use of their invaluable Libraries, from which he has derived the most important assistance. He is indebted for the Map which is prefixed to this edition, to the kindness of his much esteemed friend, Mr. ALEXANDER INGRAM, Mathematician, Leith, by whom it was drawn. An enlarged Index of Texts and a copious Index of Subjects have been added; and neither labour nor expense has been spared to render the work deserving of public favour. Edinburgh, January 1825. : Aloes-Hyssop-The Rose-The Lily-The Reed or Cane- Spikenard Millet-Sesamum--Darnel or Cockle--The Man- drake-The Gourd-The Juniper-The Myrtle-The Mus- tard-Tree. The Oak-The Shitta-tree-The Sycamore The Mulberry- The Palm-tree-The Pomegranate-The Fig-tree-The Vine The Snail-The Horse-Leech-The Scorpion-The Viper- |