and pronounced to be a good article. The makers deserve the Third Premium. No. 615, files, by W. G. Greaves, deposited by J. A. Norris. Remarkably well made in every respect. After a close inspection and comparison with others exhibited, the judges award them the Third Premium. Nos. 617 and 715, planes, by E. W. Carpenter, of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. A good and well-made article, for which the maker is entitled to the Third Premium. No. 624, augers, by Sanford, Newton & Co., Meriden, Conn., deposited by Heaton & Denckla. These are a very superior made article in every respect, and merit the award of the First Premium. No. 626, hand cards, by Wm. Whittemore & Co., Boston, deposited by Heaton & Denckla. These appear to be substantial and well made of good materials. We award the Third Premium. No. 627, table cutlery, by G. W. Bartholomew, Berlin, Conn., deposited by Heaton & Denckla. Very well made, and a close imitation of the same description of English goods. The Third Premium. No. 631, hand cards, by Prentiss & Brother, Philadelphia. Equal in quality to any exhibited. The makers deserve the Third Premium. No. 650, planes, by Colton & Sheneman, Philadelphia. Very creditable specimens of the makers' art, and worthy of the Third Premium. No. 653, Pennsylvania axes, by Sharpless & Maris, Delaware county, Pa., deposited by J. M. Maris. These are beautiful specimens of the makers' skill, being of good form and strength, the surface free from imperfections and highly polished. The Third Premium. No. 656, currier's tools, by Hunt, Woodward & Conner, N. York, deposited by Pugh Madeira. These tools appear to be substantially made, though there is not much in their finish worthy of commendation. This being rather a new branch of business, we award the Third Premium. No. 671, shuttles, by Ellis Jackson, Philadelphia, neat and well made articles, entitling the manufacturer to the Third Premium. No. 678, brass kettles, by the Wolcottville Brass Company, Conn. These are the "brass battery wash kettle" and a good imitation of, and substitute for, the imported article. The Third Premium. No. 679, stocks and dies, by J. M. King, Waterford, N. Y., deposited by Curtis & Hand. Well made tools in every respect, and deserving of the Third Premium. No. 684, cast iron bolts, by T. F. Stanley, New Britain, Conn., deposited by Curtis & Hand. A substantial and beautiful article, which must supersede the old flimsy wrought bolts. The Third Premium. No. 695, planes, by John Coulter, Philadelphia. Creditable tools, made for use and not for exhibition; they are equal to any in the collection, and are worthy of the Third Premium. No. 1288, patent locks, by Littlefield, Patrick & Shannon. These maintain the high character obtained at former exhibitions. They appear to possess the great requisites for ordinary use, simplicity and durability. For neatness and general excellence, they at least deserve the Third Premium. No. 604, rasps and files, by Geo. Machin, Philadelphia; No. 610, tailors' shears, by R. Heinisch, Newark, N. J.; No. 611, iron castings, by Savery & Co., Philadelphia; No. 623, hinges, by the N. E. Butt Company; No. 674, hinges, by the American Butt Company; and No. 681, screws, by the N. E. Screw Company, are all very excellent articles, and fully sustain the reputation of their makers, who have received premiums at former exhibitions; but which do not evince sufficient improvement to justify new awards. No. 662, a card of iron castings, by Morris, Tasker & Morris. The specimen of casting which forms the border of this card is highly creditable, being sharp and smooth; but we would suggest that figures less faulty than those in the body of the card could be as easily cast, and would produce a more agreeable effect. No. 691, samples of metal buttons, plain and embossed, by Wadhams & Co., Wolcottville, Conn., deposited by S. Byerly & Co. Nos. 704 and 705, gilt and embossed buttons, by Scovill & Co., Waterbury, Conn., deposited by R. F. Chamberlain & Co. The workmanship on these buttons is good, and in most respects highly creditable to the makers. It is, however, a subject of regret that in preparing some of the dies for the embossed work, more perfect figures were not adopted. Of the following articles the judges speak in terms of approbation. No. 602, shovels and spades, by T. C. Wood, Philadelphia. No. 605, shovels, by Jas. Richards, Philadelphia. 608 and 609, chains, by Wm. Whitehouse, Philadelphia. 613, mortise lock, by R. Kinsley, Springfield, Mass. 616, hammers, hatchets and pincers, by C. Hammond, Cheltenham, Pa.; hay forks, by N. Harper, Philadelphia. 620, guns and pistols, by John Krider, Philadelphia. 637, ditto, by E. K. Tryon, Philadelphia. 625, stair rods, by L. P. Lee, New Britain, Conn. 627, small files, W. & J. Davis, N. Y. 627, latches, by Blake & Brothers, New Haven, Conn.: the last three numbers deposited by Heaton & Denckla. 646 and 692, screw wrenches, by S. Merrick, Springfield, Mass., deposited by Foote & Thompson, also by Curtis & Hand. 648, iron washers and fine wooden combs, deposited by Foote & Thompson. 649, Butt hinges, by Adams & Co., Pittsburgh. 652, brass furniture, F. Gordon & Son, Philadelphia. 665, stair rods, by Edward Jones, Philadelphia. 673, patent vice, by C. Parker, Meriden, Conn. 680, plane irons, by W. Field, R. I. 682, locks and latches by Pierpont, Mallery & Co., New Haven, Conn. 682, scythes, by Darling, Mass. 686, augers, scissors and shoe knives, by various makers; the last five numbers deposited by Curtis & Hand. 687, annealed iron castings for locks, by Cyrus Mowville, N. J., deposited by J. B. Shannon. 689, saws, by E. & J. Turner, Philadelphia. 707, locks and leaf holders, by Joseph Nock, Philadelphia. It is to be regretted, that many beautiful specimens in this department came too late to be submitted to the inspection of the judges. Among them may be mentioned: No. 719, cleavers, by John Beaty; 710, plated butt hinges, by C. Cowdrick; 712, carpenters' rules, by W. Thrall, Conn.; 726, lock furniture, by Hicks Manufacturing Company, Conn.; 725, carpenters' rules, by H. Chapin, Conn.; 731, Augers, by John Conrad & Son, Montgomery county, Pa.; 720, iron squares and trowels, deposited by Heaton & Denckla; 724, circular and mill saws, by J. Paul, Philadelphia; 716, lock, by Joseph Nock; 736, shovel, tongs, etc., by J. D. Byrne, Trenton, N. J.; 730, axes, hatchets, etc., by Madeira & Humphreys, Chambersburg, Pa.; 723, scythes, by Mansfield & Holman, Smithfield, R. I. IX.-Saddlery, Harness, and Trunks The articles in this department, though possessing no marked superiority over those of former exhibitions, were generally well made, and reflected credit upon the manufacturers. No. 380, a set of double harness, by Robert Carey, of Philadelphia, is new and tasteful in its ornaments, and particularly neat and well finished. It sustains the high character of the maker, to whom is awarded the First Premium. No. 323, whips, by Pearson & Sallada, Philadelphia, are very neat and handsome articles, and are deemed worthy of the Second Premium. No. 344, saddle and military equipments, by S. A. Hagner, Philadelphia. Creditable for taste and general arrangement, as well as for excellence of workmanship. It merits the Third Premium. The judges also notice with approbation, No. 301, bridle bits, by Benjamin Welsh, Philadelphia; No. 378, trunks, by A. L. Hickey & Co.; No. 343, trunk and valise, by John F. Unruh; No. 331, a carpet bag, with improved clasp, by T. Laws; No. 309, trunk, by T. W. Mattson; Nos. 308 and 325, fly nets, by J. G. Mertz, and by August Miller; No. 310, spring trotting saddle, by W. Hawkins, Jr., and No. 363, light double harness, by M. Warne. A number of articles belonging to this division were brought after 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning, and were consequently too late to come under the notice of the judges. X.-Models and Machinery. Although this department contained a great number of articles, many of which were ingenious, useful, and meritorious, the Committee have again to express their regret that this flourishing branch of the mechanic arts was not more fully represented. In order to enable moving machinery to be favorably exhibited, motive power was provided at considerable expense; but it was employed by comparatively few depositors. The display of working machinery adds greatly to the attractive interest of an exhibition, and would also, as it seems to the Committee, be much to the advantage of those who have new or interesting machines, with whose performance they desire to make the public acquainted. In accordance with the report of the judges, the Committee make the following awards: No. 1610, Boiler flues and gas pipes, by Morris, Tasker & Morris, Philadelphia. These articles are of admirable formation and excellent workmanship, and we think them worthy of the First Premium. No. 1660, a power loom, by Alfred Jenks, Bridesburg, Pennsylvania. A neat and well finished machine, which the Committee regret was not kept at work during the exhibition-nevertheless they award it the First Premium. No. 1628, a portable grist mill and bolt, Fitzgerald's patent, deposited by Charles Ross & Co., New York. A valuable article for frontier and economical use, which is deemed worthy of the Second Premium. No. 1658, tin work for factory purposes, by J. W. Butterworth, Philadelphia. Well made and substantial; deserving the Second Premium. No. 1510, a cheese press, by James Edwards, Delaware county, Penn. Remarkably ingenious, pressing regularly and constantly by the weight of the cheese itself, and being of simple and economical construction. It merits the Third Premium. No. 1511, a portable forge, by J. H. Gilbert, Peekskill, N. Y., deposited by Charles Jewell, Philadelphia. Ingenious and compact; but recommended to be made stronger in the working parts. Third Premium. No. 1512, platform scales, by E. & T. Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury, Vt., deposited by D. P. Bussier, Philadelphia. Well made, neatly finished, and a trial shows as much delicacy as could be desired consistent with durability. We award the Third Premium. No. 1657, scales, by J. D. Dale, Lansingburg, N. Y. Third Premium. No. 1598, a mortising machine, by Wm. H. Howard & Son, Philadelphia. A well arranged instrument, to which the judges recommend the Third Premium. No. 1611, a locomotive lantern, by N. Rogers, Utica, N. Y., an article of good appearance and construction, deserving the Third Premium. No. 1596, iron fire proof safe, lined with soap-stone, by Evans & Watson. A very good article, of excellent materials and workmanship, worthy of the Second Premium. No. 1553, blacksmiths' bellows, (40 inch) by R. H. Eckstein, remarkably well made, and deserving the Third Premium. No. 1582, blacksıniths' bellows, with improved nozzle, by G. W. Metz. A very good article, to which we award the Third Premium. No. 603, a corpse preserver, by John Good; ; an ingenious device for preserving dead bodies. The Third Premium. No. 1501, a plough and cultivator, by Brown & Eyre, Newtown, Bucks county, Penn. These are substantial, well made and neatly finished implements. The plough has the appearance of ease to the draft and a good turn of the mould-board. We recommend its trial by the Agricultural Society, and award to the makers of these articles the Third Premium. A lot of agricultural implements is also deposited by D: O. Prouty. These are of approved construction and good workmanship, worthy of the well-known establishment from which they come. The judges notice the following as worthy of approbation: No. 1552, letter press and table, by Charles Evans; 1553 and 1570, blacksmiths' bellows, by M. S. Reeve, pickers for looms, by B. A. Holbrook, Providence, R. I., deposited by Wm. Steel; 1582, specimens of ornamental castings, by Lloyd & Co.; 1594, a lateral shower bath, by P. B. Forsyth & Brothers, deposited by F. A. Fisher; 1613 and 1614, shower and vapor baths, deposited by J. Foster; 1635, wire work, by J. & D. Sellers; 1636, machine cards, by Sellers & Pennock; 1506, very well made bricks, of various patterns, by W. G. & C. Lybrand. Many ingenious and well made articles were, as usual, deposited too late to be entered on the lists furnished to the judges. Among these we feel bound to notice a well constructed Cupola or Forge blower, of Dimpfel's patent, from the establishment of J. Kisterbock, on account of its own merit, as well as the good service it performed in stimulating the fire under the boiler of our steam engine in the lower saloon. The following articles, being new inventions, are recommended to the Committee on Science and Arts of the Franklin Institute, for a more extended examination: No. 1534, diaphragm water filter, by W. H. Jennison; 1536, canal boat propeller, by Powers & Dunott; 1550, double forcing pump, by Wm. Romans; 1554, flexible truck for locomotives, by Norris; 1581, governor, by N. Scholfield; 1586, smut machine, by L. Tyson; 1575, wire heddles, by A. J. Williams; 1606, cotton cleaner, by B. Seguine; 1637, centrifugal pump, by Johnson & Lewis; 1645 and 1646, exercising swing and portable vapor bath, by Dr. Ross. XI.-Stoves and Grates. The spirited competition which exists among our enterprizing stove manufacturers, generally secures a full display in this branch of the exhibition. New forms and ingenious devices for improvement appear at each succeeding season, and in the great variety deposited in our lower saloon, ample opportunity is afforded the public to choose according to taste, convenience or fancy. The judges appointed to examine this department express their satisfaction with the variety and general convenience of the articles brought under their notice, and, after diligent inspection, recommend the following awards: No. 1526, Atwood's empire cook stove, made by Atwood, Cole & Crane, Troy, N. Y., deposited by E. Fizell, also by F. P. Wagner. Intended for burning coal, of neat form and satisfactory operation, meriting the First Premium. No. 1652, air-tight cook stove, by P. P. Stewart, deposited by North & Harrison. This stove is calculated for coal or wood, though coal only was used in it during the exhibition. Its performance was satisfactory, and to it also is awarded the First Premium. No. 1640, five stoves, of different kinds and patterns, by Jordan L. Mott, N. Y., deposited by Williams & Hinds. The ingenuity and perseverance of Mr. Mott in originating and introducing a variety of useful improvements and new principles of construction in stoves, have not only been creditable to himself, but have acted as an incentive to other stove makers to push forward in the race of competition. To his stoves the judges award the First Premium. No. 1656, a portable cooking range, by Julius Fink, of PhiladelVOL. X. 3RD SERIES.-No. 6-DECEMBER, 1845. 33 |