which is here drawn as making an acute angle with this plane on the right hand side. The first figure represents the bubble brought to the centre of the tube. The second figure represents the plate turned half around. The centre line of the axis is supposed to remain unmoved. The acute angle will now be on the left hand side, and the plate will no longer be horizontal. Consequently the bubble will run to the higher end of the tube. The rectification necessary is evidently to raise one end of the tube and lower the other. The real error has been doubled to the eye by the reversion. Half of the motion of the bubble was caused by the tangent plane not being perpendicular to the axis, and half by this axis not being vertical. Therefore raise or lower one end of the level by the screws which fasten it to the plate, till the bubble comes about half way back to the centre, and then bring it quite back by turning its pair of parallel plate screws. Then again reverse the vernier plate 180°. The bubble should now remain in the centre. If not, the operation should be repeated. The same must be done with the other level if required. Then the bubbles will remain in the centre during a complete revolution. This proves that the axis of the vernier plate is then vertical; and as it has been fixed by the maker perpendicular to the plate, the latter must then be horizontal. It is also necessary to examine whether the bubbles remain in the centre, when the divided circle is turned round on its axis. If not, the axes of the two plates are not parallel to each other. The defect can be remedied only by the maker; for if the bubbles be altered so as to be right for this reversal, they will be wrong for the vernier plate reversal. (361) Second adjustment. To cause the line of collimation to revolve in a plane." Verification. Set up the Transit in the middle of a level piece of ground, as at A in the figure. Level it carefully. Set a stake, with a nail driven into its head, or a chain pin, as far from the instrument as it is distinctly visible, as at B. Direct the telescope *This adjustment is not the same in the Transit and in the Theodolite. That for the Transit will be first given, and that for the Theodolite in the next article. to it, and fix the intersection of the cross-hairs very precisely upon it. Clamp the instrument. Measure from A to B. Then turn over the telescope, and set another stake at an equal distance from the Transit, and also precisely in the line of sight. If the line of collimation has not continued in the same plane during its half-revolution, this stake will not be at E, but to one side, as at C. To discover the truth, loosen the clamp and turn the vernier plate half around without touching the telescope. Sight to B, as at first, and again clamp it. Then turn over the telescope, and the line of sight will strike, as at D in the figure, as far to the right of the point, as it did before to its left. Rectification. The fault which is to be rectified, is that the line of collimation of the telescope is not perpendicular to the horizontal axis on which the telescope revolves. This will be seen by the figures, which represent the position of the lines in each of the four Fig. 243. B A observations which have been made. In each of the figures the long thick line represents the telescope, and the short one the axis on which it turns. In Fig. 243 the line of sight is directed to B. In Fig. 244 the telescope has been turned over, and with it the axis, so that the obtuse angle, marked O in the first figure, has taken the place, O', of the acute angle, and the telescope points to C instead of to E. In Fig. 245 the vernier plate has been turned half around so as to point to B again, and the same obtuse angle has got around to O". In Fig. 246 the telescope has been turned over, the obtuse angle is at O"", and the telescope now points to D. To make the line of collimation perpendicular to the axis, the former must have its direction changed. This is effected by moving the vertical hair the proper distance to one side. As was explained in Art. (330), and represented in Fig. 217, the crosshairs are on a ring held by four screws. By loosening the lefthand screw and tightening the right-hand one, the ring, and with it the cross-hairs, will be drawn to the right; and vice versa. Two holes at right angles to each other pass through the outer heads of the screws. Into these holes a stout steel wire is inserted, and the screws can thus be turned around. Screws so made are called capstan-headed." One of the other pair of screws may need to be loosened to avoid straining the threads. In some French instruments, one of each pair of screws is replaced by a spring. 66 To find how much to move this vertical hair, measure from C to D, Fig. 242, page 243. Set a stake at the middle point E, and set another at the point F, midway between D and E. Move the vertical hair till the line of sight strikes F. Then the instrument is adjusted; and if the line of sight be now directed to E, it will strike B, when the telescope is turned over; since the hair is moved half of the doubled error, DE. The operation will generally require to be repeated, not being quite perfected at first. It should be remembered, that if the Telescope used does not invert objects, its eye-piece will do so. Consequently, with such a telescope, if it seems that the vertical hair should be moved to the left, it must be moved to the right, and vice versa. An inverting telescope does not invert the cross-hairs. If the young surveyor has any doubts as to the perfection of his rectification, he may set another stake exactly under the instrument by means of a plumb-line suspended from its centre; and then, in like manner, set his Transit over B or E. He will find that the other two stakes, A and the extreme one, are in the same straight line with his instrument. In some instruments, the horizontal axis of the telescope can be taken out of its supports, and turned over, end for end. In such a case, the line of sight may be directed to any well defined point, and the axis then taken out and turned over. If the line of sight again strikes the same point, this line is perpendicular to the axis. If not, the apparent error is double the real error, as appears from the figures, the obtuse angle O coming to O', and the desired perFig. 247. B. pendicular line falling at C midway between B and B'. The rectification may be made as before; or, in some large instruments, in which the telescope is supported on Ys, by moving one of the Ys laterally. (362) The Theodolite must be treated differently, since its telescope does not reverse. One substitute for this reversal, when it is desired to range out a line forward and backward from one station, is, after sighting in one direction, to take the telescope out of the Ys and turn it end for end, to sight in the reverse direction. This it can be made to do by adjusting its line of collimation as explained in the last article. Another substitute is, after sighting in one direction, and noting the reading, to turn the vernier plate around exactly 180°. But this supposes not only that the gradua tion is perfectly accurate, but also that the line of collimation is exactly over the centre of the circle. To test this, after sighting to a point, and noting the reading, take the telescope out of the Ys and turn it end for end, and then turn the vernier plate around exactly 180°. If the line of sight again strikes the same point, the latter condition exists. If not, the maker must remedy the defect. This error of eccentricity is similar to that explained with respect to the compass, in the latter part of Art. (226). (363) Third adjustment. To cause the line of collimation to revolve in a vertical plane.* Verification. Suspend a long plumb-line from some high point. Set the instrument near this line, and level it carefully. Direct the telescope to the plumb-line, and see if the intersection of the cross-hairs follows and remains upon this line, when the telescope is turned up and down. If it does, it moves in a vertical plane. The angle of a new and well-built house will form an imperfect substitute for the plumb-line. Otherwise; the instrument being set up and levelled as above, place a basin of some reflecting liquid (quicksilver being the best, though molasses, or oil, or even water, will answer, though less perfectly,) so that the top of a steeple, or other point of a high object, can be seen in it through the telescope by reflection. Make the intersection of the cross-hairs cover it. Then turn up the telescope, and if the intersection of the cross-hairs bisects also the object seen directly, the line of sight has moved in a vertical plane. If a star be taken as the object, the star and its reflection will be equivalent (if it be nearly over head) to a plumb-line at least fifty million million miles long. Fig. 249 S Otherwise; set the instrument as close as possible to the base of a steeple, or other high object; level it, and direct it to the top of the steeple, or to some other elevated and well defined point. Clamp the plates. Turn down the telescope, and set up a pin in the ground precisely "in line." Then loosen the clamp, turn over the telescope, and turn it half-way around, or so far as to again sight to the high point. Clamp the plates, and again turn down the telescope. If the line of sight again strikes the pin, the telescope has moved in a vertical plane. If not, the apparent P P P error is double the real error. For, let S be the top of the steeple, *This applies to both the Transit and the Theodolite, with the exception of the method of verification by the steeple and pin, which applies only to the Transit. |