Bristol Channel, Pembroke Swansea Merthyr Tydfil R.Severn Cheltenham Gloucester SOxford Chelmsford Didle Brmingham Rugby Huntingdon Cromer King's Lynn Norwicha Yarmouth Newmarket Northampton Cambridge Ipswich Tewkesbury Bedford Aylesbury Hertford The Wash 52 Molchester Cricklade Bristol LONDON Destars Reading Bath Newbury Windsor vésend R.Thames Croydon Chatham Ramsgate Maidstone Basingstoke Guildford Canterbary Dover Bridgewater Wells Salahurive Aversion Tunbridge Folkestone A Handbook of English History M. J. Guest, Francis Henry Underwood tings Strait of Daver Calais Boulogne Eastbourne aven NEL |