this country, I certify with pleasure that I received every where the best testimonials from the Presidents, Engineers and Superintendants of Railroads, in regard to the workmanship and the performances of Mr. Baldwin's Locomotives. Owing to the peculiar construction of these engines, I observe that they are remarkably easy to the road, even where light rails are used. I regard them, therefore, after a careful examination of the results obtained, as the best machines used on American Railroads, and recommend them strongly to all railroad companies in Europe. Should those companies apply to me I am willing to inspect the progress of the workmanship of the Engines ordered for Europe, and to report from time to time, on the state of the work to those companies. If they entrust me the bills of payment, I will keep them until the Engines are delivered on board the vessel, and save to the companies extra expenses. F. A. CHEV. GERSTNER. (Signed) Philadelphia, 13th Sept. 1839. Extract from a letter from John Brandt, formerly superintendant of motive power on the Philadelphia and Columbia Railway, now superintendant of motive power on the Georgia Railroad under date of May, 1838: "We have 24 of your engines on this road, several of which have been in use since the fall of 1834. Two of your 3d class engines commenced running February 22d, 1837, and travelled 55,695 miles up to the 1st May 1838, and cost for repairs during the above mentioned time one cent and eight mills per mile. Eight engines of the 1st class have travelled from the 1st January, 1838, to the 1st May, (four months) 49,469 miles, made 653 trips, drawing 16,836 cars. The cost for these four months I am unable to show, as our books are not posted, but can assure you that the expenses this year will be less than any former year. One of the ist class, recently built, has drawn over the Columbia road, part of which has an ascending grade of 45 feet per mile, 35 loaded cars weighing 187 tons, equal to about 701 tons on a level, and travelled from 8 to 12 miles per hour, except on wooden track. This is the heaviest train that has ever passed the road." Extract from a letter from James I. Shipman, Esq., resident engineer of the Long Island Railroad Company: "We have two engines of class No. 3 of your manufacture, which have been in use since May, 1836. Their performance is worthy of the most unqualified praise. We carry as an ordinary load 15 freight cars, weighing five and a half tons each, and to show their efficiency we have frequently taken 20 cars without difficulty up an ascent of 35 feet to the mile, and have carried 4 cars up a grade 211 feet per mile, for a distance of 2,100 feet. The average speed for freight is 17 miles an hour, passengers 20 to 25. In the summer of 1837, they performed the distance of 162 miles each day, and, from the journal which now lies before me, that under this severe usage there was no failure in either of these engines for 6 months, which rendered a change in their usual time of running necessary, or occasioned any delay either in transportation of freight or passengers, I am fully satisfied that the cost for repairs does not exceed half that of a four wheeled engine, doing the same work." John Cash, Esq., superintendant of motive power on the Norristown Railroad, writes: "I take great pleasure in bearing testimony to the excellence of your engines. They are well adapted to light or heavy roads. With one of the small class, which has been in use nearly 3 years. I have drawn a train 1 of 750 passengers, over grades of 32 feet to the mile, at the rate of 14 miles per hour." Wm. C. Young, Esq., Superintendant and Engineer of Utica and Schenectady Railroad, writes: "The twelve locomotive engines procured of you for this road, have answered their purposes effectively. Notwithstanding much has been said about improvements in such machines, I am not able to satisfy myself that ours are wanting in any particular." James Elliot, superintendant of motive power on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, writes: "After an experience of several years with locomotive engines on different roads, I am of the opinion that the engines of M. W. B. are easier upon the road than any engines in use, and that they combine more advantages than any locomotive engines within my knowledge. They have been constantly running for the last 18 months; the engine Brandywine has been running 265 days, at a cost for repairs of $65 17, and has lost but five days since she was put on the road. The Christiana has been running 165 days, at a cost of $20 for repairs. Their average speed is 24 miles per hour, including stoppages." L. G. Cannon, President, and L. R. Sargent, superintendent of the Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad Company, says: "We have two of your locomotives which have been in use about 3 years. They work well in every particular, and I deem it but an act of justice to say that the manufacture and materials of each, have proved to be of the highest order, and I have evidence from the official reports of other companies, and my own experience here, that your engines will, in performance and cost of repairs, bear comparison with any engines made in this or any other country." W. W. Woolsey, Esq., President of Boston and Providence Railroad Company, writes: "We have three of your engines, which have been in use since June, 1936; we never have had occasion to put them to their maximum capacity. They have carried seventeen freight cars, of gross weight eighty-five tons, engine and tender not included, over the road at an average speed of ten miles per hour, and this over an ascent of five miles in length, one half mile of which is forty two and a half feet per mile, the remaining four and a half miles thirty-seven and a half feet. They carry ten passengers and three baggage cars very easily over the road, at an average speed of eighteen to twenty miles an hour. Your engines give entire satisfaction." David Mathews, Superintendent of Engines and Machinery, on the Utica and Schenectady Railroad, writes: "We have twelve engines in use on this road, and are all of your manufacture. They have been in use since August, 1836; and eight engines run about one hundred and fifty thousand miles per year, carrying about one hundred and fifty thousand passengers in cars which hold twenty-four passengers-eighteen cars of passengers and their baggage is considerep a load for your engines running twenty miles an hour. We are five hours crossing the road, eighty miles, including fifteen stoppages. Your engines have performed well." J. Edgar Thompson, Esq., Chief Engineer and general agent of the Geogia Railroad Banking Company, writes: "We have in operation on the Georgia Railroad, six locomotives from : Baldwin's factory, all of which have given us entire satisfaction. The simplicity of their construction, and the excellent proportions and arrangements of the various parts of machinery, entitle them, in my opinion, to a decided preference over any other engines that I have examined, either of European or domestic manufacture." H. R. Campbell, Esq., Civil Engineer, writes: "One of your third class engines, the West Chester, this morning, June 8th, drew a train of Afty-one loaded cars from Schuylkill Bridge to Broad street, (4 miles,) passing several abrupt curves, some of seven hundred and fifty seven feet radius, and several ascending grades, one of which is 32 feet to the mile. The weight which I got from the weigh master of the road, to my own satifaction, was 234 1-2 tons, exclusive of the engine It exceeds any experiment I have ever heard of in any part of the world, and was apparently made without any preparation, for no one was present to witness it but the hands on the road and myself, who was casually passing." L. A. Sykes, Esq., Superintendant and Engineer of New Jersey Railroad, says: "We have five of your engines, third class, on our road, which have been in use and have given entire satisfaction. Our first engine was put on the road in December, 1835, and has been in constant use with the exception of a very few days; is now in perfect order, and apparently as good as ever. In simplicity of construction, small liability to get out of order economy of repairs, and ease to the road, I fully believe Mr. Baldwin's, engines stand untival'ed. I consider the simplicity of the engine-the management of the working parts-and the distribution of the weight, far superior to any thing I have ever seen, either of English or American manufacture, and I have now no hesitation in saying that your engines will do the same amount of work with much less repairs either to the engine or the track, than any other engines in use." A. G. Thorn, Engineer Clinton and Port Hudson Railroad, writes: "Your engines have given entire satisfaction to all persons interested, in every respect. Combining speed, power, and superior workmanship. The first engine which we received, commenced working December 31, 1837. The cost of repairs up to July 16, 1838, had not exceeded one dollar." S. Vail, Esq., Superintendant of Morris and Essex Railroad, writes : "I am satisfied that in mechanical construction and proportions, simplicity, economy of repairs, and fuel, and on the amount of work which they will do, and the care to the road while running, the engines of Messrs. B., V. & H. are without a parallel in this country, or any that I have seon, which were manufactured in Europe." Adam Hall, Esq, of New York, late Superintendent for the West Point Foundry Association, now at foot of Beach-street, New York, one of the first Engineers in this or any other country, writes: "I have been acquainted with your engines (locomotives) since the first that you made, and I know from the experience that I have had of them, that they will do the most work, and cost less to keep them in repair, and are easier to the road than any other engines in use that I know of." E. Harrison, Esq., Superintendent of Somerville and Elizabethtown Railroad, writes: "We have two of your engines, one of which has been in use since 1st January, the other since February, running 60 miles per day, and thus far have operated remarkably well, and from our experience we do not believe that we could have done better at any other manufactory of engines in this country or in Europe.'" W. Brown, Superintendent of motive power Vicksburg Railroad, says: "The Mazeppa engine, one of your manufacture, has run 5,265 mi'es, and cost only $15 for repairs; included in that is a new tender spring.” John Naglee, President of Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, writes 5th June, 1839: "I consider your engines, when built with proper care in regard to selection of materials, equal to any built in the United States, and far preferable to any I have seen of English manufacture." The Virginia, an Engine made by M. W. Baldwin, run between March 21, 1837, and January 1, 1838, 19,019 miles, and cost on an average I cent and 2 mills per mile, for repairs. Whole cost, $238 50. The Paoli, another of Baldwin's engines, run during the same period, 18.043 miles, and cost for repairs on an average 1.6 cents per mile. Whole cost, $296 31. The whole of Baldwin's engines run collectively 132,157 miles, and cost the State 2 cents and 3 mills per mile for repairs, including accidents. It should be observed, that the road is a continuous succession of curves, some of which have a radius of 500 feet. (Signed,) JOHN BRANT, Superintendent on the Columbia and Philadelphia Railway. The Superindendent of motive power on the Rochester and Batavia Rail Road writes:-"We have two of your engines of the smallest class which have been running 3 years. The grades on our road are as high as 45 feet, with curves on those grades of 1000 feet radius. Our cars weigh 3 tons, and we take from 20 to 25 loaded cars, and we make our trips of 32 miles in 2 hours including stoppages. I have had experience in manag ing locomotive engines for 5 years, and have no hesitation in giving your engines a decided preference before any that I have yet used or seen. (Signed,) Rochester, N. Y. July 3d, 1839. WM. HAYDEN, Superintendent of Motive power James Baggs, Superintendent of Motive Power on the Erie and Kala mazoo Railroad writes, Sir, I have been acquainted with your engines since the fall of 1835, part of which time I have had charge of them on different roads as Chief Engineer, and I feel free to say, that yours are the best engines in use, combining speed, power and superior workmanship, and will do the same amount of work with less repairs, either to the engine or the road, than any others that I have ever seen or used. June 27, 1839. (Signed,) JAMES BAGGS, Chief Engineer, Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad. Benjamin Briscoe, Superintendent of Motive Power Central Railroad, Michigan. Gentlemen,--We have three of your third class engines on this road, 2 of which have been running since January, 1838, and have given entire satisfaction; the third has run, since June last, sixty miles per day, and has not lost a trip for want of repairs. We have two engines manufactured by others, but we can only place confidence, while running, on yours, and I believe them superior to any manufactured in this country or in Europe. B. BRISCOЕ, (Signed.) Superintendent of Motive Power, Central Railroad, Michigan. August 10, 1839. John Lodge, Superintendent of Motive Power, Monroe Railroad Geo. I have had several of your engines placed under my charge as master machinist upon our Railway, and I am pleased to say I have found them admirably adapted to our Railroad, and they are capable of doing a large amount of work at a small cost for repairs. Monroe, Geo. July 16, 1839. (Signed,) JOHN LODGE. |