engines now run for weeks-even months with scarcely any repairs, while with their former speed, scarcely a trip passed, but some repairs were required by the engine or cars. I have no doubt this reduction of speed has reduced the item of cost of repairs at least one half. The works at the Spring Hill Depot in this city, comprising the requisite buildings for the accommodation of the transportation and motive power departments, with the necessary machinery for the latter, have been steadily progressing in their construction, and we shall soon have our shops provided with all the conveniences for effecting any mechanical operations, required for the road. In the department of motive power we are well furnished, in comparison with our equipment for the last season's business; we have now seven engines, viz: The Tennessee undergoing repairs in good order do. Oglethorpe do. made by M. W. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Rogers, Ketchum & Grosvenor,-Paterson, N. J. The two last named are entirely new, and have been used very little, the others are all in excellent condition, and are capable of performing a maximum amount of service, with the exception of the Tennessee, which will be equal to a new engine when the repairs are completed. We have five 8 wheel passenger cars-48 8 wheel freight cars capable of carrying 30 square bales of cotton each-8 four wheel burthen cars ordinarily used for baggage cars, and 9 lumber cars frequently used for cotton and other freight. With this ample provision of motive power we apprehend no danger of being overrun with freight as we were for a time last fall. In reference to the actual and prospective condition of the commerce and revenue of the road, it may be remarked, that although a great improvement has taken place in both respects within the last half year, and although it has produced a great augmentation in the receipts for that period, the road is still too far short of its completion to afford any thing like the proportionate profits that may reasonably be expected whenever it shall reach its destination. This increase, has of course been occasioned by the use of the railroad having been adopted throughout a more extended area of country, and as we shall have reachad a point in September next more than forty miles beyond the terminus of last fall, we may, from the greater extent of the road in use, and the enlarged region of country that will be accommodated, together with a more ample supply of motive power-confidently say that the prospects of the next business season are most encouraging to the stockholders. Taking the successful progress of the South Carolina, and the Georgia railroads as affording in some degree a criterion by which we may measure our future prospects; we certainly find no occasion to be doubtful of our own success. It may be seen by an examination of the reports of the South Carolina roads that their receipts for the half year ending May 1st 1833 were $18,982 92. This particular period of the operations of that road is selected for the analogy it appears to bear to the condition of ours for the last six months, as regards the state of advancement of the enterprise, distance completed, and other circumstances. They were then running 72 miles. Had a motive power of 7 engines and 46 cars. We for the most part of the last half year have been running 80 miles with a motive power of only 5 engines and 12 to 15 cars, though our distance has lately been extended to 100 miles, and our motive power to 7 engines and 48 cars. It will be seen by a reference to the table at the end of this report, that our receipts for the corresponding period, have been $69,183 96, nearly two hundred and fifty per cent. more than the South Carolina road under similar circumstances. That road has however been going on increasing its earnings at an average rate of upwards of 21 per cent, per annum., and by their last report it appears that for the year 1839 the receipts were $422,841-and the sum total from the commencement of operations to the end of the last year is $1,758,435 58. I am informed that the business of the Georgia Road, also has, during the last six months been fully equal to the expectations of its friends. A locating party under the direction of Mr. Holcomb is now employed in definitely fixing the line of the road from the Oconee to Macon, and I am happy to be able to give the most positive assurances that the cost of the road throughout will not exceed the estimate given one year since in my third report, and recent examinations lead me to hope that a considerable reduction will be made in that amount. The state of forwardness of the grading of the Monroe road, the vigor and energy with which that work is prosecuted, and the very favorable route of the road from Forsyth to the Eastern terminus of the State road, give us ample assurance that a connection of these roads will soon be effected. It certainly appears to me to be the policy of this Company to press on with our work to a completion with all the means in their power, and I am happy to state that this is the determination of the Board of Directors so far as I am informed on the subject, and I doubt not with the means within their reach, they will be able to accomplish the completion of the enterprise, even though they should never receive one dollar by way of aid from the State. Whenever this consumation is effected, the benefits of the system which are now unfolding themselves to various parts of the State, and have been particularly manifested to this city, will burst forth in their full effulgence upon the interests of all classes of the community, and the commercial prosperity of our State and our city, be placed on a basis beyond the reach of contingency. I am sir, very respectfully, Your ob'dt. serv't., L. O. REYNOLDS, Chief Engineer. Statement of Freight and Passage per Central Railroad of Georgia, for six months, ending 30th of April, 1840. Up Freight. | Down do. | No. of Passengers. 1 Total. $20974 95 | 3000582 | 6425 | 18203 19 | 69183 96 mee [LATE M. W. BALDWIN.] LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINE MANUFACTURERS' BROAD, NEAR CALLOWHILL STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Beg leave to inform the Railroad Companies in Europe and in the United States, that their establishment is the largest in this country, being able to employ 500 workmen, and that they therefore can fulfill the greatest commands. From this manufactory have been delivered, and are ready to be delivered, up to the present day, the following Engines: No. of Engines. Charleston and Hamburg. Harrisburg and Lancaster, Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, Philadelphia, Germantown & Norristown, Little Schuylkill, Cumberland Valley, Philadelphia and Reading, Utica and Schenectady, 6 Adrian and Toledo, 4 Detroit and Pontiac, 5 Boston and Providence, Pa. 2 Boston and Worcester, 1 Elkridge and Annapolis N. Y. 12 West Feliciana Railroad, S. C. 6 Mich. 3 2 1 66 2 Clinton and Port Hudson. Rensselear and Saratoga, Long I-land, 16 Rochester and Batavia, 2 New Orleans and Nashville, Buffalo and Niagara Falls, 66 1 Commercial Railroad, μ 1 Ind. 3 Ill. 2 Miss. 2 Georgia Railroad and Banking Co., Ga. 12 Mississippi Railroad, These Engines are of three different classes : Class 1st.-Cylinder 12 inches diameter; stroke, 16 inches; Driving wheels, 54 inches diameter; Weight with water and fuel, 26,000 lbs. ; without water and fuel, 20,250 lbs, Class 2d. Cylinders, 12 inches diameter: Stroke, 16 inches; Driving wheels, 54 inches diameter; Weight with water and fuel, 23,000 lbs.; without water and fuel, 19,000 lbs. Class 3d. Cylinders 104 inches diameter; Stroke, 16 inches; Driving wheels, 54 inches diameter; Weight with water and fuel, 20,000 lbs.; without water and fuel, 17,400 lbs. These Engines are on six wheels, so arranged that one half the weight is on the Driving wheels, which are placed behind the fire-box, the other half on a four wheeled truck, thus distributing the weight more equally than in any other construction. The wheels of the Engines have all wrought iron tires; the Tenders are four wheeled. One important advantage is the simplicity of their construction and arrangement, by which every part of the engine is perfectly accessible while it stands on the track. The improvement in the construction of the crank is one of great in portance, being less liable to break, and when broken are easily repaired, not costing one half that of a double crank axle. Another advantage arises from having the fire box before the driving shaft, thus making a more equal distribution of weight, that wholly corrects the galloping or undulating motion peculiar to engines with the driving shaft before the fire bor, and making them more easy upon the road than any engines now in use weight, while, by a very simple device of throwing the weight of the tender upon the driving wheels of the engine or detaching it at pleasure, the machine is made to possess the advantage of a light, with the ad hesion of a heavy engine, upon ascents when increased adhesion is requir ed. In order to test their comparative merits with other engines, B., V. & H. suggests that a regular account be kept of the expenses of repairs, distance travelled, work performed, and fuel used, by each engine, for a year or more, which is the only way to get a correct data by which to judge of their respective merits. These engines are either crank axle or straight axle engines, but the manufacturers furnish the crank axied engine in pre ference, as they are much less liable to get out of order than the straight axled engines are, easier to themselves and to the road; and in case of ac eident by running off the track or being upset, the machine is protected by the frame. In fact, no instance is known where the wear (excluding acci dents,) of the machines for one year has amounted to $300. In order, however, to avoid detention by accident, or wear and tear, the following du plicates should be ordered for each Engine: 1 pair Driving wheels, axle, and excentrics. 1 set of Tender wheels and axles. 1 set of Truck wheels and axles. 1 set of Brasses for working parts. 20 copper tubes. They also furnish gratis, all the wrenches, tools, Jackscrews, hammers, etc., required for the general management of an engine. The assertions of the manufacturers are sustained, first by the great number of written evidences of officers connected with 38 different rail roads in the United States, who agree in giving the manufacturers the credit of making a superior and satisfactory machine; Second. by the result of the examinations of Chev. de Gerstner, con. structor of the first railroads in Austria and Russia, who has now a better knowledge of railroads and railroad management, than any other person in the United States, gained by ten months of laborious and successful ef fort, to collect information which has never been before obtained by any other person in this country; And lastly, by the most useful improvements in Locomotive Engines being guaranteed to them by letters Patent, which renders any person infringing amenable to the laws. Among their patented improvements, are the following: 1st. The Ground Joints for steam tubes. 2nd. The Pump Guide and Cross head. 3rd. The Stirrup for confining the pump chambers. 4th. The Metallic packing stuffing Boxes. 5th. The Cylindrical Pedestal Boxes for driving and truck wheels 6th. The Globe Seats for boxes of truck and tender wheels. 7th. The Ferrules on the outside of copper tubes. 3 8th. The connecting the truck with the driving wheels to increase adhesion. 9th. The Plan of throwing the weight of tender upon the driving wheels 10th The Crank Axle, which avoids the liability to break. TESTIMONIALS. Having visited within ten months nearly all railroads in the United States, and having collected the most useful information concerning them, which I intend to publish during my further stay of one or two years in |