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to his mariage in peny and peny worthe xls. Also I will therbe boughte ij torches vs iiijd, and also a serge of a ti wax, to be sett in the chappell. The residue of my goode not bequest I gif unto Agnes my wif and Richard Gibson my son. Also I make Agnes my wif and Richard my son full executors of all my goods, and they to occupie all suche fermeholde as I occupie. Also I will that Sir William Gibson and Thomas Gibson my soñes, forto be supvisors of this my will. Wittenes herof, Ric. Jacson, John Walker, wt other moo, as Sir Thomas Stakehouse, the pishe p'iske, and Ric. Grene.— [Proved 10 July, 1526.]


(ix. 344.)

(Surtees Society, Test. Ebor., v., p. 216.)


(ix. 346.)

In the name of God Amen. I John Shaye of Secroft, the xixth daye of Junij, in the yere of oure Lorde God mdxxvjth, in sane mynde, loved be God, make this my testament and last will in maner and forme folowyng. First, I gyve my sall to God Almyghtie, to or ladie sancte Marie, and to all the Sanctis in heven, and my bodie to be beriede in the chantre where in Whitkirk. It' I bequeath my best beast in the name of my mortuary, as the costome of the kirke requireth. It' I will that my executors dispose at the daye of my beriall xxti marke sterling. It' I bequeath iijli vjs viijd to oon preist, to reide and sing within the pish kirke of Whitkirke, oon hoole yere, the nixt immediatly after my decesse, for my sall, my elders salles, and all cristen salle. It' I bequeath to the hie alt in Whitkirke vjs viijd, for tithes or oblačons forgettyn, if there any be. Item to the chantre where in the same kirke vjs viijd. Item to the kirke warkę of Whitkirk ijs iiijd. Item to Alershawe layne, if the[y] cause it iijs iiijd, and els no penny. Item to the wyf of John Shawe my sone a Ryall of golde, to make hir a ryng of. Item to Mathew Ogilsthorpe my sone in lawe, my gretest yrone spite, and my brasyn morter, after the decesse of Elisabethe my wif Item to the wif of the same Mathew a cowe. Item to Maistres Mawde Shaye in Yorke, my awnte, oon riall of golde. Item to William Shaye my sone, my tawney gowne furred with ffox, my siluer howpe, my blu damaske dublett, and the take of my fermehold of the maner of Secroft, forto occupy the rest of my yeres, un ended at my decesse to his propre use. Item to my sone Leoñde Shaye wif, in Yorke, oon riall of gold. Item to my son William Shaye wif on' rialle of golde. Item to Humfraye Shaye my son, my best gowne, furrid with blakelame, and vjli xiijs iiijd for his full porčon. Item to Henry Shaye my son his porcon, xxti marc sterling. Item to Pet Shaye my soñe his porčon, xxti marke sterling. Item to Margarete Shaye my doughto', for hir porčon and my rewarde to hir mariage, xxli sterling. Item to Agnes Shaye my doughtor for hir

porčon, xxti markę sterling. Item to the wif of William Johnson my kynswoman, a whye wt a calf. Item to Margarete Lacito my s'aunte, a whie with a calf. Item to Jenet my s'unte, a yowe and hir lame, to pray for my sall. It' I bequeath to eu'y childe of my sones, Mathew Ogilthorpe, singularly by them self, fyve yowes. It' to Henry Clerke my whit fresid jackett. It' to William Andrewe on pare of my whit hoosse. It' to Thomas Higson an other paire of white hoosse. It' to Margarete Caroner ijs. I ordens and make Elisabeth my wif, John Shaye and William Shaye my soñes, to be my executors, forto paye my dette, and to pform and fulfill this my last will, as my trust is in them, and forto doo further as they thinke best for the well of my saull, and after this my will fulfilled and my dette paid, Than I will that Elisabeth my wif have all the residue of my goodę, forto dispose after hir mynde as she think best to Gode pleaso1. I hertely desire my maister, Robert Scargill, Esquier, to be good maister to my wif and all my childer, to whom I bequeath on riall of gold. It' I ordeyne and make my especiall good maister M' Roberte Scargill, Esquier, my sone in lawe, Mathew Ogilthorpe, gentilman, and Roberte Tottye, prest, to be supvisors of this my last will, to see a true pformačon therof to be had, as my trust is and eu haith been in them. Thies beyng witnesses at this is my last will, Sir Roger Killingbeke, the pishe preist of Whitkirke, Franciste Briselay, pishe clerke of the same, Henry Nawte, Ric. Mores, Edward Beu'ley, and John Genyng, with other.-[Proved 27 July, 1526.]


(ix. 350.)

In Die nomine, Amen: the xxiiij daye of May in the yere of oure Lorde God mdxxjth. I Ric. Middilton, hoole of mynd and reason, neu'theles sore takyn with bodily seknes, make my last will and testament in this maner folowyng. In p'mis I bequeath my saull to Almyghtie God, to oure ladie sancte Marie the Virgyn, and to all the holie company of hevyn, and my bodie to be beried within the where of oure blissed ladie, beyng in the kirke of Alhalowes in Spofford. It' I bequest my best whike good to be my mortuary as costome is. It' I bequest to the bell byeng at Spofford a stotte. It' I will that my wif Elene haue all my lande duryng terme of hir lif naturall, to helpe my childer and hir self with, except the land that I haue maid in surties to Peter my sone and heire, and all the forsaid lande to retorne, after hir decesse, to the said Peter, my sone and heire. The residue, for sothe of all my good aboue not bequest, I gif and bequest to Eleñe my wif and my childer, this my last will fulfilled and my dette trulye paid, the whiche Elene my wif I make and orden to be my sole executrix, so that she dispose for my saull and all true cristen saulles, as it shall seme hir best to be done. Thies beyng witnesses, John Sheffeld, Ilkeley pishe. Thomas Angrome, pishe preist of Spofford, Robert Oxilby, and Peter Middilton.-Proved 20 September, 1526.]

(ix. 353.)

In Dei nomine Amen : anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo. vicesimo quarto, quarto die mensis Decembris, Ego Robertus Savell, compos mentis et sane memorie, condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis, lego animam meam Deo Omnipotenti, Beate Marie Virgini, omnibusque Celi civibus, Corpusque meum sepeliendum in ecclesia sancti Michaelis de Ardeslawe. Item, do et lego optimum meum animal precedere corpus meum in die sepulture mee. Item, do et lego ecclesie de Ardeslawe unam Juvenculam in stipem, pro salute anime mee. Item, do et lego Domino Radulpho Medley, Curato de Harteslawe, quadraginta denarios, ut oraret pro salute anime mee. Item, do et lego Johanni Thomson duos buculos, pro suo bono et vero servicio. Item, volo ut idem Johannes permaneat cum uxore mea, et habeat medietatem lucri quod potest acquiri cum plaustro et vehiculo usque ad nativitatem Sancti Johannis baptiste. Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum, non hic legatorum, do et lego Margarete uxori mee, quam facio ordino et constituo meam fidelem executricem, ut ipsa inde oraret pro salute anime mee, et soluere omnia debita mea, prout illa respondere poterit coram summo Judice. Item, facio Georgium Snett et Johannem Savell, meos supervisores, ut preuideant et perimpleant meam ultimam voluntatem. prout in eorum fidelitate firmiter spero. Item, do et lego Willelmo Scolles unam Juvenculam, ut oraret pro salute anime mee, cum ordinatus erit in sacerdotem. Hiis testibus, domino Radulpho Medley de Ardeslaw, capno, Thoma Bolling, Johanne Bathley et Cristofero Nowell.-[ Proved 28 Feb., 1525-6.]


(ix. 353.)


In Dei nomine Amen: the xxiijth day of July, in the yere of our Lorde God m'dxxvjth. I Roberte Wraye of Burley, hoole mynded and good remembrance beyng, make and ordens my will and testament in this forme. First, I gyve and bequeath my saulle unto God Almyghtie, and to blissed Marie Virgyn, and to all the sanctę in hevyn, and my body to [be] beried within the churche of Allhallouse at Otteley, and I bequeath my best beast to my mortuary. Also I gyve a torche to the churche of Otteley, and a torche to Burley chapell. Also I gif xijd to the amendyng of the strete waye. I gif xxd to amendyng the bell of Burley Chapell. Also I gif to Margarete my wif, v of my best kye, ij whies, and xx shepe. Also I gif to George my son, vj oxen. v kye, and ij stirke, and a bede of clothes. Also I gif Jenet Wraye a whie. Also I gif to Robt Wraye a meire, a foile and vj shepe. Also I gif Jane Wray my best brasse pott. My dette paid and fun'al expenses deducte, The residue of my goode I gyve and bequeath to Margarete my wif and George my soñe, to diuide it betwixt them ij by like porčons. Also I will that Margarete my wif and George my sone be my executors,

and John Thomson and Richard Thakewraye supervisors, that this my will and testament be fulfilled. Thies being wittenes, Sir John Wilke, Henry Thornell, John Thornell and Thomas Caiff.-Proved 15 August, 1526.]


(ix. 353.)

In Dei nomine Amen: Sexto die mensis Junij, Anno Domini, 1526. I Richarde Goodale of Sculbroke, hoole in mynde and with good will, make my testament in this maner. In primis, I gif my salle to Almyghtie Jħu, and our ladie sancte Marie, my bodye to be beried in the kirke yerde of Bristall of Peter and Paule. Item I gif my best whike good unto my mortuary. Item I gif unto the chapell of Tong xij. Item I will that Richarde my soñe be my assignes unto my farmehold, to occupy it at the terme of my indento. Item I will that Jenet my wif and Richarde my sone be my executors of all my goodę, and they to pay my dette and bryng mee furth with my owne goode. Itm I will that Jenet my wif and Richard my sone haue my draight al as it is and wayne plowghe and yoke, and termes and asimente. Itm I will that my other childer haue as muche other goode as theire parte comes to, of the forsaid draight and chymneth. The residue of all my good, I gif them unto my wif and my ij childer, after this my will be fulfillid. In wittenes herof, John Brooke, John Nettilton and William Whithed.-[Proved 31 August, 1526.]

(ix. 358.)

In the name of God Amen: the xxvjth day of January, the yere of of Lorde God mdxxvjth. I Thomas Boswell of Shereburne, hoole of mynde and of memory, make and ordens this my testament and last will in forme folowing. First, I bequeath my saull to Almyghtie God and to or Ladye Sancte Mary and to all the holye company of hevyn, and my bodie to be beried in the pishe churche of Alhallowes in Shereburne aforesaid. Item I bequeath my best beast for my mortuary. Item to the same hye altar of the same churche for my forgettyn tithes xijd. Item I bequeath to or ladye light in the same chapell xijd. Itm to Sancte Rooke light xijd. Item to Sancte Antony light viijd. Item to the iiij orders of Freres within the citie of Yorke, eu'y ichon of them a mette of barle Itm I bequeath to my sone Henry an acr of barlie. Itm I bequeath to Susannye my doughtor on quarter of barlie. Itm to Richard Smyth on bukskyne dublett. The residue of my goode, unbequest, I will and bequeath to Agnes my wif, whome I orden and make my executrice of this my present testament and last will, to dispose for the health of my sall as hir semeth best. Jeven at Shereburne the daye and yere aboue writtyn. Thies wittenes, Sir William Skynner, pishe [preiste], John Boswell, Thomas Stevynson, John Browne and other moo.-Proved 16 February, 1526-7.]

G. D. L.

Aire from

Survey of the River Aire

Leeds to
to Weeland.

From a MS. Book presented to the Society by Mr. ALDERSON-SMITH.

A SURVEY of the Land along the bank of the River Aire taken by Mr Sam Grover, Surveyor, for which he had 3 Guineas, taken

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