EDITORIAL SUB-COMMITTEE. 7. There shall be an Editorial Sub-Committee, consisting of at least three members, who shall superintend the publications of the Association, and shall report their proceedings annually to the Committee. SUBSCRIPTION. 8. All Subscribing Members shall pay one guinea in advance, on the 1st of January in each year, to the Treasurer or his banker (or to either of the General Secretaries). WITHDRAWAL. 9. Members wishing to withdraw from the Association must give six months' notice to one of the General Secretaries, and must pay all arrears of subscriptions. PUBLICATIONS. 10. All Subscribing and Honorary Members shall be entitled to receive all the publications of the Association issued after their election (except any special publication issued under its auspices), together with a ticket giving free admission to the Annual Meeting. SECRETARIES. 11. The Secretaries shall forward, once a month, all subscriptions received by them to the Treasurer. TREASURER. 12. The accounts of the Treasurer shall be made up annually, to December 31st; and as soon afterwards as may be convenient, they shall be audited by two subscribing members of the Association, to be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. A balance-sheet of the said accounts, certified by the Auditors, shall be printed and issued to the members. BILLS. 13. The funds of the Association shall be deposited in a bank in the name of the Treasurer of the Association for the time being; and all bills due from the Association shall be countersigned by one of the General Secretaries, or by the Chairman of the Committee, before they are paid by the Treasurer. COMMITTEE-MEETING. 14. The Committee shall meet at least once a year for the purpose of nominating officers, framing rules for the government of the Association, and transacting any other business that may be brought before it. GENERAL MEETING. 15. A General Meeting shall be held annually for the transaction of the business of the Association, of which due notice shall be given to the members by one of the General Secretaries. SPECIAL MEETING. 16. The Chairman of the Committee, with the concurrence of one of the General Secretaries, shall have power to call a Special Meeting, of which at least three weeks' notice shall be given to each member by one of the General Secretaries. QUORUM. 17. At all meetings of the Committee five shall form a quorum. CHAIRMAN, 18. At the Annual Meeting the President, or, in his absence, one of the Vice-Presidents, or the Chairman of the Committee, shall take the chair; or, in their absence, the Committee may appoint a chairman. CASTING VOTE. 19. At all meetings of the Association or its Committee, the Chairman shall have an independent as well as a casting vote. REPORT. 20. The Treasurer and other officers shall report their proceedings to the General Committee for approval, and the General Committee shall report to the Annual General Meeting of Subscribing Members. TICKETS. 21. At the Annual Meeting, tickets admitting to excursions, exhibitions, and evening meetings, shall be issued to Subscribing and Honorary Members gratuitously, and to corresponding Members at such rates as may be fixed by the officers. ANNUAL MEETING. 22. The superintendence of the arrangements for the Annual Meeting shall be under the direction of one of the General Secretaries in conjunction with one of the Local Secretaries of the Association for the district, and a Local Committee to be approved of by such General Secretary. LOCAL EXPENSES. 23. All funds subscribed towards the local expenses of an Annual Meeting shall be paid to the joint account of the General Secretary acting for that Meeting and a Local Secretary; and the Association shall not be liable for any expense incurred without the sanction of such General Secretary. AUDIT OF LOCAL EXPENSES. 24. The accounts of each Annual Meeting shall be audited by the Chairman of the Local Committee, and the balance of receipts and expenses on each occasion be received, or paid, by the Treasurer of the Association, such audited accounts being sent to him as soon after the meeting as possible. ALTERATIONS IN THE RULES. 25. Any Subscribing Member may propose alterations in the Rules of the Association; but such alteration must be notified to one of the General Secretaries at least one month before the Annual Meeting, and he shall lay it before the Committee; and if approved by the Committee, it shall be submitted for confirmation at the next Meeting. August 17th, 1876. (Signed) C. C. BABINGTON, Chairman of the Committee. OF ARCHEOLOGICAL PAPERS PUBLISHED IN 1904 [BEING THE FOURTEENTH ISSUE OF THE SERIES AND COMPLETING THE INDEX FOR THE PERIOD 1891-1904] COMPILED BY BERNARD GOMME PUBLISHED BY ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & COMPANY LTD 16 JAMES STREET, HAYMARKET, S.W. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CONGRESS ARCHEOLOGICAL SOCIETIES IN UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF CONTENTS [Those Transactions for the first time included in the index are marked with an asterisk, the others are continuations from the indexes of 1891-1902. Transactions included for the first time are indexed from 1891 onwards.] Anthropological Institute Journal, N.S., vol. vii. pts. 1 and 2. Antiquaries, Ireland, Proceedings of Royal Society, 5th S. vol. xi. pt. 4, xiv. Archæologia, vol. lix. pt. 1. Archæologia Eliana, vol. xxiii. pt. 2, xxv. Archæologia Cambrensis, 6th S. vol. iv. Archæologia Oxoniensis, pts. 3, 4, 5 and 6. Archæological Institute, Journal, vol. Ixi. Associated Architectural Societies, Transactions, vol. xxvii. pt. 1. Barrow Field Club, Transactions, vol. xiii., xv., xvi. Bath Field Club, Transactions, vol. viii., ix., pts. 1, 2 and 3. Berks, Bucks and Oxfordshire Archæological Journal, vol. i., vii., pt. 4, viii., ix., x. pts. 1, 2 and 3. Biblical Archæology, Society of, Proceedings, vol. xxv. (from p. 337), xxvi. Birmingham and Midland Institute, Transactions, vol. xxx. Bristol and Gloucestershire Archæological Society, Transactions, vol. xxvi. pt. 2, xxvii. British Archæological Association, Journal, N.S., vol. x. British Architects, Royal Institute of, Journal, vols. x., xi. Buckinghamshire Architectural and Archæological Society, Records, vol. viii. pt. 6, ix. pt. 1. Chester and North Wales Archæological and Historical Society, Transactions, N.S., vol. vii. (1900), viii., ix., X., xi. Clifton Antiquarian, Club Proceedings, vol.v. pt. 3. Cornwall, Royal Institute of, Proceedings, vol. xii. pt. 2, xvi. pt. 1. Cumberland and Westmorland Archæological Society, Transactions, N.S., vol. iv. Cymmrodorion Society, Transactions, 1900–1, 1901–2, 1902–3, 1903–4. Derbyshire Archæological and Natural History Society, Transactions, vol. xxvi. Devonshire Association, Transactions, vol. xxxvi. Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, Proceedings, vol. xxv. Durham and Northumberland Archæological Society, Transactions, vol. v. (1896-9). 3 |