BRIDGNORTH, SHROPSHIRE, Is seated upon the river Severn, in the south-east part of the county of Salop. The river divides it into two parts, the higher and lower town, which are separated by a bridge. The higher town is encompassed by a deep valley; it is larger than the lower town, and contains the high street, which is long and wide, and would appear to more advantage, if the view was not broken by the market-house, which stands in the middle of the street. The lower town contains only two streets. There are two churches in the high town, both in the gift of the family of Whitmore. The high church, dedicated to St. Leonard, consists of a nave, a chancel, and two side aisles, with a tower steeple at the west end. The low church stands near the castle, and is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen: it also consists of a nave, a chancel, an aisle on the north side, and a tower steeple. Both these churches are of ordinary appearance, and built of red stone. The bridge is very ancient, and, with the town, is supposed to have been originally built by the widow of Ethelred, king of the Mercians, about the year 675. BRIDGNORTH. of Shrewsbury, who afterwards revolted from Henry I. as did Roger de Mortimer from Henry II. relying on the strength of the place, but both without success, as they were obliged to surrender. Bridgnorth is a peculiar belonging to the Whitmore family, exempt from the bishop and archdeacon, and governed in ecclesiastical matters by an official. The town is governed by two bailiffs, chosen annually, and sends two members to parliament. Its situation is most romantic and picturesque, and the views amongst the hills truly pleasing. There is a walk round the castle-hill, kept in good order, which commands a prospect of the lower town, the river, and adjacent scenery. It has stood several sieges; but suffered most in the civil wars, when it was gallantly defended by king Charles I. who was heard to say, "That he esteemed it the most pleasant place in all his dominions." On the opposite side of the valley that encompasses the town, is still to be seen the mount on which the rebels planted their cannon against the castle. After the town was taken, the governor perceiving the rebels made their approaches against the castle, under cover of the houses, set the - town on fire, which consumed the greatest part of it, together with the church of St. Leonard. The castle was at length taken, and is now demolished. |