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other goblet of silver like to a chalice. To my sonne Conyers two olde rialls, and to my daughter other two and one gilde peece. To my daughter Davell's children one hundreth poundes, and to my daughter Whittingham's children one hundreth poundes. To my daughter Conyers her children fiftie poundes. To Thomas Jackson, my daughter Whittinghamis eldest sonne, the bigger of the two peeces I bought of my brother Anthonie [Askwith]. To Roger Davell, my daughter Davell's eldest sonne, the other peece I bought of my sayd brother Anthonie. To Katherine Conyers, my daughter Conyers daughter, one silver salt gilded with a cover. To my daughter Davell's daughters, and to my daughter Whittingham's daughters, eache of theim, a paire of lynnen sheetes, to be taken in the lowe cheist in the lowe parlour of the best, and fowr dozen and a halfe of new napkins unmade, and as many moe as will make eache of theim a dozen out of the cheist in the lowe parlour. To my daughter Davell's daughters two new table clothes, and to my daughter Whittingham's two, all unhemmed. To the yongest daughter of my daughter Conyers one gilded silver spoone that Sir John Hart gave me. To my daughters Agnes and Elizabeth my apparell, both lynnen and woollen (my satteyne kirtle excepted), which I give to my sonne William's wife. To my sonne William one howpe of golde, my weding ringe, and my ringe with the asse head1 to his wife. To my daughter Agnes one ringe with an agget sette in yt. To my daughter Elizabeth one ringe with the deathes heade. To my daughter Conyers one ringe with a red stone. a red stone. The plate which was bought of Mr. Jackson I give the one halfe therof to Thomas Jackson, and the other halfe to Roger Davell. To Thomas Jackson a tablet of golde2 and a brouch which my husband bought, and was his father's, and one golde ringe which was his father's with a red stone in yt. To William Whittingham, my sonne Whittingham's sonne, one halfe dozen of new silver spoones. To my brothers-in-lawe Robert and Anthonie Askwith, to my sister Maude Man, and to my brothers George and James Metcalfe, eache of theim xls. To my brother and sister Conyers, eache of theim, one golde ryall. To my brother Thornton one olde ryall. To Mr. Alderman Askwith and my ladie, either of theime, one angell. To my cozen Gillinge and his wife,

1 The family crest was an ass's head erased argent. (Visitation of Yorkshire in 1612, p. 487.)

2 A tablet was an ornament of precious

metal or jewellery of a flat form, worn about the person.

3 Robert Askwith was Lord Mayor of York in 1593.

either of theime, one angell. To Sir John Harte one spurre riall, trustinge they will all give my children good counsell. To my cozen Dorothie Thornborowe vs. in gold. To Thomasyn Frear vs. To Elizabeth Fuyster vs. To my good freinde, Mr. Wright, of Bagbie, xs. in golde. To my brother Anthonie Askwithes wife xxs., for taking of paines with me in my sick


To John Reynewicke, my servante, vs. To every householde servant iijs. iiijd., and to the boye xxs. To John Gilmyn and Robert Anderson, either of theim, iijs. iiijd. To Anthonie Johnson iijs. iiijd. To my sonne William all the landes that I bought in Sowber for the terme of his life, the remaynder therof to the right heires of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of such yssue to the heires of my three daughters, provided alwayes that yf Thomas Jackson dye without yssue of his body lawfully begotten, that then my mynd and will is that his parte of the said lande shall remayne and come to the right heires of my daughter Whittingham. I give xxs. to be bestowed of the poore of the parishe of West-Wytton at the discretion of the curate and churchwardens of the said parishe. To my brother George1 his wife xxs. To Lancelot Brand xs. To Ottywell Metcalfe vs., and to every one of his brothers vs. To the vicker of Thirkelbie vs. Supervisors, my trustie and welbeloved freinde, Mr. Cristofor Ashe, and my brother George Metcalfe, and my brother-in-lawe Anthonie Askwith. All the rest unto my sonne William Askwith, whom I make my sole and full exequutor. Witnesses hereof, Henry Gillinge, John Wright, John Cooke, and John Newsom's marke." Jan. 13, 1596-7. Proved by the executor.


As the will of Brian Askwith's son William is but brief, and as he was possessed of the parsonage of Thirsk, I give an abstract. William married, in 1590-1, Dorothy, daughter of William Thornton, of East Newton, in Ryedale, and Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Grimston, of Grimston.

March 1, 1600-1. William Askwith, of Osgodby, Esq. Sicke of body. I commend my soule into the handes of Almightie God, who made it, and by and through the pretious death and resurrection of his Sonne, my Saviour, my onelie hope and truste is to be saved." Son and heir apparent, William Askwith, lease of the rectory and parsonage of Thirske. Second son, Robert Askwith, and such as my wiffe is now with.

1 George Metcalfe. His wife's name is not known. Ottiwell Metcalfe was his eldest son.

2 Reg. Test., xxviii, 341.

3 Licence for their marriage at Stone(Yorks. Arch. Journal, vii, 100.)



Vnto my said wife her cheane of gold and other such jewells, borders, and ringes, as she hath vsed to weare, togeather with all her apparell and lynnen belonginge to her wearinge, and also one geldinge called Graie Talbot, and her saddle and pillyon and all furniture belonginge to the same, and also my beste bedd and bedsteade, with all the furniture belonging to the same. Vnto my said sonne William Askwith my cheane of golde, my seale or signett of golde, and all my plate whatsoever, and all my bookes and instrumentes of musicke." Cozen Mr. Robart Askwith of the cittie of Yorke, to have the tuition of his son, William, with 40li. a year; and my good friend, Christofer Ashe, Esq.,2 to have the tuition of second son Robert, with 30li.; and brother-in-law, Timothy Whittingham, to have tuition of the unborn child, with 20li. Dau. Eliz. to his wife, with 20 markes. Parish of Kilburne, Ios. Uncle Mr. Robert Askwith; 40s. Uncles Mr. George Metcalfe and Mr. Anthony Askwith, either of them, 40s. Executors, Christofer Ashe, Tymothy Whittingham, Francis Davell, and cozen Robert Askwith, Supervisors, uncle Marmaduke Grimston, Esq., my loving father-in-law, William Thornton, Esq., and loving cozen Henry Gillinge, of Yorke, gent. Witnesses, Henry Gillinge, Thomas Jackson, Richard Milnes, Thomas Benyon, clk. Proved April 10, 1601, by Christopher Ashe, Tymothy Whittingham, and Francis Davill.


April 24, 1436. Thomas Raynton, capellanus, ecclesie parochialis de Thresk. Sep. in cimiterio ecclesie S. M. de Thresk predicta. Item lego unam vaccam cum vitulo, precii xs., nomine mortuarii mei. Domino Willelmo Cressop, canonico, 3 iijs. iiijd. Domino Johanni Esyngton, socio meo, vjs. viijd. Henrico Roose, clerico parochiali ecclesie predicte, xijd. Lego xs. pro torchiis emendis et ignendis ad altare S. Anne in ecclesia prenominata, vjs. viijd. pro tectura cantarie S. Anne in ecclesia prescripta, vjs. viijd. pro le sillornyng altaris S. Anne prefate, iijs. iiijd. pro fabrica unius armarioli expectant' in cantaria predicta. Proved May 11, 1436. (Reg. Test., iii, 452d.)

1 BORDER, a piece of ornamental work round the edge of a garment, cap, etc.; "You wore a velvet hood, rich borders, and sometimes a dainty miniver cap." (Massinger, City Madam, iv, 4, quoted s.v. in N.E.D.)

2 Probably Christopher Aske (more correctly, Ashe), of Woodhall (query Woodhill, in the parish of Thirsk), who married Ursula, daughter of Sir Thomas

Lascelles, of Brackenbury. March 7, 1610-1. Administration of the goods of Chris. Ashe, of the city of York, Esq., granted to John Darley for the use of the children. (City Act Book.)

3 Canon of Newburgh priory, who owned the advowson of Thirsk.

4 The ceiling. Silouring is the more usual form.

March 12, 1466-7. Joh. Cooke de Thirske. Sep. in porcia S. Johannis Baptiste infra ecclesiam parochialem de Thresk. (Ibid., iv, 42d.)

Feb. 2, 1484-5. Henricus Lokwod de Thyrsk generosus. Sep. in porticu ecclesie B. M. de Thyrsk. Gilde B. M. in porticu predicte unum cornu argenteum. Fabrice dicte ecclesie, xijd. (Ibid., v, 250d.)


Fabrice, iijs. iiijd. Fabrice Lumini crucifixi in ecclesia Luminibus1 B. M. in choro,

July 8, 1499. Thos. Nosterfeld de Thirsk. Sep. in cimiterio ecclesie parochialis de Thirsk. ecclesie de South Kilvyngton, xxd. parochiali mea unam libram cere. Sancti Thome, et B. M. in porticu, cuilibet lumini, vj libras cere. Luminibus S. Johannis Baptiste, S. Erasmi, regis almi Henrici, et B. M. pietatis, cuilibet lumini, dimidiam libram cere." Wife Joan, sons William and John Nosterfeld, chaplains. He found an obit after his son's death of 6s. 8d. a year, viz., sex vel octo presbiteris ejusdem ecclesie, cuilibet presbitero, iiijd.; clerico parochiali, ijd.; et pro pulsacione campanarum, iijd.; et quatuor aliis clericis, iiijd.; preconi, jd.; pro duobus capitalibus denariis, ijd.; et pro duobus cereis comburendis tempore exequiarum et misse, ijd." The income to be paid to the Masters of the Guild of the B. M. "in porticu in ecclesia predicta," or to the chaplain of that Guild. If they made default, to be paid to the chaplain of the chantry of St Anne, or the rector. Witnesses, Sir John Smythson, curate, Henry Trewman, chaplain. Proved Oct. 4, 1499. (Ibid., iii, 342.)

Nov. 24, 1501. Rob. Sanderson de Thryske. Fabrice ecclesie de Thryske pro sepultura mea, iijs. iiijd. Gilde B. M. in porticu pro anima recommendanda per capellanum predicte gylde, sicut fit recommendacio pro fratribus gilde predicte, iijs. iiijd. (Ibid., vi, 46.)

May 12, 1502. Johanna Nosterfeld de Thryske. Sep. in cimiterio ecclesie parochialis de Thryske predicta, juxta sepulturam Thome Nosterfelde, viri mei. Ad edificacionem campanilis ibidem, xiijs. iiijd. (Ibid., vi, 30.)

June 10, 1503. Ricardus Robynson de Thirske. Sep. in ecclesia parochiali B. M. de Thirske. Fabrice ecclesie mee de Thirske et pro sepultura mea in eadem ecclesia, xs. Imagini B. M. de le Porche, xijd. Ecclesie de Kylvyngton, ijs. Johanni Funder duos perapsides electri1 et unam ollam eneam cum duobus discis electri. Roberto, filio meo, capellano, meum optimum lectum plumalem. (Ibid., vi, 68.)

1 An interesting list of the images, seven mentioned, in Thirsk Church at the end of the fifteenth century. The presence of one of Henry VI is to

be accounted for by the fact that the Earl of Derby, the lord of the manor, had married the countess of Richmond, Henry VII's mother.

Feb. 13, 1514-5. Rob. Marschall. Sep. in ecclesia parochiali de Thirske juxta pulpitum. To ye kyrke warke for my buriall, vjs. viijd. Also I giff xxxiijs. iiijd. that Maister Graburne gaue to the stepill byldyng. (Ibid., ix, 10.)

Sept. 10, 1510. Georgius Kelchif, ballivus dominii de Thrisk. Sep. in ecclesia parochiali de Thriske. Six marks for a chaplain celebrating for one year a trental of St. Gregory during his octave for his soul, his relations' souls, and those of Chris. Wardroper and Ric. Warde. D'no Johanni Neccham, iijs. iiijd. ad standum pro me et in recompensacionem talium factorum meorum per me dictorum et factorum per mandatum domini mei, domini Thome Derbey [sic], comitis Derbey, sic quod dictus dominus Johannes remittat et dimittat in omnia illa facta et contra se acta penes se et servicium suum apud Thorneton super Montem." Wife Agnes property at Wermfeld, Altoft, and elsewhere, to bring up sons Robert and George. If she die during their minority, Sir John Frankyssh, vicar of Wermfeld, Sir Will. Nosterfeld, cantarist of St. Anne of Thriske, and Rob. Pert of the same, to be guardians. (Ibid., viii, 53d.)

Dec. 31, 1520. William Whippe de Thriske, draper. My body to be beried in chirch yerd of Seynt Mary in Thriske, as nere the place wher my fader and my childer was beried as may be. To the parishe chirche for my beriall, iijs. iiijd. To the steple beldyng, xls. To the mendyng of ill wayes aboute the towne most necessary, iijs. iiijd. (Ibid., ix, 137.)


Feb. 7, 1520-1. William Palicer, of Sandhoton, My body to be beried in the chirch yerd of Seynt Mary in Thrisk. I gif my broder, Cristofer Palicer, a broode wolyn lome and ij lyn lomys wt al ther gerys [that] belong them to thuse of his son, the which the said Cristofer will putto the wever craft. To the chappell of Seynt Leonard in Hoton a whether hog, and to the Chapel of Seynt Lawrence in Karleton a wether hog. Witnes, Sir Thomas Knollys, curet. (Ibid., ix, 151d.)

April 18, 1521. Thomas Stevynson, of Thriske, merchand. My body to be beryed in the chirch yerd of Thryske emong

1 Dishes, properly square in form, of mixed metal, probably latten or zinc.

For electrum, see the Durham Account
Rolls, iii, 912.

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