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The churches of Dunsany and Skreen, county Meath. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. iv. 223-231. Report on Northern Clare. Jour. Roy. Soc. Antiq. Ireland, 5th S. iv. 287-289. WHITE (W.). On objects of antiquarian interest dug up in Trinity College. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc. viii. 292-301. WHITEHOUSE (С.). Nile reservoirs: the Fayoum and RaiyanMoeris. Jour. R.I.B.A. 3rd S. i. 573-582. WHITLEY (H. M.). On a discovery at St. John's Vicarage, Eastbourne. Proc. Soc. Antiq. 2nd S. xv. 275-276. WILLIAMS (R.). Montgomeryshire nonconformity; extracts from gaol files with notes. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxv. 41-72; xxvi. 49-78: xxvii. 55-76; xxviii. 81–106. Montgomeryshire worthies. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxv. 205-220. 296. Vavasor Powell's Welsh Bible. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxv. Early documents relating to Dolforwyn Castle, Newtown, etc. Montgomeryshire Coll. xxviii. 145-164. WILLIAMS (STEPHEN W.). Lists and index of monumental effigies illustrated and described in the Archæologia Cambrensis from 1846-92. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. x. 238-247, 271-274. WILLIS (F. M.). Wiltshire trade tokens of the 17th century. Wilts Arch. and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxvi. 391-404. WILLIS-BUND (J. W.). The Teilo churches. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. x. 193-217. Some characteristics of Welsh and Irish saints. Arch. Cambrensis, 5th S. xi. 276-291. WILSON (T. J.). The tomb of St. Hugh at Lincoln. Arch. Jour. li. 104-108. WILTSHIRE: records of finds not mentioned elsewhere. Wilts Arch. and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxvi. 410-417 WINCHESTER (VERY REV. THE DEAN OF). The history of the cathedral WINWOOD (REV. H. H.) On a number of ornaments, sickles, and WOODHOUSE (W. J.). Ætolian inscriptions. Jour. Hell. Studies, xiii. 338-355. WOODRUFF (REV. C. E.). Letters relating to the condition of the church in Kent during the primacy of Archbishop Sancroft [1678-1690]. Arch. Cant. xxi. 172-197. WORTH (R. N.). The rude stone monuments of Cornwall. Jour. Roy. Inst. of Cornwall, xii. 76-95. Early days in South Molton. Trans. Denon. Assoc. xxvi. 122-132. The stone rows of Dartmoor. Trans. Devon. Assoc. xxvi. 296-307. Residents in the "Three Towns" in 1522-3. Trans. Devon. Assoc. xxvi. 401-415. WROTH (WARWICK). Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1893. Num. Chron. 3rd S. xiv. 1-17. WYON (ALLAN). Notes on some new seals of the King's Great Sessions of Wales. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. 1. 67-69. Additional notes upon the great seals of England. Jour. Brit. Arch. Assoc. 1 139-149. |