... steam requisite for producing a given effect or duty, was the subject of continual research by Smeaton, and the basis of Watt's discoveries. The author being led to make observations on evaporation twenty years ago, soon perceived that the completeness... American Railroad Journal - Page 531840Full view - About this book
 | 1839 - 508 pages
...twenty years ago, soon perceived that the completeness and rate of combustion, the proportion of the grates to the combustion effected upon them, and to...—of Rennie and Watt at the Albion Mills — of M. IV Pambour on the locomotive engine, in which intensity of combustion and evaporative power are at... | |
 | 1839 - 512 pages
...twenty years ago, soon perceived that the completeness and rate of combustion, the proportion of the grates to the combustion effected upon them, and to...those of Smeaton at Long Benton — of Rennie and Wattat the Albion Mills — of M. De Pambour on the locomotive engine, in which intensity of combustion... | |
 | Perry Fairfax Nursey - 1839 - 514 pages
...twenty years ago, soon perceived that the completeness and rate of combustion, the proportion of the grates to the combustion effected upon them, and to...pushed to nearly its furthest limit — in those of Smeatou at Long Benton —of Hennie and Watt at the Albion Mills — of M. De Pambour on the locomotive... | |
 | William Laxton - 1839 - 520 pages
...combustion, the proportion of the grates to the combustion effected upon them and to the whole beat-absorbing surface, were important elements in evaporative economy....slow combustion was pushed to nearly its furthest limits — in those of Smeaton at ;!enton — of llennie and Watt at the Albion Mills — of M. de... | |
 | William Newton, Charles Frederick Partington - 1840 - 544 pages
...twenty years ago, soon perceived that the completeness and rate of combustion, the proportion of the grates to the combustion effected upon them and to...of Rennie and Watt at the Albion Mills — of M. de Parnbour on the Locomotive engine, in which intensity of combustion and evaporative power are at their... | |
 | 1840 - 548 pages
...twenty years ago, soon perceived that the completeness and rate of combustion, the proportion of the grates to the combustion effected upon them and to...limit — in those of Smeaton at Long Benton — of Rcnnie and Watt at the Albion Mills — of M. de Parnbour on the Locomotive engine, in which intensity... | |
 | William Newton - 1840 - 540 pages
...twenty years ago, soon perceived that the completeness and rate of combustion, the proportion of the grates to the combustion effected upon them and to...slow combustion was pushed to nearly its furthest limit—in those of Smeaton at Long Bcnton—of Rennie and Watt at the Albion Mills—of M. de Painbour... | |
 | Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain) - 1848 - 570 pages
...twenty years ago, soon perceived that the completeness and rate of combustion, the proportion of the grates to the combustion effected upon them and to the whole heat-absorbing surface, were important * This paper was commenced February 26th, and was continued during four meetings before the Easter... | |
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