Taking the mean of the determinations of the corrections of the chronometer, the following table shows the corrections and the adopted rates of the chronometers used at Colorado Springs and Salt Lake City: Signals for Determination of Longitude between Salt Lake City, Utah, and Colorado Date. Mean.18 9 0.108 Mean. 9 23 24.949 Mean. IS 15 5.098 Mean. 9 29 30.169 Colorado Springs Salt Lake chronom- Colorado Springs Salt Lake chronom- eter. chronometer. eter. Mean.18 48 52.158 Mean.10 3 16.164 Mean. 19 0 15.656 Mean.10 14 40.008 Signals for Determination of Longitude, &c. -Continued. Mean.18 39 7.721 Mean. 9 53 28.728 Mean.18 44 25.914 Mean. 9 58 47.234 Signals for Determination of Longitude, &c. Continued. July 30, the breaks for the seconds of Salt Lake and Colorado Springs coincide. By measuring the differences where I find the full minute, I develop the fact that the Colorado Springs chronometer breaks 0.110 later than the Salt Lake break; therefore the mean of the signals sent from Salt Lake and received on the Colorado Springs chronograph is, 18h 48m 528.048. The same happens on August 2. The Colorado Springs chronometer is 0.095 later than the Salt Lake chronometer on the Colorado Springs chronograph; therefore the mean is, 18h 39m 78.626. |