| Simeon Ashe - 1642 - 80 pages
...the fide of t heir oppreffeurs there-s was power, but there was no Comforter. Wherefore I •praijed the dead which are already dead, more than the living which are jet alive. Many in this Kirgdome have dyed many deaths under the y ron hands of heavy opprtffours,... | |
| John Piggott - 1714 - 558 pages
...ask, Is not this inconfiftent with what the Wife- Man ECC!. 4..i. has elfewhere advanc'd, in fraifmg the Dead. which are already dead^ more than the Living which are yet alive ? To this I return, that ) in one Paflage he has regard to the Troubles of Life, and in the other to... | |
| William Sherlock - 1715 - 476 pages
...they have the Scripture on their fide. For the Wife Man, Eccl. 4. 2, 3. tells us, Wherefore I prtifcd the dead, which are already dead, more than the living, which are yet alive : Tea hetter is he than both they, who hath not yet heen, who hath not feen the evil work that is done... | |
| John Leland - 1769 - 556 pages
...Comforter. This fo affected his Heart, that in the Bitternefs of his Concern he adds, Wherefore I praifed the dead which are already dead, more than the living which are yet alive. But this feems to have been the Language of Paffion and Melancholy. A more juft and reafonable Conclufion... | |
| John Gill - 1773 - 678 pages
...Occafioned by the Death of the Reverend Mr JAMES FALL. Ее с L ES. IV. г. Wherefore I praifed tbe dead, which are already dead, more than the living, which are yet alive, - - ------551 SERM. 34. Occafioned by the Death of Mrs ELIZABETH GILL. HEBREWS XI. 16. But now they... | |
| William Belsham - 1791 - 312 pages
...vexation of fpirit, " and there was no profit under the fun! " Therefore I hated life, and I praifed the " dead which are already dead, more than the " living which are yet alive." He feems to place man's fupreme good in a kind- of ftoical apathy, a proud and contemptuous indifference... | |
| Jacques Saurin - 1800 - 308 pages
...reason to doubt, whether it be the language of Solomon or the fool introduced in the book) J.pra ised the dead which are already dead, more than the living which are yet alive : yea, better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, Eccjes. iv. 2, 3. To consider things as... | |
| Alexander Macwhorter - 1803 - 524 pages
....Solomon had confidered all theoppreffions and fore evils done under the fun^ he exclaimed, " I " praifed the dead which are already dead, more than the " living which are yet alive ; yea, better is he than both they» " whick hath not yet been, who hath not feen the evil work " that... | |
| Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1805 - 474 pages
...side of their oppressors [there was] power ; but they had no comforter : and this -VCT2 ed my spirit ; Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive ; I thought them in a better condition than those who suffer by o/ifiression, vihofear 3 it, or even... | |
| Jacques Saurin, Robert Robinson - 1806 - 416 pages
...is some reason to doubt whether it be the language of Solomon or the foot / introduced in the book) I praised the dead which are already dead, more than the living which are yet alive: yea, better is he than both they, which hath not yet been, Eccles. iv. 2, 3. To consider things as... | |
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