Yorkshire Archæological Society, FOUNDED, 1863. INCORPORATED, 1893. PATRONS. For the North Riding, The Most Hon. the MARQUIS OF RIPON, K.G., Lord-Lieutenant. For the East Riding, The Right Hon. the LORD HERRIES. ARMYTAGE, GEORGE J., F.S.A. (Brighouse). ΒΟΥΝΤΟΝ, THOMAS (Bridlington Quay). CLAY, JOHN WILLIAM, F.S.A. (Brighouse). FALLOW, T. M., F.S.A. (Redcar). FOWLER, The Rev. J. T., F.S.A. (Durham). HAWKESBURY, LORD, F.S.A. (Newark). LEADMAN, A. D. H., F.S.A. (Pocklington). MITCHELL, T. CARTER, F.S.A. (Topelife). STANSFELD, JOHN (Leeds). WILSON, EDMUND, F.S.A. (Leeds). TREASURER. HENRY SLADE CHILDE, Home Garth, Wakefield. AUDITOR. W. H. ARMITAGE, Murray Road, Huddersfield. LIBRARIAN. E. K. CLARK, 10, Park Street, Leeds. HONORARY SECRETARIES. WILLIAM BROWN, Trenholme, Northallerton. FOR THE RECORD SERIES.-S. J. CHADWICK, F.S.A., Church Street, Dewsbury. EAST RIDING. A. D. H. LEADMAN, F.S.A. (Sec.). JOHN BILSON, F.S.A. THOS. BOΥΝΤΟΝ. J. W. CLAY, Rastrick House, Brighouse. COMMITTEES. The Rev. CANON TAYLOR, Litt. D., LL.D. WEST RIDING. J. W. WALKER, F.S.A. (Sec.). THOS. BROOKE, F.S.A. J. W. CLAY, F.S.A. H. S. CHILDE. J. N. DICKONS. R. HOLMES. J. W. MORKILL. G. W. TOMLINSON, F.S.A. EDM. WILSON, F.S.A. LIBRARY. YORKSHIRE Arc 149.1 ARVARD/ COLLEGE, Archæological Journal. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE Yorkshire Archæological Society. PART 56. (BEING THE FOURTH PART OF VOLUME XIV.) [ISSUED TO MEMBERS ONLY.] BOR + SIG SOC LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY BRADBURY, AGNEW, AND CO. LD., WHITEFRIARS, E.C. MDCCCXCVIII. * The Council of the Society are not responsible for any statements or opinions expressed in the YORKSHIRE ARCHEOLOGICAL JOURNAL, the Authors of the various Papers being alone answerable for the same. 422 LETTERS FROM THE STOWE MANUSCRIPTS MONUMENTAL BRASSES IN THE EAST ROBERT H. SKAIFE RIDING (Additions and Corrections) MILL STEPHENSON, 444 458 TITLE PAGE, PREFACE, TABLE OF CONTENTS, ILLUSTRATIONS, OF Illustrations. MAP OF EURUICSCIRE, ON THE EVIDENCE OF DOMESDAY BOOK, A.D. 1086 to face 347 1 A MAN IN ARMOUR, C. 1420, LOWTHORPE, E. YORKS DOMESDAY BOOK FOR YORKSHIRE. Translated by ROBERT H. SKAIFE. (CONTINUED FROM P. 312.) [THE RECAPITULATION.] In 80 the geld of the city of York there are eighty-four carucates of land, which, T. R. E., rendered, each of them, as much geld as one house in the city. Of these, the Archbishop has six car. inst the ferm of his hall.82 In Osboldeuuic (Osbaldwick), the Archbishop six car. In Stochetun (Stockton-on-the-Forest), the Archbishop three car. In the same place, three car. 83 In Sa'bure (Sandburn), three car. 84 In Heuuorde (Heworth), three car. In the same place, Earl Alan three car.85 In Fuleforde (Fulford), Earl Alan ten car. In Cliftune (Clifton), the Archbishop eight car. and a half. In the same place, Earl Alan nine car. and a half. In the same place, the Archbishop thirty-seven acres of meadow. 86 In Roudeclif (Rawcliffe), Saxford had two car. In the same place, the King one car.87 In Ouertune (Overton), Earl Alan five car. In Scheltun (Skelton), the Archbishop three car, and a half. In the same place, the King two car. and six bovates. In the same place, Earl Alan two car. and six bov. In Mortun (Murton, in Galtres. Lost), Archil had three car. Within the circuit of the city three car. Torfin and Turchil held [them]. Recapitulation. Westreding (WEST RIDING). N Siraches Wapentac (Skyrack Wapentake). In Otelai (Otley), a manor, Pouele (Poole), Gisele (Gui Hauocesorde (Hawksworth), and the other Hauochesord ), Beldone (Baildon), Mersintone (Menston), Bur (Burley) [and] Illecliue (Ilkley), the Archbishop sixty car. a bov. Item, in Gereburg Wapent' ( wapentake) there are berewicks in 88 Otelai (Otley) : - Stube (Stubbing Farm), Fe lie (Farnley), Mideltun (Middleton), Timbe (Little Ti Dentun (Denton), Estone ( Bicherun ( Archbishop [has] these. ), Cliftun (Clifton), ). Among the whole, twenty [car.]. In Ritun (Rigton), three car. In Wartle (Weardley), fou Half of these is Gospatric's. [Skyrack Wapentake.] In Chipesch (Kippax) and Ledestun (Ledston), Alr (Allerton Bywater), Prestun (Preston), Suillintun (Swillin in Gereforde (Garforth), Sceltun (Skelton), Caldecotes cotes), Coletun (Colton), Ossetorp (Austhorpe), Mane (Manston), Bereuuich (Barwick), Chidal (Kiddal), Pote (Potterton), P'lintun (Parlington) [and] Chipetun (Gipton), [has] among the whole sixty-nine car. and a half of land. In Gereford (Garforth), Ilbert seven car. In Suillintun (Swillington), the same Ilbert nine car. In Scipene (Shippen House) and Stretun (Sturton Gra Ilbert four car. In Chidal (Kiddal) and P'tilintun (Parlington), Ilbert thre In Cudford (Cuforth), Ilbert two car. In Halletun (Halton), Ilbert six car. In Sacrofft (Seacroft), Ilbert eight car. In Tornoure (Thorner), Ilbert eight car. In Bretebi (Birkby Hill) and Watecroft ( two car. In Alretun (Chapel? Allerton), Ilbert six car. ), In Cipetun (Gipton) and Coletun (Colton), Ilbert four car. half. In Scadeuuelle (Shadwell), the King six car. In Neuhusu' (Temple Newsam), Ilbert eight car. In Torp (Thorpe Stapleton), Ilbert four car. In Ledes (Leeds), Ilbert ten car. and six bov. In Hedingelei (Headingley), Ilbert seven car. In Mortun (Morton, par. Bingley), the King four car. In Snitertun ( ), Ilbert eight car. In Wodehusu' (Wothersome), the King four car. 88 That is, "belonging to." |