GLASGOW CATHEDRAL, LANERKSHIRE. THIS beautiful Gothic structure stands on an elevated situation: the principal entrance is now blocked up, and never, indeed, presented an appearance correspondent to the rest of the building. One tower only is now remaining; but the most beautiful and magnificent feature is the spire, which is of a considerable height; the transcepts are likewise bold and lofty, having windows of curious workmanship: the interior of the building much disappoints a stranger, who, instead of beholding what may be expected from its outer appearance, is disgusted with the unseemly partitions which divide the church into portions for different congregations. The building was in great danger of being demolished in 1578, by certain ministers, who, in their rage for reformation, to effect its destruction, assembled, by beat of drum, a great multitude of the rabble; but the more sensible part of the people, unwilling to lose so great an ornament to their city, opposed these zealots, declaring that they would perish under the ruins, rather than tamely suffer such a sacrilege, upon which the mob GLASGOW CATHEDRAL. The dimensions of the Cathedral, which is the most entire in Scotland, are as follows :-length 284 feet, 65 broad; its height, within the walls, 90 feet. To this church belonged thirty-nine prebends, who were obliged to reside here, and supply the cure of their respective parishes in the country with curates or vicars. The prebendal houses, after the reformation, were chiefly bestowed upon the favourites at court: one of them is now used as a house of correction. Of the archbishops of Glasgow since the reformation, Robert Leighton made the most considerable figure. He was born in England, though of Scots extraction it is supposed that he retired to Scotland, in consequence of the severities inflicted upon his father, for publishing a book called "Zion's Plea against Prelacy." He was consecrated bishop of Dunblane, by the bishop of Winchester, in 1661, and, after eight years faithful discharge of the duties of that station, was translated to Glasgow. Being a man of extraordinary bumility and self-denial, his exaltation was by no means congenial to his disposition: he therefore made pressing solicitations to be freed from the charge, and his resignation was accepted in 1674, after which he lived for some time very recluse in the college of Edinburgh, whence he withdrew into England, where he died in 1684. |