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CIRENCESTER has been a town of some considerable importance, from the remotest period of our annals. At the time of the Roman authority, in this country, it was the metropolis of the Duboni, and the seat of a Romari colony. The eligibility of this spot, for a Roman station, is evinced by the circumstance of the Foss-way, the Irmine-street, and the Icknield-way, all meeting here. Many Roman remains have been discovered here. The present buildings of Cirencester occupy only a part of the ancient city, which was enclosed by a wall and ditch, the circumference of which was upwards of two miles, some remains of the earth-works are yet to be


Cirencester was celebrated for its rich abbey, which arose from a decayed college of prebendaries, instituted in early Saxon times. On the surrender of this abbey, in 1539, its annual revenues were estimated at £1051:7:44.

The church at Cirencester, dedicated to St. John, is one of the most magnificent parochial edifices in the kingdom. The regular style of the fifteenth century is


ders it evident that it was built from an original design, regularly pursued from its commencement, though the arms of the contributors, from their different dates, prove it to have been many years in hand.

The charitable institutions at Cirencester, are, Saint John's Hospital, for poor people, which was founded by Henry I. and is situated on the north side of Glocester Street, over a crypt, with round pillars, now partly buried with earth; St. Lawrence's Hospital, on the south side of Glocester Street, was founded by Edith, lady of the manor of Wiggold, but at what period is unknown, for three poor sisters. St. Thomas's Hospital, situated in St. Thomas's Street, was erected and endowed by sir William Nottingham, attorney-general, in the reign of Henry IV. for four poor weavers.

The manufactures of Cirencester are supposed to be in a declining state. Three fairs are annually held here, and also two mops, or statute markets, on the Mondays preceding and following October the 10th; and if that day happens to be on a Monday, it is also a mop day. These markets are always very much thronged.

Cirencester is celebrated for the salubrity of its air, and general healthfulness. It consists of four principal and seven less considerable streets, besides several lanes. The population was returned, in 1801, at 4130; the number of houses was 885.

1 Topographical Cabinet, from a Drawing by M. Bu


Bush mead Prwry, Bedfordshire.

Published, for the Propristors, by W. Aarko Now Bond Street, and J. Carpenter, Old Bond St Fob. 1181.

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