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THIS remarkable specimen of ancient building stands in Broad Gate, and was the residence of Thomas Pidgeon, who was mayor of Coventry in 1661. During his mayoralty, an order was received from Charles II, to demolish the walls of the city; this order was to be executed with some particular circumstances of disgrace, as a punishment for the disloyalty of the inhabitants in refusing to admit Charles I. and his forces on the 13th of August, 1642. The city of Coventry afforded a garrison for the parliament during the whole of the civil wars. The walls, which were very strong, were began in 1355, by virtue of a licence granted by Edward III. twenty-seven years before; nor were they finished in less than forty years after they were furnished with thirty-two towers and twelve gates.


This place, with a considerable district around it, was made a county by the name of the city and county of Coventry, by Henry VI. in 1451, who came hither for the express purpose; and having heard mass at St. Michael's church, and presented to its ministers a gown of gold cloth, he created the first sheriffs: Coventry is consequently at present governed by a mayor, recorder, and two sheriffs, ten aldermen, thirty-one superior, and


"Drawn& Engravd by J. Storer, for the Antiquariank Topographical Cabinet.

Ancient House. Coventry.

Publishd for the Proprietors by W. Clarke. New Bond St.k Carpenter Old Bond StApion.

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