " Malzes- bury," "Marlborough,"
bury," "Upper Upham."
Winestead: Moore. Winston: Edleston. Wissey river: Coulton. Witton-le-Wear: Hodgson. Wouldham: Lang.
Wraxall: Barker, Franks.
Yorkshire: Cartwright, Cox, Glynne, Norcliffe, Skaife, Taylor. See "Beverley," " Driffield," " Dripole," Huggate," "Hull," "Londes- borough," "Meaux," "Nicholson," "Pocklington," "Pontefract," "Scorborough," "Sledmere," Wetwang," "Winestead."
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