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Buckingham, Q.

Lomer, Rohr & Co., Montreal, Q.

114. Apatite (phosphate of lime).

From the Dominion Phosphate Mining and Land Company's Mine.


Emerald Mine, Buckingham, Q., lot 18, range 12. ...Geological Survey.

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Emerald Mine, Buckingham, Q., lot 18, range 12.. W. A. Allan, Ottawa, O.

93. Crystal of Apatite.

This apatite crystal, which weighs 350 lbs.. and is 62 inches in circumference, is supposed to be one of the largest ever obtained in any country. These crystals occur in a pink crystalline limestone, and in some places are very abundant. (See Fig. 6.)-Laurentian.

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High Rock Mine, Portland Phosphate of Lime Co. (Limited). Sole Agents,

West, Q.

Pickford & Winkfield, 1483, Fenchurch
Street, London, E.C.

[blocks in formation]

65. Apatite (Phosphate of lime). From the Union Phosphate Mining and

Land Company's mine.

These specimens are from an open cut 60 feet deep, which is reported to have already yielded over 8,000 tons.-Laurentian.

Figure VI.

Figure VII.

1 foot.

1 foot.


range 12

Crystals of Apatite imbedded in Calcite, Buckingham, Q., lot 18, range 12.

[blocks in formation]

Magnesite forms rock masses associated with the dolomites, serpentines, and steatites of the Eastern Townships of the province of Quebec. In Bolton it occurs on the east side of the Melbourne and Potton anticlinal, in an enormous bed which resembles crystalline limestone in appearance. A specimen from lot 17, range 9, of Bolton, was found to contain, besides small quantities of chromium and nickel,—

[blocks in formation]

In the township of Sutton magnesite occurs on the east side of the Shipton and St. Armand anticlinal. It is here often slaty in structure, and contains an admixture of felspar and green chromiferous mica. The purest specimens yield over eighty per cent. of carbonate of magnesia. In the township of Melbourne magnesitic ophiolites or rocks consisting of a mixture of serpentine and magnesite, occur. The use of magnesite for the manufacture of magnesia and magnesian salts is well known.-Pre-Cambrian.

[blocks in formation]

From a vein of about 2 feet wide, which is said to have been traced for 200 yards. No work has yet been done to develop this deposit, but it is thought to be extensive.-Laurentian.

Oxides of Manganese.

Markhamville, King's county, N.B... Alfred Markham, Markhamville, N.B.

110. Pyrolusite and manganite.

Deposits of oxides of manganese, consisting chiefly of pyrolusite but containing more or less manganite, are not of uncommon occurrence in the rocks of the Lower Carboniferous formation in New Brunswick, and have been mined to a greater or less extent at several points, such as Markhamville, Quaco, and Shepody Mountain. At each of these localities the mineral is met with in the limestone, lying at or near the base of the series, being distributed through the latter partly in the form of veins, but chiefly in irregular masses or "pockets," some of which are of remarkable richness.

The most important deposits which are at present being worked are those of Markhamville. These were first opened in 1863, since which time a large quantity of ore has been obtained. Owing to the mines being eleven miles from railway transport, the ore is subject to a cartage of $3.00 per ton, but is, notwithstanding, profitably worked. The price, delivered at Sussex station, on the Intercolonial Railroad, varies, according to quality, from $15.00 to $100 per ton.-Lower Carboniferous.

Amherst Island, Magdalen Islands, Q.

15. Manganite.

...Geological Survey.

A specimen from this locality, examined in the laboratory of the Survey by Mr. F. Adams, contained 45-61 per cent. of available manganese dioxide.

Ores of manganese are known to occur at several points in the counties of Hants, King's, Cumberland, Colchester, Pictou, Antigonish, and Cape Breton, but are extensively worked only at Teny Cape, Walton, East Mountain, and Loch Lomond, where the quarries yield annually upwards of 300 tons of excellent pyrolusite, valued at $30,000. The ore is found in Lower Carboniferous rocks in the form of lenticular beds and veins, either alone or intimately mixed with limestones and iron ores.

Walton, Hants County, N.S.......

17. Pyrolusite.

Churchill Bros., Walton, N.S.

In this locality the mineral is found in detached lumps ranging from one pound to three tons in weight. It is liberated by the disintegration of the enclosing rock, and can readily be removed with a pick and shovel. Between the months of April and June, 1883, three men took out twenty tons, valued at $100 per ton. (See Report of Progress of the Geological Survey, 1882-84, p. 21L.)-Lower Carboniferous.

Teny Cape Mine, Hants county, N.S... J. W. Stephens, Teny Cape, N.S. 25 and 642. Pyrolusite.

At this place several shafts have been sunk in a reddish limestone, but as

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