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LLAUGHARNE is one of the most sequestered towns that can well be conceived, and is a convenient and economic retirement, but of no great importance as a seaport. The church is a large handsome structure, and in good preservation. The view from the upper part of the churchyard is extremely rich and interesting. The castle, though neither extensive, nor generally striking, from picturesque disposition, has a noble aspect, towards the town. It was, doubtless, erected as a protection to the entrance of the river Saw, which, at lowwater, is fordable.

No account of the origin of this fortress is transmitted to us by any historian, it is, therefore, probably of very high antiquity. It was occupied, and perhaps built, by the Flemings and Normans, on their conquest of these parts of the island: afterwards, in the year 1215, it was besieged and taken by Llewellen. Leland says-" It longid some time to the earl of Northumberland." It is now the property of the Ravenscroft family. The sands in the neighbourhood of this place


About five miles from Llaugharne is a remarkable place, called the "Green Bridge, in Wales." It is a natural excavation in a rock, through which runs a small rivulet, and then disappears, till it mingles its waters with the sea: likewise, at a short distance from the town, is Whitland, famous for its ancient abbey, called the Abbey of White Land. This building is said to have been erected upon the site of another, named Alba domus, which was the summer residence of the great Cambrian legislator Howel Dha.



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